The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1675: Sir, I still want zero money from you.

But the staff member said tremblingly: "I don't know."

The staff member didn't look like he was lying, but he felt guilty because he took their money and didn't see the body.

At this moment, another staff member hurriedly walked over, wearing glasses.

The optician asked, "What's wrong?"

"These guys came to see the American, but strangely, the body was missing."

"His brothers also came here last night." The man wearing glasses said to the staff member.

"But he didn't register." the staff member replied.

"Who are you?" The man wearing glasses asked Long Zhanwen Bourne in a questioning tone.

Maybe Long Zhan was too tall and they didn't dare to look at him.

"What's going on? Where's the body?" Bourne replied.

"I told you, someone was here last night."

Byrne continued: "Where did they take the body?"

As a result, the staff member wearing glasses was a little arrogant and replied angrily: "Listen, this is not a party, understand? We are not here to answer whatever you ask.

Everyone has to call to make an appointment and follow the rules. You have to register for entry and exit here. This is a serious place and requires rigorous work. "

As he spoke, the glasses man put his feet up and raised his head, almost touching Bourne's face.

Seeing that Bourne didn't speak, he became more enthusiastic and continued in an educational tone: "I'm not saying that you can come whenever you want."

"Yes, we did not register when we came in." Bourne replied.

"Then get out of here now." The man with glasses yelled loudly.

For the sake of the truth, Bourne swallowed his anger and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

He turned around and walked out and said, "Okay, okay, I'll register right away."

"Is this it? This is it, right?"

Byrne said.

After saying that, I went to the front desk and picked up a pen and registration book to prepare for boarding.

"You can't touch this register."

The glasses man still said arrogantly.

"It's okay, there are pencils here." Bourne ignored his attempts to stop him.

"Honey, why don't you wait outside." Bourne pretended to say to Cruze.

The staff all looked at Cruze.

Bourne immediately took the opportunity to tear off the paper from the registration book.

They realized it and immediately came to stop it.

"Here we can't"

Long Zhan had endured the two brats for a long time.

Especially Mr. Glasses.

He directly grabbed his hand, making him unable to move at all.

He looked at him fiercely, like he was catching a chicken.

This time it was Long Zhan's turn to show off his power: "Move again and try!"

Seeing that they didn't do anything particularly excessive, the other party thought that Long Zhan was compatible at first, but then he became fierce and crushed them to death as easily as squeezing an ant.

Don't dare to act rashly.

After Bourne and the others walked out, Long Zhan slashed his hand and fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

"Jason, what happened just now?" Cruz didn't understand what just happened and chased Bourne and asked him.

"What are you looking for?" Cruz asked as he watched Bourne searching for the paper he had just torn off.

"Weng Boxi. Weng Boxi went to the morgue to see Kane." Byrne looked at the name on the paper and said to Cruze. "How did you know?" Long Zhan asked.

"Because he also appeared in the joint security brochure. He is the same person." Bourne replied.

"Oh, I understand." Long Zhan replied.

"Then what?" Cruz asked again.

"He knows the truth," Bourne replied.

Bourne thought that the old black man Boxi must know his identity, so he found out his relevant information and rushed to the old black man's residence together.

As soon as they got there, they found many police officers surrounding them.

I learned from people around me that Lao Hei had been assassinated.

Bourne even felt that Lao Hei's death might have something to do with him, and he was a step too late.

As a result, the clue was interrupted again and fell into a dead end.

But at this time Cruz went to the ground and picked up a newspaper.

It's all in French. But she said: "My French is very bad, I can't understand it well."

Long Zhan happened to live with a French friend for a period of time, so he generally understood.

So Long Zhan immediately grabbed it and took a look at it, and said: "There was a boat search. Three weeks before Weng Boxi was killed, he told the police that a man climbed onto his yacht 5 kilometers away from Marseille and climbed into his yacht. An attempt was made to assassinate him. The newspaper said he drove the assassin off the boat. He shot him twice in the back."

After Long Zhan finished watching, he said to Bourne: "Aren't you the assassin?"

"Yes." Bourne responded.

Judging from this description, it is indeed Bourne himself.

After hearing this, Cruz became depressed.

But this was not the time to be emotional, they had to take a taxi and go back to the hotel.

Think long term.

Just as they got into the taxi to go home, Long Zhan sat in the passenger seat, and Bourne and Cruze sat in the back seat.

Not far from the hotel, the sirens of police cars were heard.

Long Zhan realized that something was wrong.

So he immediately said to the driver: "Driver, please stop for a moment."

"But the location you mentioned is still ahead. We will be there soon." The driver was not ready to stop.

"Master, thank you, we can just stop here." Long Zhan quickly asked the driver to stop.

The driver didn't stop. Long Zhan didn't care and opened the car door directly. Bourne and the others also opened the car door in the back seat.

The driver shouted unhappily: "What the hell are you doing? This is very dangerous."

"Let's go." Long Zhan threw away the money, closed the door, and ran away with Bourne and the others.

The driver was still there saying: "I gave you too much money, you gave me too much money."

They no longer cared about showing their faces and had to find a hidden place.

"The place where we live has been exposed, let's go quickly." Long Zhan said to Bourne and Cruze.

"Exposed, exposed to what?" Cruz asked as if he was a little in the dark.

"Sir, I still need your change." Oh my god, this driver has such professional ethics that he actually chased Long Zhan and the others to give them change.

"No need to look for it, no need to look for it." Long Zhan said loudly to him without looking back, and waved to Yao.

At this time, an urban management officer came to urge the driver: "Sir, you can't park the car here, you have to drive away."

At this time, the Paris police surrounded the hotel where Bourne and his family were staying.

The two of them became wanted criminals by the police and could no longer live here.

"Keep walking, keep walking." Long Zhan told them to lower their heads and get out of there quickly. (End of chapter)

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