The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1662 I just want to take a nap

After arriving on the shore, Bourne randomly chose a direction based on his feeling, got on a tricycle, held a laser pointer, and tried his best to find the information based on the information on the laser pointer.

The journey was smooth, except that I had no documents when I arrived in Zurich.

It was night. It was cold and snowing outside, but because I had no identity, I couldn't check into the hotel, so I had to sleep on a bench in the park.

As soon as I fell asleep, two police officers passed by on patrol. Shine a flashlight in Bourne's face and say fiercely to him:

"Hey, young man, can't you understand these signs? Stand up, hurry up, right now. The park is closed. No one is allowed to spend the night in the park." It turns out that according to the regulations of the park, no one is allowed to spend the night here.

"Okay." Bourne could only get up from the bench under the urging of their lights.

"Come here, show us your ID." The police suddenly wanted to see the ID.

It would be fine if he was not allowed to sleep, but it would be troublesome to see the ID.

Byrne could only answer truthfully: "I didn't."

"Get your ID quickly," they yelled again.

"I really don't." Bourne replied again.

"I don't have any documents. I lost my documents."

"Okay, come with us, put your hands up." They were still reluctant to give up on Bourne.

"I just want to sleep." Bourne replied helplessly, shaking his head.

As a result, the police started to attack Bourne, pointing a gun at Bourne, and wanted to take him away for questioning.

Bourne grabbed the pistol reflexively and knocked down the police officer easily. His movements were clean and well-trained, and he himself was shocked by his actions.

After the two policemen were accidentally knocked down by him, Bourne was so frightened that he dropped his gun to the ground.

Now that his identity was unknown and he didn't want to get into trouble, he quickly ran away.

Running on the road, he immediately took off his easily identifiable red coat.

In the emergency situation of escape, Bourne actually thought of a mobile phone number in his mind.

He didn't particularly know whose number it was, but he just knew it belonged to a man named Long Zhan.

When he encounters a crisis in battle, he will think of a person and a string of mobile phone numbers, so he calls them, and there is a scene where he meets Long Zhan.

Virginia, Lanzhou

The top brass of the CIA were in dire straits at this time.

The CIA often engages in subversive activities around the world.

The purpose is to get rid of politicians from small countries who are unfavorable to the United States and support pro-American power.

But in fact, there is also intrigue and corruption within the CIA.

Lao Bai, the CIA's senior staff member, is an experienced spy chief.

He once proposed a stumbling block plan.

And he has a protégé, Akang.

But they had some problems.

At this time, a young correspondent reported to Akang: "Sir, it has been confirmed that the mission has failed."

The officer looked at the photo of the ship in his hand. The ship in the photo was the ship Bourne was on, and he fell into deep thought.

At this time, the exiled African politician on TV, Lao Hei, threatened: "These people are threatening my family and my children. It's good. All the evidence is complete. I have a good show for everyone to watch, as well as my friends over there." , you will see your own good show, because after I become rational, if you still want to play this game, I will show it to you." Because an African exiled politician, Lao Hei, was not very obedient, Akang took it upon himself to He advocated sending killer Bourne to kill Lao Hei, but the mission failed.

At this time, an official showed the footage of the politician being interviewed by reporters to senior CIA officials and the director, and expressed his thoughts.

"This is Niwana Umboshi's speech in Paris the day before yesterday. He was a thorn in the side before taking power, a trouble in power, and has become a disaster for us after his exile.

He is also writing a book about CIA operations in Africa. He wants the names of agents. This is simply blackmail. He is forcing assistance from the CIA. He wants us to help him return to power within six months, otherwise we will wait and see. I will Give the tape of the interview to those who need it. During the interview, he said that he had just escaped an assassination. "

If the U.S. government does not help support him to regain power, all the secrets of his cooperation with the CIA over the years will be made public.

"He said we did it and he had evidence," one of the officials said.

"The director wants to know if there is any truth to this allegation, and I have assured him that no one among my senior bureaucrats would be so reckless," another official said.

At this time, Lao Bai called Akang to another conference room and chatted with him alone:

"I remembered a conversation we had before, about Operation Stepping Stone. I seem to remember that Umbosi's name was mentioned during the conversation,"

"I'm not sure what we talked about," said the official, Akon.

"Someone tried to kill him, but failed." Lao Bai said.

"Is this Operation Stepping on the Rock? Are you asking a straightforward question?" Officer A Kang replied.

"Yes, I thought you wouldn't do this." Official A'kang continued.

"What happened?" Lao Bai asked.

"I lost contact with our people." Officer Akon told him the truth.

"This seems to have happened two weeks ago. Our whole team has been working day and night. We were all sleeping there, trying to figure out a way." Official A Kang said.

"But you don't want me to know about this?" Lao Bai replied.

"You never wanted to know before," said the official, Akon.

"But you have never failed before." Lao Bai replied.

At this time, Long Zhan and Bourne, based on the information prompted by the laser, came to the Gormanshaft Bank in Zurich, Switzerland.

But when Long Zhan saw Bourne shivering from the cold, he said to Bourne, "Let's go buy a set of clothes first."

"But I don't have any extra money." Bourne said with a pitiful look.

"Is this what you're worried about?" Long Zhan glanced at him.

Bourne finally smiled genuinely.

Then we quickly went to buy some new clothes and put them on.

Wearing new clothes makes him even more handsome. Bourne's facial features were three-dimensional and clear-cut, and he became even more handsome with new clothes.

When they came to the counter.

A young lady at the front desk who was dressed very neatly and professionally saw them coming and took the initiative to greet them: "Hello, how can I help you?"

"Yes, I want to take care of the safe." Bourne said to her.

"Okay, please fill in your account number and I'll call someone to help you." Although the lady at the front desk spoke proactively, she felt impatient and looked at them with a strange look.

Maybe the auras of Long Zhan and Bourne make people feel like they have a murderous aura about them. (End of chapter)

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