The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 155 Promotion to Sergeant Major

Chapter 155 Promotion to Sergeant Major (15, please subscribe)

Operation Red Wings was originally an epic tragedy. Both the reconnaissance team and the follow-up rescue force paid a heavy price in this operation.

Among them, DG was the hardest hit, losing more than 10 first-level combatants who were one in a million.

Now with the addition of the spellbreaker Long Zhan, not only were all the original disasters avoided, but Operation Red Wings was even upgraded from an ordinary investigation mission to a classic case that could be recorded in the annals of history.

Relying on the perfectly executed reconnaissance mission, he killed more than 40 militants during the mission.

Long Zhan became the biggest "beneficiary".

When he completed the mission and passed the three-day buffer period, and returned to the base in Virginia Beach with Murphy and others, the special training instructor Adam actually drove to the airport to greet him.

Returning to the green team not only got the assignment notice of the B team, but also got a surprise.

Due to Long Zhan's outstanding performance in Operation Red Wings, he was recommended by Chief Commander Christensen and met the conditions for special promotion.

From the original rank of sergeant sergeant E6, he was officially promoted to a senior NCO-three sergeant major (E7).

It took less than a year and a half to be promoted to a sergeant, and now he has jumped from a non-commissioned officer to a sergeant major. This upgrade speed is comparable to riding a rocket.

Although Long Zhan didn't plan to stay in the army until he was old, if he didn't work for a long time, he was destined not to be able to get a military rank upgrade, and his pension would increase by a large amount.

Upgrading to E7 can't bring him any special rights in the DG where there are so many sergeants.

But one thing is true.


Counting the various subsidies that are higher for sergeant majors than non-commissioned officers, the annual income can be increased by at least 25%.

Coupled with various special subsidies after entering DG...

Long Zhan predicts that his annual income will rise from the previous 4 to over 7.

Other things are invisible, but this money is a tangible improvement, and Long Zhan is very happy about it.

There is never too much money, even if it is only a dime more, it is progress.

This is Long Zhan's attitude towards money.

Received the report notice to go to the B team, and the income has also been greatly improved. The good brothers Clay and Brian also passed the final selection and joined the B team and the A team respectively.

As soon as he came back from the mission, he got three blessings, and Long Zhan was in a very good mood.

After filling out the various file contracts for promotion to E7, and handing them over to Yadai for registration and storage, Long Zhan decided to celebrate.

First I called Brian and invited him to a party at the old place tonight and have a good drink.

Brian, who has joined Team A for two days and successfully completed the joining ceremony, learned that Long Zhan had finally completed his mission and returned, and because of this mission, he was upgraded.

Feeling happy for Long Zhan from the bottom of his heart, he quickly agreed to the party.

Then Long Zhan called Clay in Team B.

Clay expressed strong envy, jealousy and hatred for Long Zhan who was only one year older than himself, but his rank was two full ranks higher than himself.

Of course, this is just a joke on the lips, and I admire Long Zhan so much in my heart.

With such an awesome brother, he also has a bright face.

After the phone call, Long Zhan had nothing to do for the time being, so he went to the B team camp to find the old hapless Cooper, and asked him to go to the old place happy at night.

Then, he was not in a hurry to report to team B, but chose to find Stella, whom he hadn't seen for almost a week.

A bouquet of flowers, a small gift.

Always maintain the romantic atmosphere between the two, create a little surprise anytime and anywhere, Long Zhan is very good at this aspect.

Stella has basically begun to adapt to the sudden disappearance and reappearance of the dragon battle.

It even feels like this way of getting along is just right.

They can always keep each other fresh without being too far apart and fade away with time, and they can have enough private space between them.

This way of getting along is definitely the most comfortable for independent women.

Therefore, for Long Zhan's appearance in school, Stella accepted Long Zhan's flowers and gifts with satisfaction and asked Long Zhan to wear small gift earrings for her by himself.

Then he smiled meaningfully and said, "I have the necklace and earrings, and I just need the next gift."

Knowing what Stella was talking about, Long Zhan replied ambiguously: "A mature and intellectual woman like you needs the most unique gift, and I will try my best to choose it for you."

"Then I'll wait."

Stella just said it casually out of interest, not really thinking about it now.

Seeing that it was still early, I changed the subject and invited Dao Longzhan to visit the school where she studied and worked.

It was the first time for Long Zhan II to enter university, and he did not refuse Stella's invitation.

Just to feel the influence of culture, and by the way, declare to the male creatures in the school, who has the sovereignty of Stella now.

If you don't want to be beaten, just pay attention.

In the process of walking around the campus, Long Zhan told Stella the good news that he had been promoted to sergeant major, and asked Stella to see the house tomorrow afternoon.

Stella had long wanted to build a love nest with Long Zhan, and then heard that the person she admired was actually promoted.

under excitement.

Stella made no effort to hide her love, let alone the eyes of people around her, and took the initiative to tiptoe to give Long Zhan a deep kiss.

It wasn't until she blushed and couldn't hold back her breath that she reluctantly left while intoxicated.

After walking around the campus to see various scenic spots, the time came to the evening unknowingly, and Stella looked very beautiful with the sunset glow on her face.

Long Zhan, who had just killed a lot on the battlefield in Afghanistan and accumulated too much hormone, almost couldn't hold back the urge to rush back to the rental house with the beauty.

Fortunately, Long Zhan still remembered the party at night, and his excellent self-control ability allowed him to control his inner impulse.

8 o'clock in the evening.

Long Zhan took Stella to the old place, and Clay and Brian had ordered wine and were waiting for them.

Different from the previous gatherings between the three, Long Zhan took Stella to sprinkle dog food every time, and Clay and Bryson could only eat dog food crazily beside them.

This time both of them brought their female companions, and Long Zhan had an impression of these two women.

Saw it at the last bachelor party.

Cooper, who came last, was also not single. He also brought a sexy black girl, who was also an impressive woman in Long Zhan.

It's kind of amazing that all three of them managed to pick up girls at the bachelor party.

However, what Long Zhan didn't know was that the three of them were able to get girls, which was largely a small episode at the party. The sturdy soldiers displayed by Long Zhan just stimulated the high point of women.

The three of Clay, who are also members of the SEALs, happened to enjoy this wave of benefits.

Stella and these women knew each other, and Long Zhan and Clay were good friends, and the group of people quickly integrated into a pleasant atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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