The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 190 Don't Listen?Give him a slap to be honest

Chapter 190 Disobedient?Give him a slap and you will be honest (fourth update, ask for a monthly pass, subscribe)

Long Zhan fell down with such a big head, and the movement was so loud that it was difficult not to be noticed.

When everyone in Team B saw this situation, their pupils constricted, their hearts were beating wildly with fright, and Jason and Sonny even rushed over.

As a result, the two just ran two steps away, and the dramatic scene in front of them almost made them unable to react.

Long Zhan, who was knocked off the table, seemed to have a spring on his body, and he stood up from the ground the second he touched the ground.

If it weren't for the tactical vest on the chest, there would be a small hole that was emitting smoke.

Those who didn't know thought that he didn't stand firm and fell off the table by himself.

In order to hide the embarrassment of falling - as long as I get up fast enough, it means I didn't fall, so I fell down again and got up again in an instant.

However, although this scene is a bit funny, there are still procedures that should be followed.

Jason and Sonny still rushed to Long Zhan and conducted a professional inspection.

But the final inspection results...

The two of them didn't know whether to say whether Long Zhan was lucky, or whether this guy's body was too hardcore.

It was obviously shot by a bullet, but except for the outermost tactical hanging bag, combat uniform, and outer Kevlar soft body armor, which were penetrated, the boron carbide ceramic bulletproof plate sandwiched in the middle had a pit and some turtles. crack.

There is no problem at all in other respects.

Not to mention wiping off a piece of skin, not even the bruises from being hit in normal times.

There is a small red mark on the huge chest muscles, and Long Zhan's exaggerated physical fitness will disappear within a few minutes.

"No problem, ready to retreat."

Jason raised his eyebrows in disbelief, and patted Long Zhan on the shoulder, speechless, got up and ran towards the window.

"I got shot and nothing happened. You must have kissed Lady Luck's ass?"

Sonny punched Long Zhan in the chest, and ran back after teasing.

"Damn, I was so scared that I thought it was going to disappear. Fortunately, I was wearing a heavy tactical vest."

Long Zhan vented with lingering fear, praised himself for his wise move of wearing a heavy tactical vest, and decided to continue to maintain this "fine tradition".

In the hot and deadly place of Afghanistan, every time I wear a heavy combat vest weighing more than 20 kilograms, which is like a big quilt.

It is estimated that Long Zhan can stand it!
Long Zhan checked the messy armor and tidied it up, and the people on the other side who had distributed the grenades began to retreat and cover under Jason's command.

"Throw a grenade."

Following Jason's command, seven defensive grenades were thrown from all angles.

"Boom bang bang..."

A series of grenades boomed and shook the sky, even the house was shaken.

The shrapnel and fragments carried by the explosion shock wave scattered away at a speed of more than one kilometer per second, covering every corner of the street downstairs.

Seeing that the firepower of the target house weakened, the militants who were just about to take the opportunity to touch it were blown upside down by the grenade.

The wounded militants rolled all over the ground, and screams resounded throughout the block.

"smoke bomb!"

The first wave of grenades worked so well that Jason immediately issued a second password.

Seven smoking cans rolled all over the street, and the thick smoke from the spray filled the entire street in less than 5 seconds, and the height of the smoke reached five or six meters.

Not to mention seeing the target house, the militants couldn't even see where their own people were.

Since the smoke comes from white phosphorus-based fumigants, it is not only pungent but also harmful to people, and it will make people feel very uncomfortable after inhaling it.

The militants, who started coughing violently, had to back away from the smoke.

As a result, the distance between them and Team B was further widened.

The cover for the retreat has been completed, and Jason ordered loudly: "Retreat, retreat, take him and retreat."

"No, I won't go, I won't go with you."

Achim, whose hands were tied behind his back with tape, heard that the members of Team B were leaving and wanted to take him with him, and struggled crazily according to his lack of cooperation.

"Be honest, if you don't want to die, just follow us."

Bullock is really hard to control holding a gun with one hand, so he can only persuade him verbally.

In the end, the persuasion had no effect at all, and Achim was still struggling crazily, obviously hysterical from being frightened.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense to him?"

Long Zhan couldn't stand it anymore, he walked over and slapped Achim in the face with his backhand.

Achim, who was still yelling a second ago, was directly stunned by this slap, and looked at the "giant man" in front of him in horror.


Long Zhan stared angrily and let out a loud drink.

Achim was so frightened that he shivered all over. Wherever he had seen such a battle at the age of 19, he didn't need Cui to obediently walk to the door by himself.

"He is a rare Middle Eastern gay, you have to be gentle."

Bullock sneaked in for a joke, holding Achim's back clothes tightly with his left hand, pressing him to speed up towards the door.

The others immediately followed and filed out, Long Zhan was waiting beside him at the end.

When Sonny passed by Long Zhan, he said excitedly: "I like your way of making people shut up. If there is a chance, I must try it."

Long Zhan knew that Sonny was a typical villain with a heart but no guts, full of violent thoughts but never did one of them, and said encouragingly: "I support you, haha."

"Go go go, hurry up and keep up."

Besieged by dozens of militants in a dangerous situation, Jason saw that Long Zhan and Sonny still had time to chat, and was speechless for their hearts, and had to yell at them again to remind them.


Long Zhan and Sonny smiled at each other, trotted two steps to keep up with the rhythm.

Because they didn't know if anyone would run in and hide in which corner to shoot black shots, Team B was very cautious when they came down from the stairs.

After special military training, the Cerberus, which can smell the scent of strangers around, runs at the forefront of the team.

Although it is dangerous for a dog to run ahead, it is likely to be shot down by the enemy, but to avoid or replace the death of soldiers is the value and significance of the existence of military dogs.

Compared with sacrificing a first-level combatant, sacrificing a military dog ​​is obviously more cost-effective.

To describe it as cost-effective, it is cruel.

But this is the truth!

No matter how crazy a dog lover is, if he is asked to exchange his life for a dog's life, he will obediently choose to shut up.

This is human nature!
It is also a law of nature!

Fortunately, these militants have no tactics, and most likely they are just some American-hating civilians who were provoked by some people and attacked with feverish heads.

Hundreds of people surrounded and opened fire at the door, but no one penetrated to the stairs to cut off Team B's retreat.

In the end, team B went down the stairs smoothly, and returned from the 4th floor to the inside of the iron gate that was blasted by the dragon war.

(End of this chapter)

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