The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1722 What a Danger

To be on the safe side, Randy quickly sent out the documents given to him by Bourne.

Because if it's too late, Randy may feel that the document can never be made public again.

Because Randy is also very dangerous at this time.

They will definitely find Randy to silence him.

At this time, Noah urgently summoned the agents and ordered them: "Send a team of people to chase Bourne quickly, and send some people to guard every public area of ​​the hospital, the elevator room and the staff passage. Hurry."

This time, Noah wants to wipe them all out.

And Bourne also realized that Noah would do these things.

He didn't know if he could still walk out.

But as long as he doesn't die, he has to take risks to explore the truth.

Bourne deliberately set off the alarm in another elevator.

The agents were led to believe that Bourne was in the elevator.

They all said, "Damn it, go south."

Then they all ran to the south. The little leader shouted to everyone: "Listen up, this is an emergency. Please cooperate."

They started running south to find Bourne.

And Noah ordered his men:

"Come on, call up all the surveillance videos from three minutes ago."

"Copy that, sir." The subordinate responded, immediately turned on the computer and retrieved the surveillance.

At this time, Randy couldn't wait to fax the confidential documents that Bourne had given her.

Bourne took another route to find the professor.

The agents kept shouting downstairs: "Quick, quick."

Sure enough, Noah saw Randy waiting for the elevator on the surveillance camera.

Noah pointed at the screen and asked his men: "Where is this."

"This is on the first floor, sir," the subordinate replied.

"Let's go, I'll catch Pamme." Then Noah led a group of people, preparing to find Pamme based on Pamme's direction.

At this moment, everyone is very nervous.

And Noah had already found Pam and came to Pam's office.

Unfortunately he was already late.

At this time, Pamela just finished faxing the information in her hand.

The last one is being uploaded.

The fax machine made the sound of transmitting information.

Noah heard the sound and came to the fax machine. He saw the information next to the fax machine, which was the confidential document about Black Rose.

His eyes turned green with anger.

Randy has already faxed the information about Operation Black Rose to the media.

Noah looked at Randy with wide eyes.

Randy didn't say anything.

I just said to him:

"You'd better find a better lawyer."

Randy said these words to him and left quickly.

When Bourne was walking in the corridor and saw the scene in the corridor, another scene immediately appeared in his mind.

And vaguely heard: "Our country faces various dangers."

Then he followed the professor, walking behind.

Another voice rang in my ears: "After training, you will no longer be David Weber."

When he came here, he seemed very familiar and could recall the previous tasks he accepted here.

As I walked, a voice kept popping up in my head: "You can't even remember this name. Do you know why we treat you like this?"

When he came to an office, he stopped.

The memories of that time are all in my mind.

At this time, suddenly a person appeared behind Bourne and shouted to Bourne: "Hi, hello, Jason."

Bourne immediately pulled out a gun and pointed it at him. But the man walked toward Bourne from the other end of the corridor without fear, and said to Bourne calmly: "I know you must have a lot of questions to ask. Put down the gun first."

Bourne looked at him.

Deja vu.

This is an old man with a lot of gray hair.

Still in high spirits though.

He continued to Bourne: "I came here just to talk with you."

"I have been on the run for the past year, and I also want to know who I am." Bourne slowly lowered his gun and said to him.

"You still haven't fully remembered, have you?" the old man asked him.

At this time, the old man was getting closer and closer to Bourne.

He continued: "The memory is still incomplete, it is always you."

Bourne couldn't control himself at this point.

He pressed the old man against the door and groped him up and down.

"I'm unarmed, Jason," the old man said.

Then Bourne turned the old man over again. Said: "Why, why do you have to choose me?"

"It seems that you really can't remember. We didn't choose you, but you chose us. It was your choice, and you are here." The old man still looked at Bourne with calm eyes and told Bourne En said.

Then the old man, the professor, turned around and pressed the door code, and said to Bourne: "We already warned you."

I pressed the light and it said Laboratory.

He took Bourne back to the laboratory. The moment Bourne walked in, another image appeared in his mind: "Captain Weber."

"Good morning, Captain."

Then Bourne walked into the laboratory, where there were several beds.

Spotlights, and seemingly unknown instruments.

"You came here without hesitation, Jason," the professor said to him.

Then he took something out of his hand and said to Bourne: "Pass this to me."

Then he handed it to Bourne again.

Bourne took it, put it in his hand, and looked at it.

After the professor's reminder, Bourne's past gradually became clear.

Another screen appeared:

I saw the other party ask. This voice came exactly like the voice in front of me now: "Do you understand everything?"

"Yes, sir," Bourne replied.

"You said you wanted to serve your country, and your mission was to save the lives of fellow Americans."

"I understand, sir," Byrne said to himself.

Sweat began to appear on Bourne's face and forehead again.

He asked repeatedly: "You said at the time that my mission was to save the lives of my compatriots."

"Yes." the professor replied.

"But you asked me to help you kill people?"

Bourne asked him.

Then he pointed a pistol at the professor's forehead and said, "Help them kill people."

"You know exactly what it means to choose to stay," the professor also said.

Byrne has already remembered what his former professor said to him: "After training, you will no longer be David Weber."

"Everything is at your command." That's what Bourne replied to the professor at that time.

"What you have done cannot be changed. It is all your own choice. In the end, you have to face reality. You made your own choice here and became Jason Bourne."

The professor said this.

It brought Bourne back to his past memories:

"David, you haven't slept for a long time. Have you thought about it?" the professor in the memory asked Bourne. (End of chapter)

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