The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1927 It’s definitely her!

Chapter 1927 It’s definitely her!

"Yes, the Harare Labor Camp in Zimbabwe. This man was imprisoned there seven hours ago. Walter Lutulu. He is the leader of the Zimbabwean Democracy Party. Knox is their supporter."

Sinclair took out Lutulu's information and profile picture and said to everyone.

"Someone broke into the prison and rescued him at two o'clock last morning," Dalton introduced to the eldest sister.

"This is not easy. It took a top team to do this," said Sinclair.

"What? Do you suspect it's Matlock?" Long Zhan asked.

"According to the intelligence from Harley's informant, one of the people who broke into the prison has fallen behind." Sinclair said as he put the investigation information on the big screen.

"It was verified that he is Sebastian Boucher. Since the kidnapping of Evans, he has been a foreign mercenary under Matlock." Rham added.

"We still don't know where Lutulu was kidnapped? Why was he kidnapped? And what is the connection between this and weapons of mass destruction?" Sinclair analyzed to everyone.

"But this is our only clue right now!" Dalton said.

  Just when everyone was at a loss as to where to start,

"Lutulu has a daughter, Lillian. They got in touch two hours ago." Baxter said to everyone.

After saying that, he played a recording.

"Lily, it's me"

This is a wiretap recording of Walter Lutulu, Baxter said.

"I can't talk for long. Someone will come find you and bring you to my place. Just do what they say and you'll be safe. I'm sorry."

The recording immediately became unclear.

"The voice in the background might be Knox's. Can we trace the source of the call?" Sinclair asked speculatively.

"We can't trace the source of the call yet, but we know where it was made," Baxter replied.

So they began to investigate and study Lillian.

"Lillian runs a law firm for Zimbabwean refugees in Bookhome, a small town three miles from here.

Perhaps one of Knox's men will go to pick her up. Your mission is to track them and report back. The top priority is to arrest Knox. As long as we are careful, Lutulu's daughter will lead us to him."

Dalton said to everyone.

Next, based on Lillian's address, Long Zhan, Stonebridge and Sinclair went here together to look for her.

They drove around the town, looking for Lillian.

I searched for a long time but couldn't find it.

This is definitely not something they can find immediately.

Long Zhan began to look at the beauties here.

The women here have good figures, big where they should be big, and small where they should be small.

The only thing is that his skin is a little dark, but other than that, I'm quite attracted to Dragon Warrior.

He only cared about looking at beautiful women with good figures.

Suddenly, Sinclair said, "There she is!"

"Where? Where?" Long Zhan quickly came out with a camera and asked.

"Over there, the one wearing red."

Sinclair pointed to a very tall woman not far away who was wearing a flowing red dress but had short hair.

"It's definitely her!" Although the person opposite was only her back, with their sharp eyes, it was easy to recognize someone by looking at the photo.

"She's so beautiful!" Long Zhan exclaimed as he watched her figure walk away. "Indeed," Sinclair also praised.

"But she is not a pushover. She studied at Harvard and could have had a decent job at the United Nations, but she decided to return home and help her father run his business."

It can be seen that this woman is also a kind-hearted person.

She was walking forward with a group of ragged middle-aged women.

He comforted the woman, "Your child won't end up on the streets. See you later."

"Okay, see you later!" The woman said to her hopefully after hearing this.

"Do you think she would date a soldier?" Long Zhan looked at the other person's sexy, tight, big buttocks and delicate face, and couldn't help but start fantasizing.

"Then your IQ has to be in double digits, buddy!" Stonebridge teased to Long Zhan after hearing this.

"Don't argue with me, buddy!" Long Zhan said to Stonebridge.

The Stonebridge wizard is not interested, and he won't mess around.

Sinclair instead acted more aggressively than before.

Knox and Matlock were conducting a covert operation in a very remote part of Zimbabwe.

There were also many soldiers conducting drills at the scene.

Matlock said to Knox, "This is the Musina squad, they will reach the Limpopo River at nightfall."

"Very good, the rest of the equipment will be delivered to you in a few days." Knox looked at the soldiers and replied to Matlock with great satisfaction.

At this time, Knox received a call and replied to the other end of the phone: "Okay, great, bring her here directly."

Then Knox walked over to Lutulu and said to him, "Lillian will be able to meet us soon. My people are coming into town."

"Well, I can't wait to meet her," Lutulu said.

"She's done a lot of good for the refugee community and has won a lot of support for your party," Knox told him.

As he spoke, he walked to another shed.

"Come, please sit down!" Knox asked him to sit down, and it seemed that they were going to have a good chat.

"I see you are quite busy." Lutulu said.

"Yes, my deployment must be foolproof," Knox said to him.

"Very good, let's make it short. A tiger in trouble is bullied by a dog. How many people do you have now?" Lutulu asked worriedly.

"Mr. Matlock, how many of us are there!" Knox asked loudly to Matlock not far away.

"More than 800 people! They are all well-trained armed personnel." Matlock walked over and spoke to them slowly.

"One team has already arrived in Zimbabwe, two other teams are at the border, and one team is on the way. I still have 50 people left!" Matlock reported to them in detail.

"How is the situation between you and the army?" Knox asked Lutulu.

Lutulu frowned, thought for two seconds, and replied: "Two generals are my old friends, they will definitely help!"

"Are they worthy of your trust?" Knox asked him after hearing this.

"We fought side by side in the War of Independence. They are my friends for life and death," Lutulu replied.

It seems that they are very confident in these brothers.

"Come in, Lillian." Lillian came to the shelter.

"The target is taking action!" Dalton saw Lillian's movements very clearly from the surveillance.

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