The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 163 The Navy Afraid of Water!

Chapter 163 The Navy Afraid of Water! (45, 5 liver bursts every day, ask for a monthly pass to replenish the liver!)

After the task briefing meeting was over, all the personnel of the two teams, AB and AB, made a transition from the squadron headquarters to the action simulation conference room.

It is DG's consistent approach to design action plans by simulating on-site action deduction.

When everyone moved to the meeting room, the logistics staff quickly delivered a scientific research ship named Sagittarius made of foam and cardboard.

Due to the temporary manufacture, the scaled-down scientific research ship, which is more than one meter long, looks a bit too rough.

If it is replaced by the mission, the time for the action team to fly over by plane is enough for the logistics personnel to create a suitable simulation scene.

It is not impossible to even find a similar ship and conduct field combat exercises.

"Can anyone think of a way to make this thing better? The models in my daughter's handicraft class in elementary school are more reliable than this thing."

Jason complained frantically, and looked at Diaz.

As the logistics "master" of the B team, if there is anyone here who can provide a better model, it is absolutely no one but Diaz.

"I can't do it now."

Diaz put his hands on his chest and suggested: "But there is good news, if you pay a little more, you can buy ready-made assemblies."

"Isn't it your exclusive duty to assemble one? Davis, help the taxpayers save some money." Sonny bit his toothpick and said "make things difficult".

"Sonny, you should know it's my job to pack your parachute."


Diaz's counterattack was very sharp, which caused a burst of laughter from the audience.

Sonny frowned as if he was angry, and asked Jason, who was bending over and bowing his head to tinker with the research ship, "Can she make such a joke?"

Jason knew that the two of them were "everyday bickering", and they didn't really quarrel. After all, everyone knew that Sonny was interested in Diaz.

He glanced up and said, "Maybe not."

Then he said to Long Zhan: "Long, I heard that you have learned modeling, can you make it more beautiful?"

"I'll give it a try."

Long Zhan spoke modestly, but looked very confident, and walked straight over.

Modeling is also one of the military majors that can be learned. From building sand tables, making miniature landscapes, building simulated action sites, etc., all belong to the scope of modeling.

Usually only logistics non-commissioned officers learn, and actual combat players are rarely interested in this thing.

Dragon War is purely "versatile"!
Jason and Long Zhan were doing business here. Sonny had just been generalized by Diaz. This one was obviously not convinced, and he was going to rely on Jason to make a comeback.

"Jason, since you can't make such a joke, can you write a report to criticize her?"


Regarding Sonny's request, Jason resolutely refused, and gave the answer: "She also helped me pack the parachute, and she is my most trusted logistics sergeant."

The meaning of Jason's words was clear.

Diaz is the person in charge of the B team's equipment, and he is a well-fed parent. We can't afford to mess with him.

"Fake friend, you are such a coward." Sonny blurted out.


Jason's merciless refusal, coupled with Sonny's desperate expression, caused everyone present to burst into laughter.

"I'm not a bad person."

Diaz, who won the bickering again, smiled triumphantly at Sonny.

"Everyone, have you ever heard of the stupid behavior of participating in the navy because of fear of water?" Lei also began to exert his skills, and said solemnly.

"Funny isn't it? I think some people are afraid of swimming."

Jason followed up with the knife, without naming anyone by name in his words, but looking at Sonny, the meaning behind his words was self-evident.

"I'm not afraid of swimming, OK? Swimming is just not my first choice." Sonny corrected solemnly.

"OK, I understand." Jason nodded solemnly.

The others couldn't help but laugh!
Sonny, a tough guy with a beard, is afraid of almost everything except people. This is well-known in DG.

It's almost become a daily activity of the B team to use Sonny's "weakness" to make fun of it.

"Poor Comrade Sonny."

While Long Zhan adjusted the structure of the model, he listened to the talk of the old guys from Team B, and felt more and more fond of this atmosphere.

As a team that trusts each other, talking and laughing is definitely the minimum foundation.

After a few minutes.

"Boss, it's over, let's see how it goes."

Hearing Long Zhan's words, Jason looked up and down the model closely, and said with satisfaction: "Well done, it looks much more pleasing to the eye now.

We need to know where the hostages are. This is the key to the mission. Where do you think they might be? "

"If I were that group of idiots, I'd hide those scientists here."

Sonny pointed to the cab: "There are windows, a good view, and the hostages can be transferred quickly at any time. The position is condescending, and it also has a defensive function to prevent others from boarding the ship."

"Where is the toilet?"

Diaz questioned: "For the robbers, the worst thing is to ensure that the hostages have food and water, and let them go to the toilet."

We all know that there is no toilet in the cab, if more than 10 hostages are allowed to pee and shit in it.

Don't say it's a hostage.

The robbers themselves couldn't bear it.

"Davis made the point. If all the hostages are locked in the cab, it will take time to take them to the toilet and then bring them back. It is very troublesome."

Jason was also skeptical of Sonny's guess, and then asked Long Zhan: "Long, this is the first time you have participated in an operation as an official team member. Tell me your opinion. Do you think the hostages are most likely to be in the where?"


Jason took the initiative to give the opportunity to perform, it was definitely a deliberate support, Long Zhan had to take this face into account, pointed to the interior cabin under the cab and said: "I think it is a very good choice to hide the hostages in the living area. "

"What's the reason?" Jason said.

"It's simple."

Long Zhan pointed to the bridge and said: "The scientific research ship needs to carry a large amount of scientific research materials and equipment, and the internal space of the bridge is destined to be limited, so it is impossible to have many vacant large cabins.

Assuming all hostages are still alive, the number of hostages will reach 11.

The only place that can satisfy the toilet problem and accommodate so many hostages is the living area, and it must be a public space such as a restaurant.

Assuming it is a restaurant, there will only be at most two hatches to enter and exit.

If the hostages are held inside, the robbers only need to guard one or two cabin doors to ensure that the hostages will not escape, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of custody.

Since the living quarters fit perfectly in all aspects, it is impossible for the robbers to make other choices. "

What Long Zhan said was much more reliable than what Sonny said, and it sounded more reasonable.

No one raised any objections.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's assume that the living area is the place of detention."

Jason was very satisfied with Long Zhan's reasoning, and based on the principle of continuing with good performance, he asked, "What method do you think is more suitable for boarding?"

(End of this chapter)

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