The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1697: He was killed because he was too clever

After Bourne came out, he contacted Long Zhan and asked Long Zhan to drive him to an Internet cafe to check the information.

At the Internet cafe, Bourne used Long Zhan's identity information to start searching on the Internet.

Because Bourne didn't want to be disturbed by Randy and others at this time.

Once he logs in with Bourne's identity information, Randy and the others will definitely be notified immediately and they will be arrested again.

When Bourne sorts out the information he has obtained so far, he will go to Randy if Randy doesn't come to him.

Based on the name that came to mind, Byrne went to the Internet to check old news information about Nasky.

"He and his wife died in a hotel room in Berlin." Byrne told Long Zhan.


There is something baffling about the dragon battle. Read:


"Yes, a picture appeared in my mind, maybe a Russian politician." Bourne replied.

"Then which hotel did they die in?" Long Zhan asked.

"I have to keep searching."

So Byrne continued to search online.

Danny, who is handsome, young and smart, couldn't wait to find Lao Bai after get off work.

After Lao Bai responded, he went to the power distribution office of that building again to check.

It was discovered that the killer had installed bombs on both the main and auxiliary lines.

Said to him:

"My work has been completed, but before reporting to Randy, I want to show it to you first. I came here to take a look again last night.

Because I think there's something wrong here. I agree with you that Conklin is a lunatic, but I beg to differ if he is a traitor. "

"What did you find? Danny?" Lao Bai asked Danny.

In fact, there is no need to install two.

Because as long as the main line is disconnected, the power supply to the building can be cut off.

If the auxiliary line is broken, the impact will not be significant.

The failed bomb was mounted on the secondary circuit breaker.

It was obvious that the bomb was deliberately disabled.

Thus preserving the fingerprints to frame Bourne.

Danny said to Lao Bai seriously, as if he had discovered a new world, and took Lao Bai to the power distribution office again.

He explained his insights to Lao Bai. He originally wanted to be praised by Lao Bai, but he discovered something that others had not discovered: "Well, if you put explosives here, it will destroy the power system of the building. You know this , but there were two explosive devices here that were supposed to detonate at the same time, and this one here didn't explode.

First of all, this line is useless, it is the secondary line of the circuit breaker above. Secondly, why put a second explosive device here? If you have the ability to come in and plant a bomb, you should know that this explosive device is not necessary. And Byrne must know. "

Danny analyzed Lao Bai seriously.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Lao Bai pretended to confirm to Danny.

"It looks like it." Danny replied very simply.

"What if someone wants to cover up his crime by framing Conklin and Byrne? What if Byrne has nothing to do with this matter at all?" Danny explained his reasoning to Lao Bai step by step.

Seeing how smart this assistant was, Lao Bai asked him to demonstrate it to him.

"You demonstrate it again." Lao Bai pretended not to understand and said to the naive Danny.

"Okay. Okay, you put it"

After speaking, Danny turned around and was about to go up to demonstrate again, when Lao Bai grabbed Danny's neck from behind and stabbed him in the chest with a knife.

There is no surveillance here, just a small light bulb, and no one comes.

While he was demonstrating, Lao Bai killed him silently and ruthlessly.

Danny knew too much, so he could forget it and talk to Lao Bai.

Lao Bai turned off the light and felt nervous for a while, but he had to pretend to be calm, closed the door as if nothing had happened, and left. Byrne obtained some relevant information through various data searches. Then based on the hotel address found, I prepared to go to this hotel with Long Zhan.

Still the same, Long Zhan went outside to guard.

"Pull over, he's coming out. Soldier, this is not training, is that clear? This time it's for real, let's do it. We're on the other side." Byrne sat in the car, Conklin's words appeared in his mind again In the picture, there is the picture of the Russian politician again.

It caused a panic in his mind.

He covered his head and looked at Long Zhan's face. He had a headache.

Long Zhan kept calling him: "Jason, Jason."

After shouting for a while, he slowly woke up.

Long Zhan looked at Bourne who had been tortured and felt very uncomfortable. Apart from accompanying him to investigate the truth of the matter, he seemed to have no other choice but to do this.

After Bourne calmed down for a while, he regained consciousness. Long Zhan said to him, "The hotel has arrived."

"Well, it's okay. I'll go in first and you wait for me outside. Just follow the old rules, half an hour."

Bourne said to Long Zhan.

"Okay, stay safe and contact us at any time." Long Zhan said to Bourne.

"Thank you." Bourne actually stirred up emotion.

Long Zhan glared at him, the implication being that if you keep being polite to me, I won't be able to forgive you.

Time is tight.

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, and Bourne got out of the car and prepared to approach the hotel.

Long Zhan also continued to park the car in a good place, so that he could pick up Bourne at any time, and also be able to observe some situations in the hotel.

Bourne approached the hotel very calmly.

As soon as he came in, there was a familiar feeling.

Before he could calmly appreciate it, the front desk clerk came to say hello with great enthusiasm.

"Good evening, sir, do you need any help?"

"Yes, I'd like to book a room for the night," Bourne told him.

"Okay, have you made a reservation in advance?" the waiter said.

"No," Bourne replied.

Then the male waiter asked: "Are you checking in alone?"

"Yes, but I would like to stay in room 645. Can you make arrangements? Because I have lived there before and am more familiar with it."

Inspired by Cruze, Byrne used this trick again and felt that it had never worked.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter worked on the computer for a while.

He replied to Bourne: "I'm sorry, sir, that room is already occupied. How about room 644?"

Byrne originally planned to stay in room 645, where Neski was killed.

But it was already booked, so the waiter booked him the room opposite.

This is when Bourne saw some guests coming in and out of the stairs.

The phantom appeared in Bourne's mind again.

The pause was there.

"Sir, is 644 okay? It's just opposite."

The waiter repeated.

Bourne still didn't react.

"Sir?" the waiter said to Bourne in a louder voice. (End of chapter)

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