The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1459 A Surprised Sniper Appears

The vegetation in the river valley is as lush as a jungle, not like a desert terrain at all.

Long Zhan and his team walked inside the densely grown corn stalks, which were as tall as one person. They had an extra layer of cover, unlike walking outside where they were naked.

As with everything, there are two sides to it, and cornstalks provide cover and block sight.

Long Zhan and the others' line of sight was blocked and forcibly limited to a range of ten meters. Even through the gap, they could only see a few tens of meters away.

In case there is an enemy chasing us, or they are ambushing somewhere.

There is no way to discover it!
This also made everyone of the Marines walking in Hegu very nervous. They were always looking around vigilantly, and the safety of their rifles was not turned off.

Long Zhan, who is only a little over two meters tall, has enough advantages in this place.

He is taller than a corn stalk, allowing him to see hundreds of meters away, or even a thousand meters away if there are no trees.

The overall valley is relatively flat, so we can see so far.

Perhaps she was too nervous and needed something to stabilize her mood. As Dani moved forward, she took out a crumpled photo.

Above is a little girl who looks to be only a few years old and has blond hair.

"Is he your daughter?"

Anush walked next to Dani and asked curiously when he saw the girl in the photo.

"Yes, she just turned five." Dani nodded.

"She is indeed beautiful." Anush said with a little envy.

"Do you have a kid?"

Dani put the photos away and looked forward as she walked.

"No, I only had one sister who was killed by the Taliban when she was 13 years old." Anush said with a slightly sad tone.

"Why is such a little girl doing this?" Danny asked calmly.

After experiencing too much life and death, Dany has been able to face death calmly. Most of the marines, including the Marines, have been forced to practice this.

"To punish me and my family for violating Islamic law."

Anoush took a deep breath and said calmly and with pain: "The Islamic law as interpreted by the Taliban prohibits women from going to school.

My parents went against this tradition and sent me to college abroad.

When I returned to Afghanistan, the Taliban wanted to use me as an example, and the tribal elders decided to warn people about my disloyalty.

But they couldn't kill me for fear of causing public outrage because I had done something.

I begged them to kill me, but..."

Anush's eyes were wet, he paused, and then continued after calming down: "She is just a child, she is still so young, her life should not stop there, but with the Taliban..."

"I'm very sorry!"

Dannii also mentioned the sadness and apologized to Anush.

"Me too."

Anush also apologized.

Her apology was because she wanted to protect her, which got everyone into huge trouble.


Suddenly, bullets whizzed over everyone's heads, followed by gunshots.

"Sniper, covert!"

Long Zhan shouted a warning and immediately looked for a bunker.

You feel the bullet first and then hear the sound. If the bullet can maintain supersonic speed over a long distance, it can only be a bullet fired by a sniper rifle.

"Get down, get down, get down in the cornfield."

The SEAL captain also shouted and provided everyone with a hiding place.

The cornstalks in the cornfield are as tall as a person. It is indeed safest to hide inside. Even if the other party is on the top of the mountain, no one can be found.

The Marines reacted quickly and all hid in the cornfield. "Damn it, where did the bullet come from?" Sergeant Major Comes shouted.

"I don't know, there's no one in sight," Cooper said.

"To find him, we have to make another run," the SEAL captain said.

"One more lap? Are you kidding me?" Corporal Kate complained.

The voice just fell.


There was gunfire again.

"The gunfire came from the nine o'clock direction, and it was on the hillside. The valley where we are now at the lower point is completely within his coverage."

Long Zhan accurately judged the position and analyzed the situation.

Hearing that the sniper was on the mountain on the left, Master Sergeant Comes quickly reminded everyone: "Everyone lower their heads and try not to be exposed."

"My head isn't going anywhere, it's just stuck in the ground."

Cooper's mentality is quite good. Things have been brought to this point, and he still has the heart to joke.

"I'm here to find this Pichi."

The SEAL captain took out his binoculars from his pocket and looked through the gap in the straw toward the seven o'clock direction, hoping to find the sniper.

"Where are you, come out right away, baby."

The SEAL captain muttered something while searching, and he actually found the sniper.

The main reason is that these two snipers are not professional enough. Even though he can aim as a novice, he has not successfully killed anyone on Long Zhan's side, which proves that he is not top-notch.

Therefore, when he was observing, he did not put on the shading glasses to observe, and the reflection of the mirror was immediately exposed.

Even though he was covered with a camouflage net, the reflection in the mirror was too obvious.

"I found him, I saw him," the SEAL captain said.


Sergeant Major Komas and Long Zhan asked almost in unison.

"It's indeed at seven o'clock, 700 meters away, and the scope's reflection is very clear," the SEAL captain said.

"let me see."

Master Sergeant Comes took the SEAL captain's scope and looked in the direction he traced, and found the reflective point of the scope at once.

"He is indeed a bit far away, Dany, can you put him down?" Sergeant Major Komes asked.

This group of Marines is just a transport team. They are not equipped with specialized snipers, let alone specialized sniper rifles.

Dani is already the best marksman in this transport team.

"The distance is too far. If we were closer to 300 meters, it might be possible."

Dany also had a small telescope, and she also saw the sniper, but her answer was not positive.

With only the M16A4, it is indeed very difficult for Dani, a transport soldier, to hit an enemy 700 meters away.

"Then what should we do now?" Master Chief Comes followed everyone's opinions.

"Then get closer to 300 meters." Corporal Kate said.

"This was originally the first choice, but if we fail after we go there, we will become very passive." The SEAL captain said.

"The distance is closer and more dangerous. It's too late to retreat." Faisal added.

"Then what's my second choice?" Master Chief Comes asked.

"We can sit here and wait for them to shoot us, haha." The SEAL captain laughed before he finished speaking.

Because his so-called second choice is purely American humor and making fun of yourself.

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