The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1666 Obtaining information

What they informed were experienced European foreign agents, and they needed to kill Bourne as soon as possible. There were three agents who carried out the order.

The first one is:

They sent the message:

In the beginning, code name: "Professor."


Positioned: "Barcelona."

Locked/login accepted.

Type the command: Enter.


Preparatory mode, weapons are ready for delivery and on standby.

Send message


Operation codename: Mannheim.


Preparatory Mode Weapons/Transportation Zurich

Chilean Passport/Immediately Distributed

Target destination Zurich.


the third:

Location: Rome



Location: Rome, Italy

Signaling: Confirmed

Like Bourne, each of them is a front-line executor of the Treadstone Project, with many passports and names.

Because these professional agents go wherever the country needs them.

Cruz took Bourne and Long Zhan along the way and kept telling his story.

"It's okay for me because I'm prepared, you know, even if I stay in Amsterdam for half a year, I'm not sure if I've been there for 20 minutes or 20 years, you know what I mean, so I bring All the money, gotta get out of there.

Together with a friend, I took over a surf shop outside Biarritz, France. It was right next to the beach, which was great, and it was great for those 3 months, until we found out later that the bastard who pre-leased the store to us actually lied to us, and"

"And how?" Bourne asked with interest.

"What do you mean by how? Listen, I kept talking for almost 60 kilometers. I have to say it when I am nervous. I mean, I am like this because I am nervous. I want to shut up and stop talking."

When Cruz saw that Bourne remained silent, he thought he talked too much and made others embarrassed, so he did not dare to speak.

Long Zhan was a man of few words. He sat in the back seat and Bourne sat in the passenger seat.

Long Zhan casually chatted with them, and he listened to every word.

Not much talk either.

Girls generally like to chatter, especially after they get to know each other a little bit.

"Don't be like that. It's not that I didn't tell you that except for my good friends, the ones we work with, I haven't talked to anyone for a while."

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, it's that he simply doesn't remember what happened two weeks ago.

"Yes, but we didn't speak. It was me who said that after leaving Zurich, you only said about 10 words." Cruz said.

"Listening to you, it's a kind of relaxation. I haven't slept for a while, and I also encountered a very troublesome thing. It kept spinning in my mind, and I just started to touch the background, so I continued. Well, really, you can go on if you want."

"Yes, it's true." Long Zhan actually felt that Bourne had overexplained to the other party, but thinking that Bourne was also his good brother, he simply helped him clarify it.

Then after listening, Long Zhan was too lazy to pay attention to them, so he went to the car and fell asleep.

They continued to chat.

"Okay, what kind of music do you like?" Cruz asked even more excitedly when he saw Long Zhan sleeping.

"What kind of music do you like?" Bourne asked. "Say it!" Cruz asked impatiently.

"You know what? Let's forget it." Bourne swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips.

"No, tell me." Cruz said with some mischievousness.

"I don't know, what do you want to hear?" Bourne replied.

"Come on, it's nothing difficult. Just tell me what you like." Cruz thought Bourne was so stupid.

"I don't know." Bourne replied in a retarded voice with an aggravated tone. He seemed to be a little impatient, but in fact it was not, but some complicated emotions in his heart.

After all, he really doesn't know that he doesn't feel like a complete self now.

When Cruz heard this, he also had an ugly expression on his face.

Bourne also realized that his voice was a bit too loud just now, and he was a little embarrassed, but he really didn't know what to say to him.

"Who would pay $20,000 for a ride to Paris?" Cruz seemed to be guiding Byrne to slowly open up to her.

"Hell, I can't remember anything about what happened two weeks ago."

At this time, Bourne finally told her about his amnesia.

"It's so lucky, no, I'm serious, I don't know who I am, I don't know where I'm going, I have no idea." Byrne said frankly.

"Really? Like amnesia?" Cruz said with a smile, feeling like he was listening to a story.

Of course Byrne means it.

"Yes." Bourne replied.

"Okay." Cruz seemed to understand why he was like this.

Akang felt uneasy and asked the information retrieval officer to re-retrieve the relevant information about Bourne and take a closer look.

He confirmed to the information officer:

"Is this the best angle to view the courtyard from?"

"Yes, that's the only angle." The data retrieval information officer replied to Akang.

"What is he doing?" Akang asked worriedly when he saw the information on the screen.

"Are they playing a game, warning us? Threatening us?" Akang guessed inexplicably.

"Sir, look here." The information caller obtained some more information and pointed at the new picture on the screen.

"Where is this?" Akang asked, looking at the screen.

"It's the corner of that street, an alley." The informant replied.

"Strengthen the signal." Akang looked at the screen and issued the order.

They zoomed in again.

Relevant information was obtained by scanning Cruze's car.

"Who is that person?" Akang asked, pointing to the woman next to the red car, who was Cruze.

"Marie Cruz. She was 26 years old and was born in Hanover. Her father was a welder and died in 1987. There is no information about her mother. We only know that her grandmother still lives in Hanover.

It seems that she has become the family's support in small disasters. There is also a half-brother, the trouble is she is a "gypsy" I mean she shows up here and there, but at best she just runs around.

In 95, she paid the electricity bill in Spain. In 96, she was the head of a household in Belgium and installed a telephone in her own name for three months. There are no tax and loan records. "

The information officer was really top-notch in collecting information, and she investigated all the information so clearly.

"I don't like this person, and I want you to look into her. Look into her grandmother's and half-brother's phone records. Look into anyone associated with her. I want to know where she has been for the past six years." Akang said. (End of chapter)

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