The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1479 The Flying Giant

Long Zhan boarded the Black Hawk helicopter and urgently needed more detailed information on the escort target.

SEAL Command put the call to the Department of Defense, and Dave, the director of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency, immediately called Mike.

"I need more detailed information. What's going on with your people?" Dave asked.

"There were six people in total."

Mike took out the document and read over it: "Pastor Matthew William Ortez, white male, 45 years old, he is the main escort.

His wife is Rashida Alster, who was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is 41 years old this year.

After marrying Alster in [-], she officially became a U.S. citizen.

The remaining two children..."

When Mike Stevens talked about children, his tone became extremely heavy. After a long pause, he continued the topic: "William Arthur Alster, their eldest son, is already 13 years old. .

Their daughter, Izzo Elizabeth Alster, is now only five years old.

The remaining two are their supporters and bodyguards on their trip, both natives of Afghanistan, namely Rami Ahmadi and Majida Ibrahimi.

The six of them are now riding in a dark green 93trouble (Isuzu Cavalry off-road vehicle). "

"OK, I see."

After Dave got the detailed information, he immediately called the Special Operations Command, the SEAL commander responsible for the rescue operation.

"Commander John, a total of six American missionaries need to be escorted across Kunar Province. They are traveling in a dark green 93 Trouble..."

"We've found them."

Commander John interrupted Dave and said through the drone surveillance screen: "They were driving quickly towards the border of Baji Deathtan, but not long ago, they were intercepted by armed men and were blocked back.

Now lost and wandering in the woods, the team we dispatched is already on the helicopter and is rushing to meet them.

Don't worry, as long as my people find them, they will guide them to a safe route and escort them all the way into the Baji Death Tank. "

"Thank you very much. I look forward to your good news, Commander John." Dave hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Commander John obtained the intelligence, and then told Captain Dio, who was already on the helicopter and responsible for leading the operation, the key information.

No one, including Long Zhan, felt much pressure on this operation.

Not to mention the powerful performance of the Black Hawk helicopter, even if it encounters a small attack on the ground, it will not be ignored at all, and even rockets will not be able to shoot it down.

Because the superior performance of the Black Hawk helicopter is enough for him to detect and avoid rockets in time.

What's more, in order to find the escort target, the SEALs had previously cooperated with the US Air Force and dispatched the most powerful Global Hawk drone to provide reconnaissance and early warning at high altitudes.

No matter how you think about it, the Afghans with mud-legged legs can't do anything about them.

The result was quite the opposite.

The Global Hawk drone's main focus is on the tracking of escorting hostages, and it cannot effectively provide coverage for the helicopter.

In addition, the militants in the Middle East have been fighting the United States for 20 years and have already gained mature experience.

There was actually a group of professional Laoliu militants hiding in the woods on the mountainside carrying man-portable anti-aircraft missiles, and took advantage of the helicopter coming over to take one.

The suspected avant-garde anti-aircraft missile from a certain country happened to hit the Black Hawk helicopter in a sneak attack.

The tail was interrupted by the waist!
"We were hit, lost control, and started an emergency landing..."

As the pilot shouted urgently, the helicopter lost its tail rotor to maintain balance and began to spin wildly in the air, while its altitude dropped wildly.

But when the height drops to less than 40 meters...

The overweight Long Zhan, even if he was wearing a seat belt, could not withstand the huge force he brought, and the seat belt was broken and flung out.He fell all the way down from a height of tens of meters and became a free-flying giant.

If you fall from a normal distance of 40 meters to the ground, you will definitely be smashed into a meat pie on the spot. Even if you don't fall into a meat pie, your feces will be thrown out.

However, the fate of Long Zhan is inevitable.

Long Zhan was thrown out of the helicopter under the huge rotational inertia.

Therefore, his fall trajectory after leaving the cabin did not fall vertically, but fell diagonally in a parabola at a 45-degree angle.

Below is the rare Afghan jungle, and the dense tree canopy serves as the best buffer.

Long Zhan's shoes flew out and hit the crown of the tree, falling all the way down and breaking branches. Branches as thick as an arm were broken by force.

As a large amount of resin was broken, the falling speed of Dragon War also decreased visibly to the naked eye.

When it finally landed.

That luck was so good that it was nothing to say, just licking the butt of Lady Luck and that was it.


The sound of water splashing.

There was a small pool less than five meters wide and less than two meters deep in the woods. Long Zhan fell into it just as he was aiming.

The body weighing more than 300 kilograms was smashed into the pool, like a deep-water bomb.


The water was splashed nearly ten meters high.

Long Zhan, who was originally supposed to be thrown to death, was decelerated by breaking dozens of branches, and with the buffer of this small pool, all the impact force was perfectly removed.

As a seal, swimming is what you do best.

Long Zhan, who was not knocked unconscious, was quickly crawled out of the water. In addition to his head being a little buzzing and chest tightness, he was short of breath and out of breath.

He was otherwise fine and didn't appear to be injured anywhere.

This is really a miracle!

"MD, my life is so hard. It's so hard that even the King of Hell didn't accept me. I fell from a height of dozens of meters and only got a little scratch."

Long Zhan felt the changes in his body, which even he found incredible.

But after his body recovered and he knew that he had successfully escaped death, the crazy secretion of adrenaline began to gradually decrease.

Long Zhan's thoughts began to extend outside, and he thought of a very important thing——

How are the other companions?

Before being thrown out of the helicopter, Long Zhan was in a state of nervousness with his heartbeat racing to [-]. He vaguely heard the pilot's words and was trying to make an emergency landing.

"Did the helicopter make it? Did Deo and the others survive?"

When Long Zhan thought about this problem, his heart beat faster again.

At this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind, which was to find a way to get to the place where the helicopter crashed and rescue the brothers in the precious golden time.

However, before officially going to search, Long Zhan still needs to find his weapon.

In the wilds of Afghanistan, it is difficult to move even without weapons. (End of chapter)

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