The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1938 Being chased

Chapter 1938 Being chased

"Do you want to go out? Do you want to try to go out?" Stonebridge asked the citizen with a pistol in his hand.

"No, no, don't!" said the civilian soldiers as they retreated quickly.

He definitely didn't dare to go out. Once he went out, he would definitely be beaten to death by these people.

"If you don't want to go out, then get in here, get in!" Stonebridge pointed at the cell next to him and said to him.

Then he pushed him inside.

The police also consciously cooperated with Stonebridge and pushed him together.

"I should have let them beat you to death and tore you apart. Go in, you!" Stonebridge complained to him.

The police closed the cell door.

"Thank you! What's your name?" Stonebridge moved closer to the policeman and asked him, extending his hand to shake hands with the policeman.

It seems that Stonebridge's communication skills have indeed improved greatly.

The policeman was a little confused by Stonebridge's actions, but he was embarrassed to refuse such polite behavior.

Then he also stretched out his hand and replied to Stonebridge: "Moses."

"Moses, isn't it?" repeated Stonebridge, shaking his hand.

"Yes," Moses replied.

"Nice to meet you. How many police officers do you have here?" Stonebridge asked him.

"Only me! Only one person on duty." Moses replied.

Stonebridge looked around and was surprised to find that he didn't see anyone else.

But he still pretended to be calm and replied: "Okay, I need you to ask Zeng Yuan, okay?"

"If the mob outside comes in, neither we nor he will survive." Stonebridge said to Moses seriously.

Moses would definitely have to find a solution.

At this time, the signal at the headquarters was good again, and Rim kept calling Stonebridge: "B1, please reply, over!"

But there was no response from the other party.

Rim continued to call: "B2, please reply, over!"

Still didn't hear any response.

Rim reported anxiously to Dalton beside him: "No signal, no response!"

"Trace where his last message came from," Dalton said to Rham.

"Just use this broken equipment?" Baxter asked doubtfully.

But what can we do now?

Dalton, after re-adjusting the equipment, tinkered with it here and there, replied to Baxter, "We'll just have to make do with it for now."

Long Zhan was already in the hospital, nervously following Lutulu and the doctor.

Enter the emergency room.

Although Lutulu is black, his lips can be seen to be white.

His eyes could hardly be opened, and the collar and chest of his shirt were all stained with blood.

"The gunshot wounds are in the middle of the chest and shoulder!" the doctor said to the nurse beside him.

"Dad, Dad, look at me!" Lillian kept calling out to Lutulu.

"Induced pneumothorax, the shoulder is a penetrating wound. Tell the operating room that it needs a central venous line and urgent cross-matching of 6 units of blood!" The doctor said loudly to the nurse who was preparing for the work while pushing Lutulu.

Blood continued to flow out of Lutulu's mouth.

Lillian, crying, asked the doctor, "He's going to be fine, right?"

"Did you see what shot him?" the doctor asked Lillian.

"I think it's a 9MM caliber." Long Zhan replied to the doctor beside him.

If you are not a professional, who knows what kind of bullet it is.

"Please clear the corridor. A patient is coming." The doctor shouted to the people around him. Stonebridge tried to close the nearest door tightly.

Fortunately, there is a large wall outside the house.

But the common people also tried to climb over the walls and come in to fight them.

They took bricks and threw them in there.

Moses was also out there trying to figure out a solution.

"Are you all right?" Stonebridge asked Moses as he came in.

"Well, call headquarters again." Moses replied.

Then through the crack in the door, I saw the people outside holding various devices and surrounding the wall.

"No matter how much benefits you receive, it seems that it is not enough, and you will die." Stonebridge walked to the door of the cell and said to the civilian soldiers inside.

"Fuck you!" After hearing what Stonebridge said, the civilian soldiers kept complaining to him.

"I just want to know who sent you? If you tell me the truth, we can work together to find a way out." Stonebridge said to him.

"No one sent me here!" Unexpectedly, this civilian soldier would be so stubborn. He directly refused.

"Bullshit!" Stonebridge spat at him.

"Lutulu is a running dog of colonialism, he deserves to die, and the person who did this is the hero of Zimbabwe!" It seems that this civilian soldier still has his own beliefs.

Refuse to explain.

Lutulu was pushed into the elevator room.

"Dad, look at me, please, doctor, can he be saved?" Lillian asked the doctor with eager eyes.

"I don't want to lie to you, his injuries are too serious. But the people who saved him along the way have given him a great chance of survival," the doctor replied.

As the elevator was rising, Lutulu tried to whisper to Lillian, "I should have been stronger for you."

"Dad, don't say that," Lillian replied crying while holding her father's face.

Seeing that Lutulu could speak again, Long Zhan continued to ask: "I'm sorry, but I have to ask."

"Do you know the man who fired the shot?"

"Sir, please step back a moment!" the doctor reminded Long Zhan.

"I'm a reporter, I want to ask a few questions!" Long Zhan responded improvisationally.

"Step back!" Seeing that Long Zhan was disobedient, the doctor was so rude that he pushed Long Zhan directly into the elevator.

"Sorry!" Long Zhan replied.

"Dad, you can't die. We have a plan. Don't leave me. You have to stay with me, Dad!" Lillian continued to say to Lutulu.

Long Zhan took a step back and saw a piece of white paper on the ground.

Then he looked carefully at a doctor in white standing nearby.

Long Zhan looked at the name tag on the doctor's clothes, and saw that the doctor put his hand inside his white coat, as if holding a gun.

Long Zhan knew that the other party must also be a spy.

He immediately took out his gun and shot two of the three doctors surrounding them.

Lillian screamed in fright.

"Fuck, what happened?"

"He killed him!"

Long Zhan kicked another doctor out of the elevator.

"No, Dad!" Lillian dared only scream loudly in the elevator.

Just when Long Zhan was pointing his gun at the fake doctor he kicked out, Hansen appeared on the opposite side again.

(End of this chapter)

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