The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1471 Kill 3 people instantly

Anush was taken to the top of the tower and hung up with ropes tied to his hands.

Fortunately, he could still put his feet on the ground. Although this action was very shameful, it was not uncomfortable at all. Anush could completely hold on.

The two men hung Anush up with a rope and then went down from the tower.

Only an Afghan in his 30s was left, wearing a turban on his head and a long robe, standing by the window looking out.

No matter from his clothes or demeanor, this guy's identity is extraordinary.

There is a high probability that it is the little boss Nafiz!
Long Zhan and others were heading towards the tower. Fortunately, they didn't encounter any Taliban along the way, and soon came to the gate to enter the tower.

The tower is in the middle of a circle of buildings, and you need to go through the door to get close to the tower.

Cooper, the commando who was walking in front, looked around and found that there were three Taliban soldiers with guns guarding the inside. He turned around and gestured to everyone.

That means there were three people inside, and all three were armed with automatic weapons.

Long Zhan made a gesture, meaning to leave it to him.

Asking everyone to hide around the corner of the gate, he picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the guard next door, making a loud noise when it landed on the ground.

Three Taliban soldiers in the house heard the sound and immediately walked towards the door.

There is a wall between the two. If you want to go to the house next door, you need to come out of the gate here to go around and check it out.

The Taliban soldiers were unaware that the real threat lay at the gate.

Not the house next door.

Therefore, the three Taliban soldiers walked towards the gate without much warning, just like they did on patrol in the past.

When they almost reached the door, Long Zhan took the lead in launching the attack.

As fast as a tiger attacks, he rushed out and hit the face with an elbow first, hitting the Taliban militant walking in front, and his nose bones were shattered on the spot.

My nose felt sore and my eyesight turned dark.

He just fell to the ground and fainted.

The two Taliban soldiers at the back were startled. The two-meter-tall dragon was a giant in their eyes, and they did not dare to fight hand-to-hand.

You can only retreat back and grab a gun to shoot as soon as possible.

It's a pity that their guns are not safe or loaded. It is impossible to give them a chance in front of a battlefield butcher like Long Zhan.

As soon as the two of them touched the gun, Long Zhan stepped over in one stride.

He grabbed their necks one by one with one hand, grabbing two big living people like two small chickens, and exerted force on the middle with both hands, making them touch each other head to head.


The sound is crisp.

Just listen to this voice. You can tell without looking that there must be holes in the skulls of the two of them. Even if they are not dead, they still have severe concussions.

It only took Dragon War less than three seconds to take down three Taliban soldiers.

Sergeant Major Comes gave a thumbs up.

It's still the same taste he's familiar with, it's still the same formula he's familiar with, it's still the same kind of huge profits he's familiar with, and it's still the same comrade-in-arms he's familiar with.

Cooper, Kate and others were startled and shocked by the violence of the dragon battle.

This killing speed is too fast.

Make them feel incredible.

Since the situation is already very critical, Taliban soldiers may discover it at any time. Once exposed, they must race against time to complete the task.

Therefore, even if they were shocked by Long Zhan, everyone quickly adjusted.

Continue along the corridor behind the door.

After walking about ten meters forward, the corridor suddenly turned into a very wide space like a patio, with ammunition boxes piled everywhere.At first glance, there were at least hundreds of them, filling the surrounding corners.

Judging from these standard boxes, during the years when the Tali version fought with the Yankees, they did not rub their own bullets, they all got them from outside.

As for who has been providing weapons to the Taliban version under sanctions from the United States and the European Union.

I'm afraid Tali version doesn't even know it himself.

The water here is very deep.

In this world where ammunition boxes are piled up, there is a culvert-like entrance on the left. After entering, there is a slope road to the right that resembles the night.

Long Zhan and others didn't have time to worry about whether there was any danger up there, so they walked up without stopping if there was a way.

After walking up the slope for more than ten meters, it suddenly opened up. There was another slope to the right from the exit, but there was no roof on it.

This slope is relatively short, less than five meters.

On the right edge of the top of the slope, there was a Taliban soldier kneeling there to worship. The article did not notice the person coming from behind.

There was no need for Sergeant Commander Comes to speak, Long Zhan touched the right side.


The sound of bones breaking.

Long Zhan couldn't break Tali's neck with the force of flying, grabbed his body and dragged it down from above, and threw it in a backlit corner.

Prevent people on top of the tower from seeing the body from above.

On the top floor of the tower.

Nafiz had finished the prayer, rolled the prayer blanket into a roll, put it aside and put it away, walked up to Anush and said: “You should know that from the beginning, this matter has only one ending.

I can tell you very clearly that in the end, you cannot save your motherland with your American beliefs.

Afghanistan does not need Western influence and control. The West can no longer control Afghanistan. They will be driven out by us soon.

At that time, we need to return to our way of life, the way of life of Islam. "

What Nafiz said seemed to make sense, and there was indeed nothing wrong with what they did. They were definitely heroes who fought against the great powers.


There is something wrong with the laws they believe in, and making religious legislation itself is wrong.

The reason is that many religious educations are too one-sided and are designed to satisfy certain desires and rights, resulting in inequality.

of course.

You can also say that the content of religion is correct, because all religions in the world have the same tone, that is, what they say is actually two-sided.

It's like when a scholar asked a monk whether he could be the top scorer in high school, the monk only stretched out one finger.

This one finger represents many answers!

It can be understood as being the top pick in high school, or it can be understood as achieving nothing.

How to understand it all depends on the individual.

Anoush also believes in Islam, but her understanding is completely opposite to that of the Taliban. She believes that women should enjoy equal status.

This is not what the Taliban understands, that women should stay at home and not be allowed to appear in public, let alone study.

It is virtue for a woman to have no talent.

Such a strange way of understanding!

So when faced with Nafiz's accusation, she responded tit-for-tat: "What your Taliban preaches is just a misinterpretation of Islamic law, and that is wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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