The pursuit in the Tower version was very fierce, but there was no preparation for the sudden incident, and there were still too few people who could rush over, unable to stop the evacuation of the Marines.

The Marines successfully evacuated the twin tower platform and entered the passage where they killed a tower version at the exit.

The team keeps Cooper and Kate in the front, Dragon War protects Anoush in the middle, and Master Chief Comes, Dani, and Faisal cover in the back.

Just as he was about to run out of the passage, he ran into two Tali militants at the entrance.

"Da da da da da..."

Cooper reacted very quickly, knocking them to the ground with one bullet.

But just as the two of them were about to fill the passage and run out, they turned the right corner and suddenly saw a machine gun sticking out of the side window on the opposite stone wall.

"Clap clap clap clap..."

At [-]:[-], a bullet hit him in the face, hitting the wall with stone chips flying.

Cooper and Kate were almost hit. They were so frightened that they ran back into the passage to avoid the swarming machine gun bullets.

A large number of Taliban soldiers also appeared on the left and right sides of the patio outside.

"Clap clap clap..."

More dense bullets came like a heavy rain.

"We're being watched, Comes."

Cooper hid behind the ammunition box and yelled, taking time to shoot a shuttle outside.

A Taliban was killed on the left side of the patio.

Long Zhan kept the mail in the middle and fired a sweep with his machine gun. With his stable gun pressure technique, he killed three Taliban in one go.

But the vacancy left by the fall was immediately filled by another Taliban.

Look at this posture.

There seems to be an endless supply.

"Kate, come on, I'm dragging them."

Faisal ran forward and signaled Commando Kate that the Chinese SWAT police should go to the other side.

This is the only solution at present.

Someone had to rush to the other side of the patio to hold back the enemy's fire and allow the remaining people to escape.

Otherwise, the enemy kept blocking the patio and opening fire, and behind them there were the Taliban who came down from the twin tower platform, blocking the Marines from front to back, unable to move in the passage.


Kate nodded and prepared to rush.

As a result, as soon as he took two steps out, the machine gun at the window opposite opened fire again.

"Clap clap clap clap..."

A hail of bullets came over and blocked the road.

Kate was forced back again and had to pull back but like the back.

Faisal showed his head and swept wildly, but it didn't help.

The enemies on both sides of the patio were suppressed, but they could not affect the machine guns on the stone wall windows. This firepower still blocked all roads.

However, the situation was already imminent and there was no room for hiding in the passage.

This is the Taliban's lair. The longer they stay, the more Taliban will surround them, and it will be more difficult for the Marines to escape.

"Kate, come on, come on, rush over."

Master Sergeant Comes was also very anxious and urged Kate loudly.

"I'm here to cover you. It's up to you. We have no time. If we continue to delay, we will all die here." Faisal said loudly again.

Kate knew that the situation was not optimistic, and for the second time she mustered up the courage to rush out.

As a result, halfway through the rush, he was pushed back again.

It's the machine gun on the opposite side. Its position is really good. As soon as Kate shows her head, she will be discovered immediately.

And from the passage exit to the left intersection, the entire process is covered by gun lines.

If you want to rush over with a machine gun, unless Kate is possessed by each captain and has a physique that cannot be killed, otherwise there is only a dead end. "Farke!"

Kate cursed angrily, raised her gun and fired at the opposite window.

As a result, the location of the window on the stone wall was too tricky and strong, and bullets fired from below had no way of hitting it.

"No way, I can't get out, I will die immediately if I get out." Kate yelled helplessly.

"The machine guns above are blocking it, so it's impossible to get through." Cooper also shouted.

"But if you don't leave, you will die here." Dany shouted anxiously.

"Go back from the other side." Long Zhan shouted.

The Marines and the others walked back after hearing Long Zhan, but they didn't react at first.

Long Zhan explained loudly: "We can evacuate from the top of the mountain behind, kill the Taliban behind, and then we can retreat up."

Master Chief Comes and others are all smart people, and they finally reacted after hearing what Long Zhan said.

Sometimes don’t just look ahead, opportunities may be behind you.

This is really true.

Dragon War is already at the top of the stone castle. You still have to go a long way down, and there will be a steady stream of Taliban soldiers along the way.

If you want to go back to that hidden passage, it can be described as having passed five levels and defeated six.

Although there are Taliban soldiers in the rear, there are only a group of guards guarding Nafiz, and there are only a dozen in total.

Several people had died in the previous battle, and now the number was definitely less than ten.

The main thing is...

The stone castle is built on the mountain and extends from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside.

Although Long Zhan and the others were at the top of the stone castle, it sounded like there was no way to escape, but in fact they could just keep going up.

Continuing up from the stone castle on the mountainside, you can reach the top of the mountain behind.

There are no Taliban from the mountainside to the top of the mountain. This road is a hundred times safer than walking from below. There is no need to go through five levels to kill six generals.

"Enough, enough, go from behind, quickly."

Master Sergeant Comes chose to believe in Long Zhan and issued the order decisively.


Shenlong took out a smoke bomb and threw it at the entrance of the passage. He waited until the smoke rose to block his vision, then took the lead and ran back.

The Taliban at the patio didn't know that Long Zhan and the others were preparing to respond with their next sentence.

The field of view was blocked by smoke bombs again, and it was so white that I couldn't see the situation in the passage, so I could only continue to shoot into the passage like a fool.

Taking advantage of the enemies at the patio being deceived, Long Zhan took the lead and killed them from behind.

"Clap clap, clap clap."

Two shuttle bullets were fired from the left and right, and two people were knocked down by Taliban at the exit of the passage.

Long Zhan took out two more grenades, calculated the distance and threw them out.


Two grenades exploded.

The three Taliban soldiers who were hiding behind sandbags next to the exit and preparing to ambush the Marines were all knocked over by grenades.

Taking advantage of the effect of the explosion, Long Zhan rushed forward in a few quick steps.

"Clap clap clap."

Three more bullets passed by, and a Taliban who was coming from a distance was knocked over on the road.

Like a tiger, Long Zhan came down the mountain with great ferocity. He killed six Taliban as soon as he rushed out. The good environment provided by him allowed the rest of the Marine Corps to catch up.

The numerical advantage originally held by the Taliban has now been completely overturned.

There were only two Taliban soldiers left on the twin tower platform. Facing a large number of Marines rushing up, they wisely chose to hide behind the bunker.

(End of this chapter)

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