The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1714 Have you forgotten our past?

"Now he is an umbrella, covering all our covert operations. Such as incursions, renditions, experimental interrogations. They are all handled by this department. Now we have very great powers."

Noah told Randy one by one.

"Does it also include assassination?" Randy asked.

"When necessary. Of course. This is our special place. We don't need any permits. We no longer have to wait for Washington's signature order and watch the bad guys escape from under our noses. Okay, the situation You already know it well, you know how dangerous it is now. We need such action." Noah said matter-of-factly.

"What does Daniels know?" Randy asked.

"He's in charge of all operations in southern Europe and North Africa. He has all the information." Noah replied.

"Name, date, action, location and overseas contacts. Information about each action. Do you want this information to fall into Bourne's hands and flow into the market? You don't want to either, right?" Noah continued when Randy didn't reply. said.

Randy thought for a while, and then analyzed based on the information provided by Noah: "Bourne is not looking for money, he is looking for Daniels for other purposes."

"Bourne's purpose is not important. Trust me, we will find Daniels. And if your judgment is correct, we can also catch Bourne." Noah said to Randy very confidently.

It turns out that Daniel, who disappeared earlier, was the person in charge of the project in Northern Europe.

If the information in his hand is exposed.

There will be an earthquake throughout the CIA.

Randy looked at Noah and left the office without saying anything.

Bourne, Long Zhan and Nikki drove onto the road.

Encountering a restaurant in the middle, Nikki suggested: "Let's go to the restaurant to have a rest first."

In fact, she probably wanted to talk to Bourne.

So the three of them stopped the car and took a short rest.

They found a seat and sat down.

Nikki asked Byrne: "Why are you back again? Why are you looking for Daniels?"

Bourne did not reply to Nikki's words, but took out the photo he found at Daniels' house from his pocket and asked Nikki: "Do you know these two people?"

Nikki looked at the photo and said, "This is Daniels."

"Then do you know who the other old man is?" Bourne asked.

"I don't know the guy you're talking about either. Who is he?"

Nikki replied.

Byrne looked at the photos and replied: "He was there from the beginning, I remember meeting him, the first day Daniels took me to meet him, and that's when it all started. I wonder, in What happened to me or I would never get over it.”

Nikki looked at Bourne with complicated eyes.

He looked at Long Zhan again.

Long Zhan was also on hand to help Bourne and said to Nikki: "Because of his life experience, he has been tortured like no other and suffered all kinds of mental torture. If you know, I hope you can tell us, okay?"

Nikki thought for a while,

He had no choice but to whisper to them: "Daniels said your training was experimental, and it was a kind of behavioral modification. The agents must be completely brainwashed before they can participate in the mission. He said you were his first experiment Taste."

"Thank you for telling me all this, why are you willing to help me." Bourne knew that these words would not be said casually, and it was not an ordinary relationship, or something with a purpose, so he asked.

At this time, Nikki was shaking the teacup in her hand, feeling like she was hesitant to speak. She wanted to say something, but was hesitating.

His eyes were full of emotion.

After brewing for a few seconds, he finally said: "This is difficult for me. I was with you before."

Bourne was shocked when he heard this, and Long Zhan also opened his eyes wide, as this happened.

Nikki continued to look at Bourne and asked: "Do you really remember nothing? Have you forgotten our past?"

"Yes." Bourne said matter-of-factly. It is indeed a pity that Bourne and her memory have been completely wiped out and nothing can be remembered. A disappointed look crossed Nikki's face after hearing this.

They served a few dishes and took a few bites at will.

Suddenly Long Zhan saw several suspicious people coming in.

Long Zhan immediately said to them: "We have to go."

Worried about being caught, they hurriedly left the restaurant before finishing their meal.

Then the three people rushed to the next location, which was Tangier, Morocco.

Because Nikki worked with Daniel before.

So he guessed where his next stop would be.

Nikki's conclusion was indeed correct.

Neil Daniel entered Tangier with his passport.

But as soon as he entered Tangier, the CIA immediately monitored it on the computer.

Display: "Neil Daniels Passport Tracking Locked."

"Mr. Wilson, come and take a look at this." The detective immediately called Wilson over to see the information that appeared when the computer was detected.

Enlarging the picture step by step.

After seeing it, Mr. Wilson immediately picked up the phone and called Noah, reporting to Noah: "He is in Tangier now."

At this time, Noah went to the office and opened the safe using fingerprint and voice control.

took out a piece of information.

Then Noah used his mobile phone to make a call, probably to the killer, and said: "We found Daniels."

Noah immediately sent a killer to kill him.

At this time, Mr. Wilson ran to Randy's office again and said to Randy: "They found Daniels, in a hotel in Tangier. They are delaying Daniels' bank transfer while sending hitmen from Casablanca."

"They want to get rid of him?" Randy guessed.

At this time, Randy immediately called the CIA headquarters.

The headquarters received a call and the assistant said: "Pamelanti is looking for you. She said there is an emergency."

"Tell her I'm not free," the headquarters replied.

"Yes, sir." He deliberately refused to answer the phone with Randy.

Long Zhan and the others arrived at the ferry by boat.

Long Zhan knew that once Bourne's information was logged in, it would be exposed immediately, and they would definitely be in danger.

But there was no other way, they could only move forward with more caution.

Sure enough, Noah's subordinates from the counter-terrorism unit reported: "Sir, the killer has arrived at the airport." Randy also heard about their situation.

Now that we have arrived at the airport, we will definitely catch up with Bourne and the others soon.

At this time, he opened a hotel with Long Zhan's ID card.

Then Noah and the others were following him at any time.

"Tell me the specific location of the target." Noah asked.

"The target just got out of the car and was walking to a hotel. The hotel is 2.2 kilometers away from the bank. Pull up the hotel's structure map and search from room to room. Find out the location of the room. Send the killer the location of the target and the route map from the hotel to the bank. ." Noah said. (End of chapter)

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