Chapter 142 Rejection of Early Action
The dragon battle plan is very concise and clear, and the two cores stand out.

Contact the base and urge the base to act as soon as possible.

If these two points cannot be completed, Long Zhan also clearly described the series of troubles that will arise to everyone present.

Murphy understood the plan of Yilong Zhan, and not being able to enter the night here was the key.

In other respects, there is indeed no flaw.

He is personally satisfied with Long Zhan's plan. If everything can be done according to Long Zhan's words, this set of tasks will basically not have much risk.


The SEALs are a team-oriented force, and the commander never engages in any dictatorship. The new plan of the Dragon War still has to go through a process.

"Gibran has described his plan in detail, if you agree to implement it, please raise your hand."

After finishing speaking, Murphy was the first to raise his hand.

Marcus, Dietz, Matt and Long Zhan himself raised their right hands.

Unanimously approved!

A new plan has been formulated, and the next step is to follow the plan. Murphy began to arrange new tasks for everyone.

"Gibran, the shepherd and sheep are here for you, is there any problem?" Murphy asked.

"No problem, don't worry leave it to me." Long Zhan replied.

"Matt, you continue to be responsible for the overall investigation of the village, focusing on Shah. No matter if he has any abnormalities, you must notify me as soon as possible."

After making arrangements for Matt, Murphy said to Marcus, "Go and help Matt, and take turns to rest and refresh yourself."

In the end, the remaining Dietz became a fake communicator, and Murphy simply arranged for him to follow him to monitor the satellite phone at any time.

Once the mobile phone has a communication signal, it can remind him to contact the base in time.

The five members of the team each received a new task, and the tense atmosphere eased down, and they did not lose their balance because of the appearance of the Mulan people.

The original plot of letting go of the three shepherds and then hurriedly going to the hidden observation point did not happen again.

When Long Zhan strengthened and tied the two shepherds and returned to the tree for vigilance, everything was basically the same as before the arrival of the shepherds.

The time soon came to 10:20.

As Long Zhan said at the beginning, the shepherds were controlled here, and no one from the remaining villages was sent to check.

Murphy, who had been squinting under the tree for nearly an hour, was woken up by Dietz.

The satellite phone has signal.

The satellite communication window period every two hours lasted for about 10 minutes, and Murphy immediately dialed the Heisler Olete Operations Command Center.

"Ding ding ding..."

The more Christensen disconnected from the last call, he stayed in front of the call and did not leave.

As soon as the phone rang, I immediately grabbed it and asked anxiously, "Mike? Is that you?"

"I'm Michael Murphy. I need to talk to the commander urgently. Please help me find him immediately." The communication was distorted. Murphy didn't recognize that it was Christensen.

"I'm Christensen Yue, Mike, what's the situation with you?"

"Commander, I finally got in touch with you."

Murphy let out a long breath, and Hui reported: "We have confirmed the target Shah, and something unexpected happened. A shepherd broke into our incubation area."


Christensen's heart tightened, and he frowned and asked quickly, "Can the situation be brought under control? Can the mission continue?"

"The situation is currently under control. The solution proposed by Gibran is very effective. There should be no problems before dark."

Murphy paused for a while, and asked, "The target of the operation has been confirmed. When will the Rick James operation start?"

"You killed the shepherd?"

When Christensen heard that it was Gibran's plan, he immediately thought of Long Zhan's ferocious figure, and he was naturally connected to violent means.

"We are not butchers of civilians, we just tied them up and controlled them."

Murphy explained briefly, and still brought the topic back to the action and asked: "It is impossible to predict whether there will be other unexpected situations. Can the Rick James operation start before dark?"

"I'm afraid it won't work, the action is too dangerous."

Christensen refused on the spot, perhaps because he realized that the situation of Murphy's team was not very good, and made a special trip to explain: "There are more than 200 Taliban in the village of Kadaku, and operations during the day will cause a lot of casualties."

It is believed that 90% of the small-scale special operations conducted by the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan are at night.

With the help of the field of view advantage of equipment such as night vision goggles, you can be caught off guard while the mission target is sleeping.

Strike with the advantage of equipment crushing, usually the casualty rate is very low.

Sneak attacks during the day can only be carried out in frontal assaults, and the casualty rate is too high, so they are rarely carried out.

Murphy also knew the situation in the Middle East theater, but they couldn't stay here until late at night, so they could only fight for it: "The shepherds can't rush back to the village before nightfall, and someone from the village will definitely come out to investigate.

No matter what method we use, we cannot guarantee that we will not be exposed.

If we evacuated before dark, there would be no guarantee that Shah would remain in Kadaku, and the operation would likely fail.

Commander, I must be responsible for my team, I hope you can start the operation in advance. "

Christensen heard what Murphy meant. He didn't want to fail this mission, and he didn't want his team to be in danger.

He also wants to start operations as soon as possible to clear Shah and his armed groups as soon as possible.

But he is the chief commander of this operation, and he needs to consider the overall situation in each operation, not just take care of a reconnaissance team.

If in order to reduce the risk of Murphy's team, the price is to increase the risk of 10 people in the rapid reaction force.

From a commander's point of view...

Definitely not worth it.

Therefore, Christensen's answer was straightforward: "The risk of operating during the day is too high, and it is easy to accidentally injure civilians. I don't want to get into big trouble."

Mike, the scheduled time of operation is 9:[-] pm, I believe in your ability to come up with a solution. "

(End of this chapter)

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