The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 161 Team A Shows Up

Chapter 161 Team A Shows Up

40 minutes later!
Long Zhan drove back to the DG headquarters building, arrived at the red team headquarters according to the SMS notification, opened the door and went in, and found that many people were already seated inside.

Not only Trent, Clay and others from Team B, but also a row of unseen strong men sitting on the sofas and chairs against the wall behind the conference table.

Brian sat with the group of strong men.

Long Zhan didn't know these strong men at all, but he knew that Brian had joined Team A. Since this group of strong men sat with Brian, plus each action group was composed of two teams.

Their identities are about to come out.

As the team responsible for covering and supporting operations from the side, Team A rarely participates in the planning of action plans, and even when they come, they just sit by and listen.

Therefore, Long Zhan had never seen anyone from Team A come over during the previous two foreign aid mission meetings.

This caused him to be completely unfamiliar with the members of Team A. He only knew that their captain was Quan Metal, and he didn't even know what he looked like.

But Team A actually showed up at this meeting, and Long Zhan realized that this mission must be unusual.

Everyone in Team A who was sitting by the wall had obviously heard of Long Zhan, and when they saw Long Zhan push the door in, they all cast their gazes.

But only Brian reached out to say hello, and everyone else was very "reserved".

Nothing but anxious eyes.

The members of Team B sat around the conference table in the middle, occupying the core position of the conference room, obviously higher than the members of Team A in terms of status.

"Hey Dragon, come over here."

Clay waved to Long Zhan, pointing to the empty space between him and Brock.

Hearing Clay's greeting, Long Zhan strode over to Clay and sat down.

Brock, who was sitting with his legs crossed, turned his head and saw that the new B6 Dragon Zhan was coming. He asked with a smile, "It's the first time I've come to the squadron headquarters for a meeting. How do you feel?"


Long Zhan raised his eyebrows, and asked casually: "There are a lot of people coming to the meeting today, even the people from Team A are here, do you know what happened?"

"I just came here after receiving the notice, and I don't know more than you." Bullock spread his hands, helpless.


Long Zhan didn't ask any more questions, but instead began to look at the people in the headquarters.

Mandy, as the intelligence officer of Eric's operation group, is still in charge of the intelligence of this operation, sitting alone on the left side of the big screen in front of the conference table.

When seeing Long Zhan come in, Mandy made a special trip to greet Long Zhan with a smile and nod.

The arrangement of the seats at the conference table is obviously particular. All the members of Team B sit in the right row, and there are two vacant seats in the front that are not occupied yet.

Now that Jason and Lei haven't come, it's obviously reserved for the captain and vice-captain.

Behind the two vacant seats are Sonny, Trent, Bullock, Long Zhan, and Clay at the end.

Long Zhan's military rank is higher than Brock's. If he is placed in the grassroots troops, he can command Brock, but here he ranks behind Brock.

can see.

Seats are arranged by team designation.

Sitting on the right side of the conference table were the operatives of Team B, and on the left side were Eric, Diaz and two middle-aged men whom Longzhan didn't know.

Eric was the operations group commander and Diaz was the logistics sergeant for Team B.

It means that the people sitting in the row on the left are all those who command logistics.

Based on this information point, the identities of the two strong men that Long Zhan didn't know at the back can basically be determined, and they are definitely the captain and vice-captain of Team A.

The intuition of special forces is very keen.

Long Zhan didn't deliberately hide his gaze, and was soon noticed by the captain and vice-captain of Team A, who also turned their attention to Long Zhan.

The two of them didn't mind Long Zhan's sizing up, and they both nodded as greetings.

Long Zhan also nodded with a smile.

Then about six or seven minutes later, Jason and Lei, who were older and had more family affairs, pushed the door together and walked in together.

Everyone in Eric's action team arrived, and the meeting immediately got to the point.

Mandy was in charge of the mission briefing for this operation, and put a high-definition picture of the scientific research ship collected on the large monitor directly in front.

Pointing to the picture, he said: "This is the American scientific research ship Sagittarius. It recently conducted a survey of the oxygen content of marine organisms in the South China Sea region of Asia. We think it may have been hijacked..."

"and many more."

Jason interrupted Mandy: "What do you think? What do you mean?"

For special warfare and counter-terrorism operators, the uncertain words of "may, maybe, and should" are often the most taboo words for them.

"We don't know the specific situation, and we haven't received any follow-up relevant information so far, so we can't make an accurate positioning." Mandy explained.

"Then how do you know you were hijacked?" Lei also expressed his doubts.

Mandy didn't continue to explain, picked up the remote control and pressed it on the display, and a prepared call recording began to play.

"I'm Dr. Vincent Barber, and I'm on board the Sagittarius research vessel, about 160 kilometers off the coast of Iloilo, Philippines.

We seem to be in danger, a group of unknown people boarded the ship... No no God, no, please, no.

Please, stop, what are you trying to do?Who are you guys, no..."

The recording stopped here, and only the clearly audible sound of shooting remained.

And it is a continuous fire of fully automatic weapons.

After listening to the recording of the conversation between Sagittarius and the outside world, everyone present understood.

Why did Mandy say that he might be hijacked, because the intensive gunshots in this recording are likely to be a massacre of a terrorist attack.

Regardless of whether it is hijacking or massacre, this is a violent crime.

As the pioneer and trump card of the Navy's anti-terrorist force, since the information has been transferred to Mandy who is stationed in the red team, it means that the task needs to be handled by the Eric action group.

If it is a hijacking, then rescue the hostages.

If it's a massacre, bring the thugs to justice.

After confirming the seriousness of the incident and letting everyone know what happened, Mandy put the pictures of the victims of the incident on the screen.

Pointing to one of the 40-year-old men with very short beards, he said: "Dr. Vincent Barron, professor of ocean and climate science at Stanford University, we believe the voice recorded is his."

Then he pointed to a white woman in her 40s and said, "Dr. Julia Clark, also from Stanford University, they planned to get married next month.

The rest of these people are all scientific research personnel, and they are all on the same scientific research ship as Dr. Barron.

Their personal details have been sent to your personal computers and can also be viewed by you on the printout in front of you. "

(End of this chapter)

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