The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1416 A Fu Han officially withdraws his troops

Long Zhan originally came to find his younger brother, and he really took a fancy to Ephraim at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, a big order of 2000 million was made, and the promising Ephram exposed his nature, which made Long Zhan completely disappointed in him.

Now Ephram and David are full of numbness, and I am afraid it will not be resolved in a short time.

Three months is the limit for Long Zhan, and he has no time to play house with them here, so he can only return to Salt Lake City regrettably.

But before leaving.

Long Zhan deliberately left David's phone number, and expressed his appreciation for his ability, and gave him the phone number of Giant God Company, which was a hint.

At this time, the President of the United States has officially announced that the withdrawal of troops from the Deputy Khan will begin before May 5.

And before September 9 of the same year, all US soldiers were evacuated from Afghanistan.

This means that the longest and most expensive war in American history is expected to come to an end on the special occasion of the 9th anniversary of the "11" terrorist attack.

In the past four months, Tucker has been communicating with the US government in the name of Jushen Company.

Because Titan Company had a "savior", Long Zhan single-handedly saved the president and the entire United States, allowing Jucheng Company and the US government to have an unprecedentedly good communication channel.

Jushen Company ruthlessly gnawed down a large chunk of the various interests related to the withdrawal of Deputy Khan's troops.

Originally just wanted to join in the fun and eat some leftovers from the hands of the giants, the giant company has become one of the masters of this game in one fell swoop.

Especially for the two aspects of "abandoned munitions" and "abandoned army property" that Long Zhan cares about most, Jushen Company has obtained exclusive rights.

All the military equipment and equipment that the U.S. military does not intend to take away from the territory of Abu Khan belong to the U.S. military, and all of them are purchased by Jushen Company.

The specific purchase price has not been determined, and it will be negotiated between Jushen Company and various bases.

Military equipment is in each base!
Tucker just talked about the main route, and the various details and the final signing of the contract had to be signed by Long Zhan himself.

It's not that Long Zhan needs to sign in person, but that he, the savior of the United States, needs to appear on the stage.

As long as Long Zhan stops there, the Ministry of Defense and the President of the United States will become very talkative, and it will be logical to sign the contract at that time.

After signing various related contracts, audit procedures, etc., all the required permits are in place.

At that time, Long Zhan will have to go to Afu Khan in person, and with hundreds of contractors from Jushen Company, he will start to enter Afu Khan and start mopping up.

Strive to do it.

As long as it can be dragged out and sold, not a single nail will be left for him.

As for the person in charge of the company's munitions department, who will ultimately lead the sale of these equipment, Long Zhan now has a suitable candidate in mind.

Not Everam, who was eliminated.

A person with ambition and class may be able to become a hero, but he will definitely not be a qualified company employee, a good "labor force" that can bring wealth to the company.

And David's ability to do things conscientiously, his character of being honest and responsible, coupled with the core of being able to make money safely and securely, is only for the family.

As long as he can take good care of his wife and the child in his wife's womb.

David is the best employee!
But David didn't know at the moment that he had been appointed by Long Zhan as the head of the arms department, and he was about to embark on his road to becoming a billionaire.

At this time, David's financial income was cut off because he didn't get the money.

You can't live long with your savings alone.

In order to maintain the mortgage of the luxury sea view house and the expenses of his pregnant wife, David can only resume his old job and continue to work as a door-to-door masseuse.

Although his income plummeted all of a sudden, David couldn't do anything about it.

He didn't have the money to start an arms company, and he couldn't get the permits and licenses required by arms dealers. The arms selling skills he learned from Ephraim were useless at all.

Applying for a job at a military contractor company is tantamount to being blind.

He only has a high school diploma. In this era when college students can't find a job, how could he get into the most difficult military contractor company.

Before he finds a better way of making a living, all David can do is go back to his old job.

Just two weeks after this happened.

Ephraim suddenly asked a friend, who was also David's friend and an investor in AEY, to share 10% of AEY's profits with him.

Responsible for being a peacemaker in the middle, inviting David to reconcile.

David still has a glimmer of hope for Efram, and there is really no good way to make money.

Thinking that if Ephram can change his mind and give himself a few million dollars, or a sincere apology, it is not impossible to go back to work.

So David agreed to the invitation and followed the peacemaker to a coffee shop.

Ephram has been waiting here for a long time, and his attitude seems to be very sincere. When he saw Dawei approaching, he took the initiative to say hello.

Giving David a hug and saying, "Hey bro, glad you're here."

Seeing that Ephram was all this, David, who was sullen, thought that Ephram had really changed, so he forced a smile.

Both sides are seated.

Everlam offered an apology, saying: "Sorry, so much has happened."

"Me too."

David pouted.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I still feel that I can't let you leave empty-handed. After all, you have done a lot of work."

Ephraim's words were obviously about giving money, and David's expression became more relaxed, and his smile became wider. He asked curiously, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I had Warren draft a severance contract, which I thought was fair."

Ephram took out a contract from his bag, pushed it to David from the table, and said, "I'm going to give you 4 yuan a year for the next four years, which is regarded as your resignation compensation." .”

David, who originally had a smile on his face, turned dark when he heard this compensation method.

"Only 20 million?"

David sneered, shook his head, and cursed: "Are you fucking kidding me? I found the bullet business, I found the suppliers, I'm responsible for the delivery, and I'm doing everything. .

You also deducted Henry’s money, and I earned you nearly 3000 million dollars, so you just lend me 20?4 years of installments?Are you disgusting me? "

David scolded Ephraim angrily, turned his head to the right and taunted the peacemaker: "This is what you call mediation? Didn't you fucking tell me earlier, 4 a year, I really thank you so much .”

David is really angry now.

At first, I thought that Ephram would change his mind and share some of the money he earned, even if the business failed, the benevolence and justice would still be there.

Unexpectedly, Ephram was still the same, and the mean temper of a profiteer had been engraved on his bones.

(End of this chapter)

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