The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1731: Lure the Wolf

Vincent set up the program and issued the command: "Approaching azimuth angle, 30 degrees from the previous azimuth."

"Well, not bad, the red crown is close to the center, 30 to degrees."

"The signal has appeared." The detector said when he saw the twinkling stars in the computer.

"The signal appears, stand alone. The signal appears, prepare for action." Vincent also looked at the signal source on the computer and said excitedly to the staff of the command center.

At this time, Baiya and the others also arrived at the command center, and worked with them to see for themselves how the drones destroyed them.

"Where did you go before?" Baiya asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter, I've locked onto him now anyway." Vincent replied directly as if he didn't want to explain too much.

At this time, Allen thought of another way based on the scenario he imagined.

In fact, Allen is also very smart.

In the tool room, he painfully cut open the flesh on his waist with a knife, and then used tweezers to remove the tracker.

Then put the tracker first in your mouth.

As expected, these agents are all ruthless, and they do it without any hesitation when they perform surgery on themselves.

Allen decided to make a trap once and for all, so that he could pretend to disappear.

At this time, everyone in the drone command center saw that the signal was normal again.

The staff at the drone's command center were puzzled as to what kind of weapon system this guy was using.

"Probably a rifle." The female counter-terrorist officer guessed.

"It's a large-caliber rifle," Vincent corrected.

"How much longer do we need?" Baiya asked anxiously.

"About 15 minutes, because there was a snowstorm." Vincent explained.

At this time, Allen was leaning against a tree trunk.

Throwing the bloody bandage around his waist aside.

He wanted to use the blood that flowed from the flesh he had just cut open, drip it onto the side, and then use the smell of blood to attract the wolves nearby.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard the sound of "oooo, oooo".

Not far from Allen, a bad wolf appeared.

The wolf smelled the blood.

Look at Alan.

Allen also looked at the hungry wolf eagerly.

At this time, the drone command center reported again: "Received, single aircraft, the target is stationary, prepare to laser lock."

Because Allen was holding the locator in his mouth and looking at the hungry wolf.

The hungry wolf was looking at Allen with his teeth bared for a while, and was about to slowly approach Allen.

Just like this, the two pairs of eyes looked at each other and got closer and closer.

Allen pretended to yell at the wolf loudly: "Get out of here."

In fact, he knew that the more he angered the wolf, the more aggressive he would become.

And the wolf started howling at him.

"Get out of here." Allen continued to yell at him loudly and danced with him with his hands.

Of course the wolf ignored him.

Looking at Allen, how could he miss this plate of such good food?

But he didn't know that this was a plate of delicious food that he couldn't eat.

It seems that this wolf is also very hungry.

However, this wolf also has some experience and wants to test it out first and does not dare to act rashly.

After you and Allen look at each other there, it depends on the situation.

Allen kept yelling at him: "Get out of here, get out of here."

After the wolf slowly felt that there was no problem with the other party, it ferociously pounced on Allen.

Allen turned around on the ground and picked up the wooden stick next to him.

And he was pulling a big rope that had already been ambushed to catch the wolf.

Pulling down, the hungry wolf was successfully hoisted. The wolf was hoisted into the air like this.

At this time, the little wolves that were surrounding Allen came one after another.

They were all attracted by the smell of blood.

After Allen hung up the alpha wolf.

Then he used his gun to shoot the other wolves that ran over after smelling blood, killing several of them.

There were also some wolves that were standing a little further away and even wanted to come further. Seeing this scene, they ran away very wisely.

As for Allen, seeing that the wolf was almost suspended, he very bravely threw down the hung wolf.

This hungry wolf is really ferocious.

But unfortunately, he met a more ferocious human being than him.

Still the best among human beings.

It took Allen a while to successfully jam the wooden stick into the wolf's bloody mouth.

Then he quickly took out the tracker from his mouth and stuffed it into the wolf's mouth.

At this time, the drone had already flown over according to the signal position.

"Laser is ready, sensing and thermal confirmation." At this time, Vincent was controlling the drone.

Prepare to continue firing missiles in the direction of the tracker.

At this time, Allen and the hungry wolf were fighting each other on the ground.

In the end, Allen successfully subdued the hungry wolf and swallowed the tracker.

Anxious Baiya asked Vincent how long it would take.

"60S." Vincent replied.

Just in these 60 seconds.

Allen must stay away from the wolf.

Otherwise they will all be killed.

At this time, Allen heard the sound of a drone flying over in the sky.

Vincent issued an order: "Prepare the missiles and launch the missiles."

When Allen heard the sound and knew that danger was approaching, he ran wildly, with the hungry wolf chasing closely behind him.

"He's there, he's moving. He shouldn't be able to run for long." Vincent said while watching the signal on the computer move.

Because the tracker installed in the hungry wolf's body is also running.

In just a few seconds.

There was a "bang" sound.

At this time, the evil wolf was hit by a missile and died.

"Target destroyed." Vincent said happily as he watched Allen's signal disappear on the screen.

"Received, standalone, kill confirmed, target destroyed. Everything goes well!" Vincent said to other colleagues.

"Smooth and clean." The colleague replied happily.

But Baia didn't look happy.

It turns out that it was during the Gulf War a long time ago. Baia is Allen's commander.

He once taught Allen how to let go of his moral bottom line and give up on saving his comrades who were still in the war zone.

Only in this way can you be alone, but what he once taught Allen. He used it on himself today. It's really ridiculous and sad.

Time goes back a few years:

During a war, Allen hurriedly went to save his colleagues not far away, and then said to Baiya

"With all due respect, sir, now is not a good time. In 20 minutes, there will be chaos here."

"I know, I will seize the time, we have to talk." Baiya said asking Allen to stop.

Allen stopped and looked at Baiya curiously. Baiya said to him:

"Stop what you're doing and turn around and look at me. That's an order. Our intel was wrong, okay? No one knew anyone was in there. It's unethical for you to question what we want you to do. This is actually completely normal." Baiya said to Allen solemnly.

"Are you asking me? Sir." Allen said. (End of chapter)

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