Just when the Marines were chatting happily, a heavily armed soldier suddenly rushed out from the front of the road, startling everyone in the convoy.

"It seems to be mine, what's going on?" Dani said in shock.

A heavily armed American soldier appeared alone in an area controlled by the Taliban and suddenly came to stop a Marine vehicle.

There is something wrong with this!

"Sit in the car and wait for me to get off."

Sergeant Major Comes told everyone, got in the car and walked towards the front.

As he walked, he shouted, "United States Marine Corps."

"I'm the captain, from SEAL Team [-]." The soldier rushing in front of the car replied.

"It's a SEAL."

Machine gunner Soto heard clearly from the car in front and relayed it to Master Sergeant Comes who was coming from behind.

"I'm Comais, CLR10 of the [-]nd Battalion, [-]st Company." Sergeant Major Comais walked over and said.

"We're leaving in a car, can you give me a ride?" the SEAL team said.

"Okay, where are your teammates?" Master Chief Comes asked.

"Cooper, let's go."

The SEAL captain waved his hand towards the rubble on the roadside, and another SEAL rushed out. He also held a woman with a headscarf in his hand.

"Just you two?" Master Sergeant Comes was very surprised.

"We were violently attacked by the Taliban on the road, and there were only two left. Our communications also failed. We have to get out of here quickly," the SEAL captain said.

"Who is this woman?" Master Chief Comes asked.

"He is with us. I want to leave as soon as possible. Can I leave as soon as possible?" the SEAL captain asked.

"let's go!"

Master Sergeant Comes asked the SEAL captain to follow him and shouted to Dani in the car: "Dani, call the quick reaction force immediately and ask them to send a helicopter over to take these people to a safe area."


Danni made a gesture through the window, picked up the car radio and called: "Call Operation Thunder. I am Cannon 25. When you hear the answer, it's over."

As a result nothing happens.

The SEAL captain happened to pass by and reminded: "Listen to me, the communication in this valley is very poor, you have to keep calling, do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand." Dany nodded.

"Cooper, go to the back."

The SEAL captain put the woman into the Humvee and sat next to her. The car was already full and he motioned for him to take other cars.

Long Zhan observed from across the car and found that he did not recognize the two team members. Although they were both white seals, they did not take the initiative to say hello.

After everyone arrived, the team immediately started again after a while of go go go.

"Thank you for saving us, we need to take her out of this valley as soon as possible." The seal captain said.

"Call Operation Thunder. I am Cannon 25. Please answer if you hear me. Over."

"Repeat, call Operation Thunder. I am Cannon 25. Please answer if you hear me. Over."

"Repeat, call Operation Thunder. I am Cannon 25. Please answer if you hear me. Over."

Dany kept calling, but unfortunately there was no response.

at this time.

Dani noticed a face flashing past on the slope in front of the right side of the car. She immediately stopped calling and informed the machine gunner in the car behind: "Soto, pay attention to the upper right."

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..." As soon as Master Sergeant Comes finished speaking, machine gun bullets came towards him.

The co-pilot and driver of the delivery truck at the front were killed on the spot. It wasn't the bulletproof glass that couldn't block the machine gun fire.

"One point fifty, suppress, Soto, suppress the hillside."

Sergeant Major Comes immediately shouted an order to use Soto's heavy machine gun to suppress the enemy.

As a result, the enemy locked onto the Humvee military vehicle, and bullets were fired at him. Soto did not dare to shoot at all, and shrank his head and hid in the car.

The driver and co-pilot of the truck in front were both dead, and the car drove forward like a headless fly.

As a result, the tire swung to the left, ran out of the driveway, and fell to the bottom of a steep hillside more than [-] meters high. The car fell flat.

The enemies on the hillside on the right were still firing, and the chassis kept scanning towards the three cars.

The front hood of the Humvee military vehicle walking at the front was pierced by a bullet, and the bullet hit the engine inside, causing overheated oil to spurt out.

The windshield of the car was completely blackened, and the car was forced to stop.

The car couldn't move, and Master Sergeant Comes had no choice but to immediately pick up the handheld station and make an emergency call for help: "Call Operation Thunder, I am the gun barrel, we have found heavy firepower.

It's near the last contact location, requesting additional support immediately, over. "

Master Sergeant Comes called for help promptly, but it was a pity that the distant water could not relieve the nearby fire.

If the enemy on the hillside is not suppressed immediately and the enemy's bullets are fired continuously, it will be useless even if the Humvee military vehicle is equipped with a bulletproof kit.

If the enemy takes out an RPG, one bullet can kill a vehicle.

In order to solve the fatal crisis at hand, Sergeant Major Comes loudly ordered: "Soto, go back up there and get your .[-]-caliber machine gun."

"They're shooting, they're shooting, I can't get out." Soto hid in the car with his head in his hands, loudly resisting the order.

"Asshole, I'll fuck you."

Master Sergeant Comes was furious at Soto for being so cowardly as your mother's heavy hitter.

Long Zhan originally didn't intend to take risks, but in order to prevent himself from being killed by a rocket, he could only stick to his old profession.

Dragging Soto, who was huddled under the machine gun turret with his head in his hands, occupying the manhole and not taking a shit, he got to the back seat of the car.

Then he grabbed two smoke bombs and threw them out. When the business started to distract the attackers, Long Zhan got out of the gun tower at the right time.

Holding the M2 heavy machine gun on the roof of the car, he started to suppress the line on the top of the hillside.

"dong dong dong dong..."

The roaring sound of the heavy machine gun is extremely beautiful.

The [-] mm heavy machine gun bullets were fired along the hillside with Long Zhan's stable gun pressure technology, and the bullets accurately hit the enemy's location.


The two enemies had no time to react and were cut into two pieces by the heavy gun on the spot.

The remaining enemies were also frightened by the heavy machine gun fire and did not dare to continue to stand up and shoot openly. The firepower suddenly dropped.

"Marine teammates get out of the car, get out of the car and build a defensive line."

Taking advantage of the dragon battle to suppress the enemy's firepower on the hillside, Sergeant Major Comes immediately issued the order and was the first to open the door and rush out.

Hiding in the car can only be passively beaten, and you can fight back by running out and pulling the line of fire.

As Master Sergeant Comes ran out first, other Marines also left the vehicle and looked for bunkers on both sides of the road to fight back.

Leaving the car gives you a better shooting range, and you don't have to worry about being beaten by the enemy.

But there are also Tali terrorists hiding on both sides of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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