The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1501 Arrival in London

When Kevin came to the surveillance camera, the peripheral security police monitoring the road conditions were reporting to each other on their monitoring of the road conditions.

"Okay, guys, pay more attention."

When everyone saw that Kevin was going to give a report, they stopped what they were doing and started listening to Kevin's conversation.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today I want you to put your best foot forward. We are responsible for the safety of world-class dignitaries. We must all work together to ensure there are no accidents."

"No problem, sir?"

"Okay, sir."

Kevin just finished speaking, and everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

Kevin was very satisfied when he saw that everyone was in good spirits, and then turned to look at the monitor, with unprecedented excitement in his eyes.

What an honor it is to be able to maintain peripheral security order for more than 40 heads of state around the world.

If you can do this well, you will definitely benefit a lot.


The time came to 02:30 pm.

The president's Air Force One plane crossed the Atlantic and landed at Stansted Airport in England, 20 miles north of London.

When the plane lands, the ladder automatically opens.

Long Zhan and Jacob came down first to clear the way, and several others came to London to escort the president's bodyguards, and then got off the plane.

Seeing Long Zhan being the first to land on the ground, the London police officer who was on standby at the airport immediately reported to the command center: ""

"Lefty, landed."

Jacob then walked to the ground and stood face to face with Long Zhan on both sides of the bottom of the airplane ladder, waiting for the president to land.

Soon, not far from the plane, a green police car drove over.

A British government receptionist with a high hairline and very thin hair on the top of his head got off the police car. He walked quickly to the aircraft ladder, extended his hand from a distance and introduced himself to Long Zhan.

"Hello, this is Mr. Gibran, right? I'm John Lancaster from the Security Service."

"Hey John! Hello!"

Long Zhan shook hands politely and replied somewhat indifferently.

Because of this trip, the list of every important person coming to attend the funeral has been sent to the British government, especially the airport pick-up staff, so even if you have never seen Long Zhan, you can guess his name.

"You seem to have arrived earlier than expected," John Lancaster replied.

"We deliberately speeded up the trip." Long Zhan replied coolly as always.It seems to give anyone a feeling that they dare not approach.

"Oh, like this."

John Lancaster expressed some confusion about their advance behavior.

"The fewer people know the president's exact whereabouts, the safer it will be." Long Zhan saw John's doubts and explained to John again.

"Oh, I just said, why haven't you heard about it? No wonder I said no one knows about it." John further replied to Long Zhan.

"Of course, no one knows. Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a surprise, a surprise for you." Long Zhan said to John with some pride.

"Well, thank you for your help, which indirectly reduces the difficulty of my work." John replied smoothly.

At this time, the president got off the plane, and John immediately greeted the president.

Then he took Long Zhan, Jacob, and the President on the helicopter that was prepared in advance and parked nearby to attend the service of the British royal family.


The time came to three o'clock in the afternoon.


Big Ben rang three bells.

At this time, some relevant matters related to the Prime Minister’s funeral were being broadcast on the radio and TV:
"Security at the funeral is at an unprecedented high level. The ceremony will begin in an hour. This is not only a gathering of leaders of world powers, but also the most heavily guarded event in the world..."

At this time, various countries also arrived in London one after another, preparing to enter the church.At the gate of the church, every vehicle entering the church will be carefully monitored by security guards holding explosives detectors.

Under the trunk of the vehicle, near the four tires, and under the front hood, check carefully without any bottom of the entire vehicle falling.

At the same time, there were security guards nearby, leading police dogs, who were also constantly patrolling.

Beware of any explosives entering the venue.

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep..."

At this time, four helicopters flew into the sky.

Long Zhan, their helicopter and related entourage have reached the sky above Somerset House, where the British royal family worships.

"Please confirm ETA."

The sound of communicating with the security of various departments came from the command center.

"Roof configuration in place!" replied the police sniper spotter deployed on the roof.

The police in charge of peripheral security saw through the telescope that the police on the roof of the church had their guns ready and were fully protective.

The police nearby also used binoculars to observe the dynamics around the helicopter.

"All units report the situation!"

The command center issued an order to ask.

"Marine One, Two and Three are arriving at Somerset House."

"Marine One is authorized to land," the command center commanded.

At this time, the Navy No. [-] helicopter listened to the order and slowly landed.

Somerset House covers a very large area. The playground in front of it is as big as a football field and can park more than a dozen helicopters at the same time.

Marine Two, Marine Three, and after Marine One stopped, they also stopped behind Marine One one after another.

After Long Zhan, Jacob, and the President got off the Marine One helicopter, they entered Somerset House to meet with the royal family.

This process is essential!

Britain is one of the few orthodox royal families, and the royal family also has a certain amount of real power. It is not just a country with empty shelves.

The status and identity of the Prime Minister in the UK are reduced to the words of a family.

In fact, it is equivalent to a housekeeper!

She is the senior servant of this family!

If a butler dies in office, there is absolutely no problem with a state funeral.

However, the British royal family is the master of Britain. It is very necessary for the heads of state who come to attend the funeral to meet with the director before attending the funeral of a butler.

You don’t need to say too much, you just need to meet and be considerate.

After completing the process of building the British royal family, Long Zhan immediately took the president out of the church inside Somerset House and into the car that had been prepared in advance.

Jacob went up first, the President went up second, and Long Zhan went up last.

I looked around habitually before going up.

See if there are any abnormalities.

So far, everything has been normal.

After the safety of the vehicle was ensured, Long Zhan gave the order to the agents to set off. The armored vehicle in the lead left first, followed by the convoy slowly coming out of Somerset House.

There are still several kilometers between Somerset House and the church where the funeral will be held.

This also requires extreme caution!

(End of this chapter)

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