The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 15 Competition for Foreign Aid Places

Chapter 15 Competing for Foreign Aid Quota

"Martini cocktails have a spicy and warm taste, maybe only a hot girl like you can conquer it." Long Zhan was in a soft state, speaking at a leisurely pace.

It feels very relaxing, just like chatting with old friends who have known each other for many years.

The woman in the sling turned her head to look at Long Zhan, and she was indeed not afraid of Long Zhan's excessive strength.

Slightly drunk and hazy, he took a sip of the wine with his glass, half-closed his eyes and said, "I think you need hotter ones."

The woman's eyes are very familiar to Long Zhan, and Long Zhan had expected it.

Because in the original plot of the original TV series, this woman just loves strong men, especially men in the Navy SEALs.

It is completely understandable to have a seal complex!

The reason why I have nothing to do every day, and I drive a special trip for dozens of kilometers to drink in a bar near the base where the SEALs are located is to have the opportunity to have a beautiful encounter with the SEALs.

As long as Long Zhan uses this information properly, and breaks through at the desired point, taking down the woman is basically a certainty.

After all, in the original plot, it only took two days for Clay to take down this woman.

However, just as Long Zhan was preparing to introduce himself, he first got to know each other step by step, and began to work hard to have a foothold in Beach City in the future.

"Beep beep beep..."

Three encrypted mobile phones uniformly distributed by the green team rang in the bar at the same time.

Long Zhan, Clay, and Brian took out their mobile phones at the same time. Seeing the information displayed on it, they knew that the first random summoning training had begun.

Long Zhan realized that tonight was over, so instead of having to chat with the hot girl in front of him for the next half hour, he might as well leave and leave a thought for the woman.

By the way, he also deliberately revealed a little information to let the woman know that she is a soldier of SEAL Team 6.

Play a trick to whet a woman's appetite.

So he took out his wallet and took out a $50 bill, and said to the bartender, "I've bought this lady's drink, and I'll give you the rest as a tip."

Then he turned to the woman and said, "Sorry, I need to go back to the team in a hurry. If there is a chance, I hope to see you here next time."

After finishing speaking, Long Zhan stood up decisively without hesitation, greeted Brian and Clay from the air, and walked straight to the gate of the bar.

Although Brian and Clay were very reluctant, they still waited for the failure of the dragon battle to pick up girls, so that they could take over the top hot girl in front of them.

It can be imagined that this is the first random summoning training, and if something goes wrong, it will have a great impact on the follow-up, so I have to calm down and get up and leave along the way.

The woman looked at the three Long Zhan who left, smiled thoughtfully, and shouted at the door: "My name is Stella, remember my name."

Long Zhan didn't look back, but turned his back and raised his hand, as if he heard it, but he didn't seem to hear it.


The random summoning training only needs to return to the camp area, which is similar to the emergency assembly training in China, except that there is more time.

In his previous life, Long Zhan practiced the 5-minute emergency assembly for 3 years in the domestic army.

Now this hour of random summoning training is not even considered bean sprouts for him, and it is not difficult at all.

But after returning to the base, it was almost 11 o'clock.

At this time, going to the bar is no longer in the mood, not to mention that Stella is likely to be gone, and it would be too naive to run there.

This small game between the three had to be postponed.

And this delay lasted for a full month. During this period, the three of them went to the sexy girl bar four or five times, but unfortunately they never met the hot girl Stella again.

At this time, the second stage of training has come to an end, and the staged assessment is about to begin.

Mainly take S&T courses!

On the afternoon before the formal assessment, the special training instructor Adam gathered the remaining 27 newcomers to the rest hall on the first floor of the dormitory.

In a relatively relaxed atmosphere, I talked about things related to the assessment on the second day.

The first is to announce the assessment method.

This S&T course will test a total of three scenes, and it will be conducted continuously in a very short period of time. After the three scenes are over, unified scoring will be done.

Compared with one scene at a time during training, the difficulty of the assessment has obviously been greatly improved.

Even if the basic skills of newcomers are solid enough, it will take a lot of energy and physical strength to complete three scenes in such a short period of time.

Secondly, the continued elimination mechanism will be added to this assessment.

After completing the assessment of all newcomers, everyone will be organized to vote for the top 5 and bottom 5. The instructor group will refer to the list of the bottom 5 and combine the 5 newcomers with the worst performance in the assessment.

Pick the worst one out of them to end his trip to the Green Team training session.

Last but not least, the most exciting news.

Due to the sacrifice of one person in Team B some time ago, the team has always been lacking. In addition, the location of the next operation is an extremely dangerous African region. It needs a full staff to better complete the task.

Therefore, people from Team B will come to observe this assessment, select suitable foreign aid from them, and temporarily join Team B to assist in missions to the Middle East.

The B team is the most powerful assault group of the red team, which is well known in the base.

If you perform well as a temporary foreign aid and fight with the members of Team B, you will be recognized by the first-level combatants of Team B.

Joining the b team after training is almost a certainty.

As a seal whose core is the pursuit of being stronger, all the newcomers were overwhelmed with excitement when they heard the news.

Everyone secretly worked hard in their hearts, hoping to obtain this precious foreign aid quota with excellent performance in tomorrow's S&T course assessment.

Among all the 27 newcomers, Long Zhan was the one with the strongest urgency.

Because in the original plot of the TV series, the newcomer Clay was able to join the B team smoothly through this opportunity to be a foreign aid.

This means...

As long as Long Zhan grabs the "chance" that belongs to Clay, he will have an infinite chance to replace Clay as a new member of Team B.

(End of this chapter)

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