The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1426 Familiar figure

Like a madman, Albright broke away from the team and rushed alone, completing a good CQB and completing a Battlefield game.

When Long Zhan saw all this outside, he shook his head uncontrollably.

He is used to being in the top troops, and when he returns to these grassroots troops, many things are unforgivable in his opinion.

However, in the grassroots troops, the operation of any artifact can be seen.

David didn't know the stakes. He only saw Albright rushing all the way, gods blocking gods and Buddhas blocking Buddhas, and couldn't help shouting: "This guy is really powerful, he must be the best soldier here."

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

This sentence can be said to be vividly displayed in David's body.

A layman only saw Albright killing all the way, as awesome as American Superman, but an insider would know how nasty this guy is.

Albright rushed all the way to the innermost room.

The sergeant major wearing sunglasses was controlled by Baidu, who was fully armed. He stood in front of his body and used it as a human shield to defend Albright.

"Put the gun down, put the gun down."

The gangster held a pistol to the back of the Master Chief's head and threatened Albright to put the gun down.

However, Albright not only did not let go, but approached step by step.

At this time.

The other marines finally caught up. At this moment, they didn't bother to pursue Albright's responsibility, and helped him point the gun at the gangster together.

They followed the persecution of the gangsters together, shouting: "Let go of the hostages, raise your hands and surrender."

"Impossible, put down your guns, and I'll kill him if you don't climb over the wall." The gangster retreated to the corner while threatening the marines.

Albright continued to press forward, forcing the gangster into the corner.

Suddenly raised his hand and shot.


The gun went off.

A rubber bullet flew over and hit the gangster behind him right in the face.

Even if he was wearing an explosion-proof helmet, the bullet did not penetrate the front mask, and the impact kinetic energy of the bullet's impact caused the gangster to throw his head back violently, and his neck was almost twisted suddenly when the incident happened.

"Fake, are you crazy? Is this a robbery?" the gangster yelled angrily.

Albright was very satisfied with his operation. According to the procedure, the gun moved forward to protect the ambassador and took him out of the building to complete the task.

The positions of the other team members at this time have also come to the forefront.

at this time.

An armed headshot ran out from behind, holding a gun and shooting at a group of marines with their backs turned to him, holding the trigger and shooting.

Rubber bullets swished out, hitting all six marines.

The severe pain caused everyone to scream.

Everyone danced disco on the spot, their bodies shaking in various ways.

There are all kinds of charlatans, bitches, and bastards.

"Clap clap clap..."

Not gunshots, but applause.

The Master Chief clapped his hands towards Albright, and said sarcastically, "Congratulations, you successfully killed the entire team. You did a great job."

"This is the Middle East, not the Wild West."

"Do you think you're a cowboy?"

"You have been here for a few days, do you think you are very powerful?"


None of the team members had a good tone, and they all caught Albright sneering and sarcastic, and some even wanted to go up and beat him up.

Albright took off his helmet and frowned, not feeling that he had done anything wrong.

"You shouldn't risk rushing forward. You are too strong. You should rely on the strength of the team and stay vigilant, instead of rushing forward alone, destroying the entire team formation, losing the proper field of vision and observation, and falling into a dangerous situation. In the middle, that corner should be your place."

The Master Chief analyzed the reasons for Albright and warned: "I hope this is your first and last time."

Then he said to the others: "Albright stays, the others leave first."

"Fuck you, pretentious bastard."

There was also a Marine who was not relieved and stared at Albright and scolded him before leaving. Several other marines raised their middle fingers at Albright.

Albright offended the entire team at once because of his selfishness.

After everyone left, the Master Chief walked up to Albright seriously and said: "As long as the target is safe, the government may not care about casualties.

But I care, understand? "

"Got it, Sergeant Gunney." Albright said expressionlessly.

"I know you are very good in China, and you always take the first place in various training subjects, but here, you don't have to be the first forever, Albright, sometimes, excellent marines have to stay behind of."

Sergeant Gunney finished speaking very seriously, and patted Albright on the shoulder before leaving.

Albright was expressionless.

No one knew what was on his mind.

"Newcomers always want to express themselves more, this is their common problem."

Hansen curled his lips and said helplessly: "Mr. Gibran, I wanted to bring you to see the Marine Corps, but I didn't expect to make you laugh. I'm sorry."

"This newcomer's personal qualities are quite good, but he is too competitive. If he has the opportunity to train, he may become a good soldier, but for now..."

Long Zhan smiled, but didn't say anything later.

"Come on, I'll take you to the restaurant. It's time to have something to eat."

Hansen didn't talk about this disappointing topic, and left the old embassy with Long Zhan and David, all the way to the restaurant of the embassy.

The living quarters of the embassy are rich, richer than one would imagine on a farm.

Because there are hundreds of people living in the embassy, ​​there are not only mature restaurants in the embassy, ​​but also bars and various leisure places.

After eating in the restaurant.

Hansen left by himself, letting Long Zhan and David familiarize themselves with the embassy.

David had to talk on the phone with his wife, so he stayed in the dormitory and did not go out. Long Zhan wandered around the embassy all afternoon.

Visited every corner.

It has become one of Long Zhan's habits to be familiar with every place he goes.

Since he couldn't set off until tomorrow morning, Long Zhan thought he could have some fun tonight and discuss life with Miss Macedonia.

Long Zhan has not met such a hot and individual chick for a long time.

Until after seven o'clock in the evening, he didn't receive a call from Miss Macedonia. Long Zhan thought that this little girl was dead.

So I went to the bar alone and ordered a large amount of cold beer to drink.

See if I can find another one to pass this boring time tonight.

Unexpectedly, less than 10 minutes after Long Zhan sat down, a familiar figure walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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