The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1673 Chapter 1669 I’m not that stupid

Pay attention to all the details later, including the number of steps from the door to the front desk.

How many staff and guards are there in the store.

Then tell Byrne over the phone.

In this way, we should cooperate inside and outside and act together.

"Before we leave, we need to check the list." Bourne said to Long Zhan.

"Okay." Long Zhan replied.

Then Byrne adjusted it in his hand.

Then Cruze quickly obtained some information and came out to join Bourne and the others.

"What's the pay phone number?" Byrne asked Cruz.

Cruz had a really good memory. He told him his phone number directly without taking any notes.

"Where are the exits? How many are there?" Byrne continued to ask Cruz.

"There are three." Cruz replied confidently.

Then he added: "The staff exit is at the back, the side exit leads to the commercial street, and the front is the best exit. If I feel that I am being followed, I will put my bag on my right shoulder when I come out."

"What if there are no taxis?" Bourne asked in advance.

"I will keep moving forward. I will never look back until you contact me." Cruz looked a little uneasy at this time, but at the same time she felt that Bourne could give her enough support.

It gave her strength again.

I can only say that I seek comfort from the adventure.

In fact, Byrne doesn't really want Cruze to do such a thing, he feels it is particularly dangerous.

But there is no other way.

So he also pondered for a while.

"What's wrong?" Long Zhan asked Cruz.

"It's okay, it's just" helplessness flashed in Bourne's eyes.

Cruz noticed Bourne's concern for her.

So he smiled and comforted Bourne: "This is all we can do next, don't worry about me, I'm leaving."

Cruz walked towards the entrance of the Queen Hotel in Paris without hesitation.

Bourne kept looking at Cruze's back.

"I want to stay away from you." Cruz said when he entered the hotel.

Bourne's voice came from Cruze's headphone cord.

"You walk in and choose a location, close to the center of the lobby." Bourne directed her.

"You have to count and remember the number of steps to get to that location, because when I call you, you have to act quickly, understand?"

Cruz saw that there were quite a lot of people in this hotel.

"During the time you go in and get to the counter, I have to figure out how many people are there. How many staff are there? Of course there are security guards, but it's definitely not that easy to identify them. I'll call you and you tell me. Let’s start working on the layout there.” Byrne said to Cruze in the headset.

Cruze swept his eyes wherever he went.

He thought that this task was very difficult and could not go wrong. After the plan was ready, Bourne picked up the public phone and prepared to take the first step.

The phone happened to be right in front of Cruze.

But the call didn't go through, and no one answered.

Just when Bourne felt very strange.

He suddenly saw Cruze outside the phone booth.

Long Zhan was outside the phone booth and immediately asked Cruz: "What's wrong? Something went wrong?"

But what they never expected was that the mission was over before it even started.

"I've got the record," Cruz told them.

Long Zhan and Bourne asked in unison excitedly: "So fast?"

I'm really surprised by Cruze's efficiency. Can't believe it's so easy to do.

Bourne felt a little incredible.

Asked: "How did you get it so quickly?"

"The guy at the hotel front desk kept grinning at me when he saw me. So thinking of all the trouble, maybe it would be easier for me to go directly to him. I just wanted to try my luck."

"That's it, you got the bill?" Long Zhan asked.

"Yes." Cruz said, taking out a list from his pocket.

By this time they had all gone outside.

"He also made a copy for me," Cruz told them.

"You asked him directly and he gave it to you?" Byrne asked.

"Will they give it to you casually?" Long Zhan asked.

"Of course not. I said I was Kane's personal assistant and wanted to get his hotel check-in information for registration. He gave it to me."

"Well, your idea is great!" Byrne praised Cruze with a thumbs up.

"Otherwise? Do you think I'm stupid?" Cruz's face smiled like a flower when he was praised by Bourne.

In this way, Cruz easily obtained Kane's bill information.

Therefore, Cruze's approach tells us that sometimes if we change our thinking, it will be another way to solve the problem.

It could be simpler.

Over at the CIA, Lao Bai learned that Lao Hei had been assassinated.

Then he ran to the office excitedly.

"Sir, can I do that?" the assistant was about to ask.

Lao Bai said to his assistant: "Reschedule the meeting."

Then came to Akang's office.

Said Acon: "Onbosi was assassinated in his apartment in the center of Paris."

"Yes, I heard that just now." Akang took off his reading glasses and said deliberately.

"We just heard that it was Bourne who did it, and we can almost conclude that it should be the case. He was assigned a task, and his task was to assassinate Lao Hei. But he failed. Obviously, he felt that he had to complete the task. "Akang calmly told Lao Bai that this must be Bourne's doing.

Lao Bai turned his head angrily.

Sighing: "Oh my god."

"We think he's coming back soon. I mean, the program is like this, it's like behavioral software. This mission is completed. According to the usual practice, within 24 hours, he should be back and resume his life. He will act according to the rules. Yes, now that he's done his job, we think he'll be back again.

They always do. "Akang saw that Lao Bai was so excited.

He still had to give some reasons to stabilize Lao Bai.

After all, Lao Bai is his boss, so he can't be too arrogant.

"When?" Lao Bai asked impatiently.

"How long will it take for him to come back to report?" A very young and handsome assistant next to him asked Akang repeatedly.

Akang did not answer, but brought a cup of tea and gestured to the young assistant.

"24 hours, usually 24 hours." The young assistant repeated.

"24 hours?" Lao Bai confirmed again.

"Yes, yes, it usually takes that long."

Then the phone rang.

Then Lao Bai asked Lao Kang: "What then?"

"I said, we will settle this matter, we will settle it, don't worry." Akang comforted Lao Bai while drinking.

Lao Bai seemed to have no choice.

it's the only way.

Byrne conducted phone calls one by one through the call records of hotels where Kane had stayed. (End of chapter)

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