The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1402 Death Triangle Area

Ephraim and David, who were driving in front, were about to pee out in a hurry.

Marlboro's face turned pale and his lips trembled in fright, and under the constant threat of bullets, his body shrank into a shrimp in the car.

Long Zhan was able to hold back his emotions, but his expression also became embarrassing.

Make bricks without straw.

Although there are 6000 fucking pistols in the car, it's still Beretta's hardcover.

But there was not a single bullet, not a single one.

Long Zhan can't go down with the oil drum and fight with a dozen terrorists with guns on the opposite side. Although he is more fierce, he is not American Superman.

He can't physically resist bullets!

The only thing Long Zhan can do is to refuel quickly, let the car drink enough to run faster, and let him wait for a while to figure out a way.

"Fack, Fack..."

"You bastard, drive to Baghdad? Why are you driving to Baghdad?"

Following Ephraim and David's expletives, the truck's windshield rearview mirror was shot one after another, and the sound of glass breaking was very permeating.

"Damn, it can't go on like this."

Just when Long Zhan looked at the goods on the car, and was about to give full play to his greatest advantage, he grabbed these wooden boxes of equipment weighing hundreds of catties, threw them over like the two pickup trucks behind, and knocked over the two leather pants.

The two pickups that had been chased by less than 30 meters suddenly stopped on the road.

David had been paying attention to the rear, and also noticed the abnormality of the pickup truck, and shouted excitedly: "Stop, they stopped the car."

"Fuck, what happened? Look ahead."

Instead of looking back, Ephram yelled at the panic ahead.

David Hades turned his head forward again.

In the next second, "Oh, Falk!"

I saw a cool Apache gunship flying from the front along the ground at high speed, and the target seemed to be this truck.

There were two vehicles of militants chasing after him, and an armed helicopter appeared in front.

Everlam thought for 0.5 seconds.

Resolutely continue to slam on the accelerator, and rush towards the front.

The militants behind are all perverted lunatics, and their life or death is uncertain when they fall into their hands, while the Apache helicopter gunship in front must be the US military.

As a standard American, I will definitely not embarrass myself.

Even if they are found to be smuggling weapons, they will only be caught and locked up.

Compared with being shot to death in the back, the front is obviously more profitable.

Just as Efram was racing forward, he found that the helicopter passed over his head and stopped directly above the pickup truck.

The target was obviously the two pickups behind, not their truck.

Seeing that the pickup truck was forced to dare not move, and the armed helicopter did not catch up, Ephram and David, who learned that they escaped from birth, suddenly felt as if they were reborn.

He clapped excitedly and laughed.

Marlboro, who was frightened in the back of the car, saw the armed helicopter driving the pickup truck away, and also shouted happily.

This feeling of narrow escape made every cell of him excited.

Long Zhan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the Apache helicopter in front of him, he couldn't help but recall that Iraq was his second home when he was still in the Marine Corps.

So many years have passed.

Once again on the territory of Iraq, Long Zhan felt a lot of emotions when he saw the regular army of the U.S. Army.


After half an hour.

Inside the Green Zone Barracks in Baghdad.

A non-commissioned officer Xiaoxin knocked on the door, pushed open the half-closed door and walked in, as if sleeping on the sofa, Captain Santos who hadn't woken up said: "Sir, sir, how many people are there to pick you up? "

"How many people want to see me?"

Captain Santos rubbed his eyes and asked doubtfully, "What kind of person?"

"They said it was for you to deliver Beretta," said the sergeant.

"Send Beretta?"

Captain Santos turned over from the sofa, took his hat and walked outside.

Because of the pistol, he didn't sleep well last night. In the end, he didn't go to bed and slept on the sofa.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up, the gun would arrive.

This surprised Captain Santos.

When I came outside, I saw an old truck with four people standing beside it.

One is neither tall nor thin, the other is tall and thin, the other is fat like a balloon, and the other is tall and strong, standing there like a white giant.

"Are you from AEY?" Captain Santos asked in astonishment.

"Yes, sir, I'm David Pehaus, and this is Ephraim Diuli, the company's shareholder. He is our bodyguard, Dragon King, and this is our guide, Marlboro."

David quickly introduced the four people present, sent the goods list and said, "This is the Beretta you want, you can check it out."

"We spoke, on the phone," Everlam added.

"I remember……"

Captain Santos took a casual glance, looked at the goods on the manifest, walked to the unloaded goods, and took out a gun from the open box.


After checking the bracelet, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and the gun was thrown back into the box.

Pointing to the gun, he said in surprise: "You guys delivered these goods yourself? Crossing the death triangle? Just use this broken truck?"

"The triangle of death?"

When David heard the word for the first time, he felt the hairs on his back.

If he knew the road was called this when he came, he would not use a truck to deliver the goods if he was killed. He didn't want to lose his life if he didn't make money.

Ephram actually didn't know, but fortunately, he reacted relatively quickly.

He nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, we delivered it in person. You can check if there is any problem. If there is no problem, please pay the final payment."

"Jip, take a few of them to the warehouse and find logistics to pay them."

Captain Santos was also very straightforward, and immediately arranged for the sergeant to take someone to get the money.

And walked in front of Ephram, shook hands with Ephram and said: "Good job, lads, I misread you before."

As he spoke, he shook hands with David and Long Zhan one by one, with a particularly bright smile on his face.

Received the goods, the problem is solved, the mood is naturally good.

After speaking, Captain Santos left to ask someone to come and get the goods.

David said excitedly: "Did you hear that? The Death Delta? We actually passed through the Death Zone. We are so awesome."

"Hey Hey."

Ephraim gave out his trademark strange smile, and said happily: "Yes, this is the honor of AEY, we can conquer any death triangle, nothing can stop us, including your mother's crotch.

I have to keep something as a souvenir, take a photo of it, hang it on the company's honor wall, and keep it as a souvenir in the future to prove our rise. "

After speaking, he took out his camera and threw it to the sergeant, "Jip, please take a photo for us, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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