The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1467 The situation is not good

There are a total of three Afghan policemen in the police station, who played a big role in this battle.

You must know that there are only four Marines in total, and there are only six people including Long Zhan and Faisal. The three Afghans account for a large proportion.

Now two people died at once, and their combat effectiveness was reduced by at least one-seventh.

The team's combat effectiveness dropped, resulting in insufficient suppression.

Cooper was hit in the chest by enemy fire and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the body armor and inserts blocked the fatal bullet.

The pain made him grimace for a while, but he quickly recovered and continued to engage in the battle.

The crisis on Cooper's side had just been lifted, and a new crisis appeared on the right.

Someone in the tower set up a ladder or something outside the wall, climbed to the ventilation window more than two meters above the ground, tried to put the gun in and shoot into the house.

Fortunately, Chengdu responded quickly enough, and his height and wingspan also gave him an absolute advantage.

Seeing this, he immediately ran over, raised his hand easily, picked up the gun, and fired several shots outside the cave, killing the Taliban outside.

As soon as the crisis was resolved, a new crisis appeared.

"Eight o'clock, RPG."

Sergeant Major Comes shouted at the top of his lungs while turning his gun and shooting at the rocket launcher.

However, the Taliban's firepower suppressed him too fiercely. He was suppressed by the dense bullets and retreated before he could even shoot.

Cooper was also suppressed by the Taliban and had no way to kill the rocket launcher.

Now it's dangerous.

If you can't kill the rocket launcher and let him find an angle to fire it at the window, everyone in the house will be miserable, and even if they don't die, they will be stunned.

Seeing that the bazooka hand had found his position, he put the tube on his shoulder.

"Clap clap clap."

Long Zhan took action and fired three shots.

Precise marksmanship hit two shots, and the bazooka hand sprayed blood from two bullets in his chest.

But half a second before he fell, his finger had already pulled the trigger.


The rocket launcher dragged its tail flame and headed straight for the police station.


violent explosion.

Fortunately, Long Zhan killed the rocket launcher in time. Although the rocket had been launched, the angle was not right and it did not aim at the window of the house.

The rocket hit the right corner of the room diagonally upwards, blowing up a large piece of the five corners.

Looking from inside the house, one can see the sky from the right corner of the house.

However, the hole that was blown was not big, only the size of a washbasin, and it was a bit far away from the living room, with a wall in the middle.

The dragons fighting in the living room were not affected by the damage.

"Dani, go to the front left window."

Sergeant Comes asked Dany to go over and fill the defense gap exposed by the deaths of the director and the police.

Then he asked loudly to the back: "Kate, how is the situation at the back door?"

"A fierce battle is taking place."

Corporal Kate answered loudly, took a left step and shot into the alley outside the back door, killing a Taliban militant who tried to rush up.

"Dragon, we have to take out the remaining machine guns. Can you take him down?" Sergeant Major Comes asked.

The only remaining RPK machine gun, blocked by a bulletproof steel plate in front, has been suppressing it crazily, causing a lot of trouble.

"I'll find a way."

Long Zhan had wanted to kill this machine gun for a long time, but he had never found a suitable opportunity.

Seeing that his threat was getting bigger and bigger, Long Zhan had to target him specifically, otherwise more people would be killed in the future.

The main reason is that it's not that easy to kill him. The steel plate in front is too troublesome.The rifle couldn't penetrate it at all.

In addition, there were so many Taliban shooting, and the machine gun provided mutual cover, making it even more difficult to kill him.

"I definitely can't kill him from the front. I have to think of other ways."

Dragon War secretly thought about the structure of Afghan houses. Enemies usually reach the roof from inside the house, which is usually used for repairing the roof.

So you can't stand on it and shoot, but you only need that height for dragon battles.

Looking up and looking around the room, Long Zhan quickly found the opening.

There is also a wooden ladder underneath.

Long Zhan climbed up along the object and opened the lid. He exposed half of his head and carefully looked outside to make sure there were no enemies on the surrounding roofs.

Most of these buildings have thatched roofs and do not have rooftop combat capabilities at all.

The affordability is too limited.

Everyone was fighting on the first floor, except for the occasional few who climbed up along the wall from the next room, hoping to exchange fire with Faisal and the others at the back door.

This gave Long Zhanzong great convenience.

Put a grenade into the under-mounted grenade gun, step on the stairs and straighten your body, about one meter above the roof.

This angle is just right to see the machine gun, and it is a perfect angle from a high position.


Long Zhan decisively aimed and fired.

The [-]mm grenade flew dozens of meters and landed just behind the back compartment of the pickup truck. The explosion blew the machine gunner away.

The base of the machine gun was also affected by the explosion, knocking the machine gun off the top.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Long Zhan squatted down, retracted his body, drilled another [-]mm grenade into the gun, and then fired another shot at the pickup truck.


The rear compartment was bombed again.

The floor of the rear compartment was directly blown through, and the rack holding the machine gun was blown away. The machine gun flew several meters high and fell to the ground, with the gun body deformed.

Even if someone picked it up like this, there would be no way to shoot it again.

Long Zhan fired two shots in a row to kill the pickup machine gun. The remaining Taliban militants were instantly furious and aimed their guns at the roof.

It's a pity that they all hit the air.

After Long Zhan fired the second grenade, he ran away without looking at the impact point.

He has absolute confidence in his marksmanship.

Both of the Taliban's machine guns were knocked out, both by Long Zhan, and the pressure on the Marines in the room suddenly dropped sharply.

Master Sergeant Comes was finally able to show his face again and shoot at the Taliban militants outside.

The same goes for Cooper and Dani, who finally have some space to relax.

The two sides have fallen into a tug-of-war again. You look forward to it if you take the lead and hit the shuttle. I am taking the lead and hit the shuttle. The two sides shoot at each other wildly from a distance.

The Taliban are quite adaptable to fighting like this, because they have already called in people and resources are on their way.

Sergeant Major Comes knew very well that they could not shoot at each other like this with Taliban.

Not only was there no backup, but there were also not enough bullets.

If we continue to fight with the Taliban like this, we won't be able to kill a single person for half a day. If we continue to fight, we will run out of ammunition and food in less than half an hour.

Marines without bullets are no different from ordinary people on the roadside.

In the face of the Taliban, who have plenty of vitality bullets, the Marines without bullets are just meat on the chopping board, and they can do whatever they want with them.

(End of this chapter)

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