The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1945: Having Your Own Opinion

Chapter 1945: Having Your Own Opinion

"How pitiful!" Long Zhan said beside him.

As soon as he finished speaking, photos of Long Zhan and Stonebridge appeared on TV.

"Damn it!" Long Zhan continued to complain.

".They are wanted in connection with two murders," the TV report continued.

"Wow, we're famous now. My mother will definitely be proud when she sees this." Long Zhan deliberately teased as he stepped aside.

"If you can find those nuclear weapons, she will be even more proud." Dalton walked up to Long Zhan, gave him a piece of information and said.

Then Dalton continued to deliberately mock everyone, "What we least need right now is for you two stupid guys to be exposed!"

"What? Big idiot?" Long Zhan repeated with a smile.

Rim and Stonebridge were there too, laughing.

Lillian was in pain.

At night, she lay in bed and took out the notes her father had written from under her pillow.

I happened to turn to this page and the notes read: "Conrad is an important friend, but his vision for our country is not what he pretends to be. He wants power. He has been hiding his real plans from me. I now learn that he will contaminate Zimbabwe with nuclear weapons.

When I confronted him, I saw how dangerous he became, but no matter what the outcome, I would not give in."

When Lillian saw this, she finally understood the truth.

She also has her own opinions.

The next day, Knox was sending people to move some things, and one of the technical personnel reported to him:

"There is still a problem with one of the parts. These parts were not originally made for our weapons, but I can adjust them. However, I can't guarantee that it will still be useful."

As soon as they finished talking, Lillian came over with a phone in her hand.

Lillian was very cheerful and said with a smile on her face: "Okay, brother, you too."

After that, he hurried to Knox and asked him, "Did you arrange for these trucks to be transported?"

"Arrange what?" Knox asked.

"I just received a call from the opposition movement. They want me to lead the opposition." Lillian said to Knox.

"That's great. Of course it wasn't arranged by me. You shouldn't be surprised that people are conveying their thoughts and requests to you." Knox pretended to be very surprised and patted Lillian on the shoulder.

But seeing the unhappy look on Lillian's face, he asked, "Are you not ready yet? Not at all?"

"Of course. I'm ready, but there's still some work to do." Lillian's tone became firm again.

This made Knox full of doubts about her.

"Can you arrange a press conference? People will definitely be looking forward to it." Lillian said to Knox seriously.

After hearing this, Knox realized that this was the case. There would definitely be no problem.

He nodded very happily and said, "Okay, sure, sure, of course no problem."

"Also, I need to stay with my father for a while. I can't leave him without saying goodbye." It seems that Lillian has grown up and has become more strategic. She is no longer naive and reckless, and she has also thought of a strategy, but it is obvious that Knox did not see it.

Knox was immersed in Lillian's obedience. He touched Lillian's face and immediately agreed: "Of course, this is what we should do. Tomorrow is a new dawn, right?"

Lillian smiled and left.

Knox looked at Lillian's back and also showed his cunning expression.

Everyone in Branch 20 was in the office thinking about what to do next. "This life is so damn hard." Long Zhandao complained in his office.

"Sorry, these are all they left. Here." At this time, Baxter made a cup of coffee for everyone to wake them up.

I guess he thought Knox's affairs were too taxing.

"Thank you!" Long Zhan said as he took the coffee.

No more complaining.

"Come on." Dalton also took a glass and said to Baxter.

"Thank you, Baxter." Stonebridge and Rhame also took a glass each.

After everyone had a cup in their hands, Baxter sat down in front of Long Zhan and asked everyone, "What should we do next?"

"Dreyer can't be the only one bribed by Knox. He's dead, right? But they are still issuing notices against us," Dalton said to everyone while pacing back and forth in the office thinking.

"Then who should we look for next?" Baxter asked Dalton, still confused.

Dalton looked at Sinclair's photo and replied, "Sinclair should know the answer."

Everyone's eyes were focused on Dalton.

Waiting for her to continue assigning tasks to everyone.

"Give me a list of cabinet members, which ones are targets, which ones need to be monitored, and which ones need to be tracked down," Dalton said to everyone.

"No problem!" After hearing this, Baxter immediately put the coffee on the table and started searching on the computer.

"Shit, maybe we should have let Dreher live," Dalton whispered to Stonebridge.

"No, it shouldn't," Stonebridge retorted.

Just then, Long Zhan's cell phone rang again.

He received a text message.

It was from Lillian. The message was: "Restoration Chapel. See you in an hour, Lillie."

Dalton knew that there was some movement on Long Zhan's side, and said, "Do you have anything to tell the students?"

"Yes, there is. It's Lillian. She wants to meet me." Long Zhan said to everyone.

Lillian came to the chapel to see her father for the last time and expressed her longing for him.

Then sit in the church and wait for Long Zhan to come here.

Long Zhan and the others didn't know what to do next, and Lillian just happened to have made some progress, so Long Zhan quickly came to the church.

Sit behind Lillian.

"Hello!" Long Zhan said to Lillian.

"I don't have much time next, so I can't talk for too long." Lillian said to Long Zhan without turning her head.

"What do you want to see me for?" Long Zhan asked.

"You're right about Conrad," Lillian said, and took out her father's book from her pocket.

"I found my father's diary, in which he described how he found Knox's nuclear weapon." Lily said as she handed the diary to Long Zhan.

With reluctance, helplessness and hatred in his eyes, he said to Long Zhan:

"Thank you for killing Knox for me! I know you have the ability to do this. I have read your file. If you want, I will tell you where he is and the location of the weapon. But you have to promise me that you will kill Knox."

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