The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1422 Arriving at the Embassy

The U.S. military is losing the Deputy Khan, and its control over Afghanistan is being greatly weakened. It can be said that a large troop withdrawal is the general trend.

Up to the US government, down to the US soldiers.

Everyone knows that Afghanistan will not be here long, and it will soon have to pack up and leave.

As an American soldier who lived at the bottom, Hansen didn't want to get into any trouble. He just wanted to get through the final stage safely and return to the United States intact. There was nothing shameful about it.

After all, they were originally a group of invaders, and it was normal for them to be driven away.

Hansen is a very cheerful and talkative person. He started the car and started talking, "Mr. Gibran, where are you from?"

"I'm from Chicago." Long Zhan replied.

"Wow, City of Sin, no wonder you are so strong. In that place, if you don't grow as strong as you, I don't think I can grow up." Hansen said humorously.

"It's still very fun. If you feel itchy and want to beat someone up, you can find them all over the street. It's not troublesome at all."

Long Zhan also had an American humor, and then asked, "What about you?"


Hansen smiled and said, "I'm home all over the world. My dad is a professional soldier. He was a Marine Corps guard for 12 years. I ran with him for 12 years."

"Really? Growing up in the Marine Corps, that's pretty good." Long Zhan said.

"Of course, otherwise, people would say that I am the son of the Marine Corps, haha." Hansen laughed.

Long Zhan and Hansen were chatting in the car, but the speed of the car couldn't get up at all. In the crowded Kabul, the driving environment is too bad.

Pedestrians here have no sense of giving way to cars at all, and just scurry around on the main road.

Not only are there groups of children, ignoring the cars and running around on the road, even adults are the same, treating the road as their own back garden.

Especially for those who are driving a flock of sheep, it is simply a nightmare for cars.

Unless you take a detour and pass by other roads, you can only walk slowly behind your butt, because money will never give way.

These are relatively good, but they block the road and the car cannot drive quickly.

10 kilometers per hour at most.

The most troublesome thing is that because the Tari version is getting stronger and stronger, the resistance consciousness of the local Afghans is becoming more and more intense, and the Afghans have no way to effectively control it.

Afghans can be seen everywhere on the street, holding various signs against the United States.

There are even Afghans who clarified the absolute, holding signs to block the road, led by the leader of the organization, constantly shouting various anti-American slogans.

As a standard American, in this anti-American world, I really feel a little uncomfortable.

At this snail-like speed, Hansen drove the Toyota Cruiser along the way, and arrived outside the US embassy half an hour later.

Elsewhere there were crowds of protesters in the streets, with the U.S. embassy at its worst.

Hundreds of Afghans holding various signs and even writing on paper on their chests blocked the gate of the US embassy.

The sign reads:

"Americans are not welcome in our country."

"Americans are aggressors, not saviors."

"If you have unlimited freedom of speech, please calmly accept our response."


All kinds of slogans emerged one after another, and the Afa people holding the slogans were very excited, shouting heart-piercingly with their hands raised high.

Seeing a car coming from the gate, the group of protesters did not leave, but instead rushed over and surrounded the car.

"Home sweet home."

Hansen seemed to be used to this kind of scene, and he was still in the mood to make a little joke.

No matter how tight the car was surrounded, it still drove forward at a slow speed, basically moving forward against the four-dimensional crowd.

"Is this place so chaotic? Don't the domestic newspapers say that Afghans like the United States very much?"

David had never seen such a battle before, so he was so frightened that he closed the window, still nervous through a layer of glass, for fear that people from outside would rush in.

"Don't worry, this kind of protest is commonplace. They are just bluffing. If someone really makes trouble, those guys inside will rush up immediately and push their compatriots to the ground."

Hansen looked outside the gate of the embassy at the Afghan guards wearing body armor.

"Who are they, not American soldiers?" David asked.

"These men are the local Royal Guard."

Hansen joked in a humorous way, explaining: "They surround the embassy, ​​the outer circle. It's all their territory."

At first glance, these security guards with guns looked like Afghans. They were indeed Afghan security guards hired by the embassy.

They guard the side of the most dangerous gate, and all American soldiers work inside. This is the most common method used by the US government in war-torn countries.

That is to let the local people bear the danger, so that their own people can be safe to the greatest extent.

Seeing the Toyota Cruiser approaching, two Afghan guards came up and pushed people away roughly to make it easier for the car to get in.

Until the car came to the gate and stopped at the closed gate of the embassy.

From the security kiosk next to the gate, an Afghan guard came out, came to the door of the driver's cab and said, "Hey, buddy, you came back very quickly, how are you all?"

"We're very good."

Hansen stretched out his hand to bump his fist, and then introduced to Long Zhan and the two: "Mohammed, the first person in charge of our Royal Guard."

Then he introduced Long Zhan and said, "The distinguished guest of the ambassador, Mr. Gibran, is here to discuss business, and beside him is his companion David."

"Welcome here. If you need anything, you can tell me at any time, and I will help you. I have more contacts here than the Internet."

Muhammad's cowhide blew loudly, but he didn't know if his strength was really that strong.

"Then I thank you first." Long Zhan said with a smile.

"Open the door, man."

Hansen patted Muhammad's chest and motioned him to hurry back to them.

"see you later."

Muhammad raised his hand in salute, returned to the guard room and pressed the switch.


There was a sound of motor current.

The gate of the embassy, ​​which is very bulky at first glance, retracts under the drive of the electric motor, revealing the gate leading to the inside of the embassy.

There is a sentry box on the left inside the door, and a larger cement flat-roofed room on the right.

There were several pothead guards wearing camouflage uniforms and only carrying pistols.

From this point of view, it can be seen that the escort work of the embassy is all in the charge of the Marine Corps.

The road was completely sealed off with concrete piers, leaving only a road with a car frame, and a red and white crossbar in the middle.

Seeing the Toyota Cruiser driving in, the red, white and red crossbars were automatically pushed up.

(End of this chapter)

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