The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1670 No one can do the right thing

"Mary, Mary." Bourne called her twice, but her eyes were blank and she never responded.

It turned out that Cruze had been petrified, so Long Zhan called Bourne to pack his things, then he supported Cruze and prepared to go downstairs and leave.

When they went downstairs, they saw that the wife who had just opened the door for them was slumped on the ground against the wall. She had been shot in the middle of her forehead, leaving a little blood in the middle.

And die with eyes closed.

When Cruze saw this scene, he instinctively screamed.

Long Zhan immediately covered her mouth and said, "Don't say anything, don't say anything."

At this time, Cruze was so frightened that his lips turned white.

When they walked out, there were many people gathered at the door.

Because someone fell, the Paris police will be dispatched soon.

Long Zhan and Bourne helped Cruz quickly walk out of the door.

Some of the people gathered there were staring at the killer, and there was an old man who watched Long Zhan and the others come out and get into the car.

"Don't look over there." Byrne turned Cruze's head away, not allowing her to look at the racing outside.

At this time, a female information recorder in Paris arranged by Akon was already there to collect information.

And call Akon's handlers about what happened in Paris.

"Code name, Alpha 37509." He took the phone and said.

"Hey" the female information recorder Balabala said to him.

"Wait a minute, it's Bourne. He went to his apartment in Paris." Akon said to Akon.

As soon as Akang heard the news about Bourne, he came to the phone very excited.

After taking the call, the other party said to Akang: "We caught him. Tell me, he killed our people."

"What? In the apartment?" Akang confirmed.

"Yes." The female information clerk replied.

"You must settle this matter." Akang ordered her.

"No, I can't settle it. The body is on the street, so what? There are police on the street, this is Paris." The female information officer refused.

"Monitor police communications and intercept as much information as possible." Akang asked the female information officer forcefully.

However, female information officers do not have this ability.

This time it was Byrne who drove, because Cruze was too dazed to drive.

Long Zhan is responsible for observing the situation and taking care of Cruze.

Bourne said to them: "You stay in the car, I will find a place and deposit the money first. Come back in 10 minutes."

So Byrne came to the bank alone.

There were too many people at the bank. When he saw the queue numbers on the screen, he didn't know that it would take years and months to get in line.

So he thought of a way, and there happened to be a fire hydrant cabinet nearby. So he opened the fire door and put the red bag containing the money directly into the fire hydrant cabinet.

After installing it, I immediately came to the red car and looked around to see if it was safe.

Then immediately getting in the car, Byrne said to Cruze: "You have to go to the police. Go right away. Go before things get worse."

"Just me?" Mary asked worriedly.

Because Byrne doesn't want Cruze to be implicated because of him. "It'll be okay. Just take my passport and show it to the police," Byrne said.

"If you have that photo and 20,000 dollars, tell the police truthfully what happened, and they will believe you. They can only believe you."

But Cruze had no intention of getting out of the car.

"Mary, you can't just sit here, it's not safe," Byrne advised Cruze.

"Security? This all started in the embassy. Who can do these things? I don't know, it's all because of yesterday. How did they know that we were together." Cruz began to ask worriedly.

"Listen, I'm doing this for your own good," Byrne said hastily, interrupting Cruz.

But Cruz interrupted Bourne in fear: "What's going on? How could it be good for me? The two of you worked together and handed me over to the police alone."

"You think I want you to call the police. This will benefit me?" Byrne said to Cruz impatiently.

"If you want to go, you go." Cruz also yelled at Bourne loudly.

"If you go, I have to escape." Byrne explained.

"Go tell them yourself what happened," Cruz said to Byrne.

"I don't know what happened, I don't know who that guy is, and I don't know who I am about the origin of the photo." Byrne became angry and yelled at Cruze in a very loud voice.

At this time, Cruze was so frightened that he calmed down and stopped talking.

Bourne realized again that it was not good for him to speak so loudly.

"I'm sorry, acted like I wanted to hurt you. I just want to do the right thing." Bourne said to Cruz gently again.

"No one can do the right thing." Cruz said with some collapse.

Then he kept staring at the wanted poster that was revealed on the killer's body.

At this time, Long Zhan saw that they were arguing so fiercely. He was not very good at expressing himself, so he decided to do some ideological work for Cruze. After all, judging from his performance, it felt that Cruze was no longer their simple coachman.

Although she gave her money, she already regarded them as friends, but their status did not deserve friends.

Because as Barney always said, it's dangerous to follow them.

Including why the team was disbanded, it was also because he was unwilling to sacrifice the lives of his brothers again.

So Long Zhan said to them sincerely: "Mary, I'm sorry, Bourne is not giving up on you, it's because we can't take you to escape together. If you are with us, you will be in very danger. You can only go to the police to save yourself." , and we still have our own mission. If we escape together, you will be in trouble."

Bourne also slowly calmed down and added: "I don't even know who I am hiding from. Who have I offended? Who wants to kill me. Only when I find out the situation can I have a way out. Now it is others who know me." Who is it? I have to stay and find out the truth with Brother Long."

"Then let's find out the truth together." After hearing this, Cruz began to calm down and said firmly.

Mary felt that the person who was chasing them must have a lot of background.

In addition, the wanted photos were taken at the U.S. Consulate.

It can't be a random little thief.

So I decided to stay with Bourne.

At this time, Long Zhan suddenly noticed a suspicious person appearing not far outside the car, so he asked Cruze:

"Have you maintained this car?"

"What do you mean?" Cruz asked Long Zhan in the rearview mirror.

"On the way here, I felt that the tire was not inflated enough." Long Zhan said.

"The car veers a little to the right when driving." Cruz replied. (End of chapter)

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