The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1451 Roadside Bomb

"Chocolate cookies or chocolate cake, which one do you like better?" the female Marine asked.

"Chocolate cookies," the Heavy said.

"Chocolate cookies," the driver of car three said.

"Chocolate cookies, but bake them very hard," Master Chief Comes said.

"I heard you like hard things?"

Corporal Kate spoke in a pornographic tone, causing all the men to laugh knowingly.

"Kate, I heard that you also like hard things?"

The female special forces member's sharp reply made the men laugh even more cheerfully.

"Pizza or sushi?" the female special forces member asked the second question.

"Sushi, sushi, it must be sushi, because I am Asian." A yellow marine shouted excitedly.

"With his excitement, he is probably the descendant of a little devil." Long Zhan guessed.

"Pizza, I love pizza."

"I love pizza too."

Two more team members answered one after another.

"Blonde or brunette."

The female Marine had been in a crowd of men for so long that it was easy for her to start driving.



"I would also choose a brunette."

"Wow, my favorite brunette."

The choices of all marines are highly consistent, with some strong implications.
Because female Marines have black hair.

Then asked the third question: "Pretty face, or a devilish figure."

"Of course she has a pretty face," the driver of car No. [-] replied.

"It's the same after the lights are turned off. I want a devilish figure." Heavy Machine Gunner said.

"I choose the butt," said Hai's corporal.

"Children only choose, adults want them all."

Long Zhan's answer was shocking, causing a group of marines to howl wildly.

The female marines were all amused by Long Zhan.

In this cheerful atmosphere, the convoy drove to a special terrain.

In the middle is a gravel road more than ten meters wide, with cliffs 60 to [-] meters high on both sides, standing as straight and steep as a knife or an axe.

It's like splitting a mountain in half and building a road in the middle.

The truck driving at the front stopped just before the entrance to this stretch of sky.

"Why did it stop?" Master Chief Comes asked over the radio.

"Report, I saw some garbage on the roadside, one hundred yards ahead on the left." The co-pilot of car No. [-] replied.

Junk refers to IED.

Afghans like to play this trick best. They make improvised bombs and put them in pits on the roadside, and cover them with anything.

Most of the time it was covered with real garbage, which initially caused misery to American soldiers.

Hence the nickname garbage.

"See there are metal wires connected to the detonation device? Are there signs of the soil being loosened?" Sergeant Major Comes asked.

"Yes, Master Chief," the No. [-] co-pilot replied.

"Which one is it?" Master Chief Comes asked.

"I saw a lot of garbage on the side of the road. There are signs of loose soil." the co-pilot of car No. [-] replied.


Sergeant Major Comes cursed irritably, pressed the call button of the command center and said: "Operation Thunder, this is Cannon 25, we saw a suspected roadside bomb." It's just a pile of garbage. Is it that scary?

People who don’t understand may ask this!

But no one who has spent a year in Afghanistan would say this.

This is because the Afghans are usually very willing to plant roadside bombs. Even though the road is nearly ten meters wide, if it is detonated remotely, the car may not be spared.

Master Chief Comes had suffered a lot and acted more cautiously, so he reported it to his superiors.

"Barrel 25, did you definitely see the bomb?" the base command center asked.

"No, I just saw a pile of garbage, and there were signs of loose soil around it." Sergeant Major Comes replied.

"Received, barrel 25, stay in place and wait for the explosive ordnance disposal team, completed." The base command center issued an order.

"Roger, waiting for explosive ordnance disposal team, over."

Master Sergeant Comes put down his hands, turned around helplessly and said, "I'm sorry, man, this is the first time I brought you out."

"Just in time to take a look at the scenery, it's quite nice. I haven't been here for many years." Long Zhan joked.

"The scenery here..."

The female driver smiled with a certain meaning.

"Attention all units, stay alert, we need to wait for the explosive ordnance disposal team." Sergeant Major Comes gave the order to the team.

The team that received the order immediately adjusted their formation.

The distance between the two trucks has been shortened from 100 meters before to 20 meters now.

The two armed Humvees in the middle drove out from the queue, one on the left and the other on the right, facing the left and right sides, responsible for guarding the left and right sides.

The formation of the convoy was adjusted, and then Master Sergeant Comez gave the order: "Everyone stay in the vehicle, Soto, and keep an eye on Level [-] for snipers."

"Roger that!"

After the heavy machine gunner finished answering, he clicked the gun and loaded it to get ready for battle.

The eyes wearing sunglasses faced the scorching sun and kept scanning back and forth on the ridge.

There is no system air conditioning in the Humvee military vehicle. It is fine when the vehicle is moving. There is wind blowing in. It is not hot when sitting in the vehicle with the windows open.

But now it was parked in the middle of the road, with the sun beating down on its head, and the temperature inside the car rose sharply.

Sitting in the car on a hot day, everyone was soaked. They didn't dare to get out of the car, so they could only stay in the car.

Because in this kind of wilderness, standing outside is a living target.

A bullet will fly out of nowhere and smash your head to pieces.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

There is no sign of the explosive ordnance disposal team yet, and everyone sitting in the car is feeling miserable.

And as time continues to pass, more troublesome things are imminent.

That is, if we can't get there quickly, the remaining half of the journey will definitely have to be walked at night, which is several times more dangerous than during the day.

There was just a pile of rubbish on the roadside, scaring a convoy of Marines from passing by.
This sounds hilarious.

An impatient person will definitely say: "Isn't it just a bag of garbage piled there? Can't you take a look for yourself? Can't you eliminate it?"

But the fact is...

Anyone with such thoughts would have been killed long ago.

Today, 20 years after the war in Afghanistan, any American soldier who is still alive and sitting in a car can definitely survive.

With the rapid development of technology, roadside bombs are not limited to pressing and pulling.

Remote control explosions are the most deadly.

Who knows if when you walk over to check whether there is a bomb, the terrorists will press the remote control and blow you into pieces on the spot.

Don't think that if only one US soldier is killed, the Afghans will be reluctant to detonate the bomb.

Compare that to an American soldier.

A roadside bomb is just too cheap. (End of chapter)

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