The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1948: Pursuit of 1 Target

Chapter 1948 Recovering a Target

Stonebridge saw a large wooden box.

He forcefully opened the lid of the wooden box.

Stonebridge was shocked.

"What did you find? Michael!" Long Zhan asked impatiently.

"Damn." Stonebridge saw a large white cylinder inside.

This should be the big weapon.

Stonebridge immediately reported to the headquarters: "Headquarters, the target has been recovered."

"Did you get them all?" Dalton confirmed.

"Only one!" replied Stonebridge.

"Okay, so if we take back one, there will be 3 left?" Long Zhan said from the side.

"Damn! Where's Knox?" Dalton asked.

"We haven't found him yet, he should have run away long ago." Stonebridge replied.

Dalton was furious.

He sighed, gun in hand, and prepared to run towards the tent base.

"Nice dance, brother!" Long Zhan continued to say to Stonebridge.

"Let's go, go back quickly!" Stonebridge urged Long Zhan.

The fire in the back of the truck was still there.

They drove the big truck back.

Even though there is only one, it is better than none at all.

Lillian also finished the press conference safely, and she made an appointment with Long Zhan to come to the church again.

"Hey." Lillian saw Long Zhan coming, stood up and greeted him.

"I'm sorry, he had already run away when we got there." Long Zhan said to Lillian apologetically.

"I know." Lillian replied.

"What are you going to do now?" Long Zhan asked her.

"I want to keep the party going and win the election. What about you?" Lillian pulled Long Zhan's hand and asked him.

"I still have a promise to keep." Long Zhan replied to Lillian.

Knox, Hansen and others have successfully escaped to another remote corner.

Hansen said to Knox, "Sir, Team T was badly damaged at the Noshimo base. We lost several people. We are lucky to have escaped."

"What about the weapons?" Knox only cared about his weapons. In fact, he didn't care whether people died or not. It didn't matter to him.

"It's still in our hands," Hansen replied.

"Well, that's okay! Sacrifices always have to be made." Knox nodded and replied.

"What should we do now?" Hansen continued to ask.

"I'll make them pay for their blood with blood!" said Knox.

Hansen continued to move and hide the remaining three weapons.

Knox saw that Lillian had been exposed and knew that she could not stay here any longer as she was no longer of any use.

He has to contact other people to assist him.

So Knox called an old friend of his from many years ago and planned to meet with him, a man who had the same ambition as him.

They met on a deserted loess plain.

Knox arrived here early.

He grabbed a handful of dust from the ground and put it in his pocket.

As if to remind himself, this piece of land will belong to him, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he must seize it. Knox did not have to wait long, the man he was waiting for and several of his bodyguards drove over.

His security guard opened the car door for him, and judging from his demeanor, he was quite impressive.

Not losing to Knox.

This is a young black man with sharp eyes.

At first glance, he seems to be a brave and resourceful character.

Knox saw him get off the bus, and immediately walked up to him and asked, "Did you have a good trip?"

"Well, it's too long, but I understand that you need to keep a low profile." The young black man replied.

He had to run this far to avoid being discovered for the time being.

But Knox responded: "I'm here because I want to come, unspoiled, real, in Johannesburg. How about that?"

Knox still spoke to him proudly.

It turned out that he was staying in Johannesburg. The young black man smiled with his lips pursed and simply replied: "It's great to see you."

"My men have already received the first box from the Nigerians. A week after they receive your weapons, they will broadcast the order we agreed upon. American and Chinese companies will have no choice but to leave South Nigeria," he said confidently to Knox.

"In this way, all the oil assets will return to the local people," Knox replied.

"You have great foresight, Mr. Knox," he praised Knox.

“Zimbabwe has never worked, but the people you represent,” Knox told him emphatically.

"Well, just like your relatives, they have the same obsession and desire as you, and want to change the entire continent." He also said to Knox.

"Haha, there's another question." Knox was about to say.

He responded directly to Knox: "Every one of my partners is willing to provide you with refuge." Then he extended his hand and shook hands with Knox.

It means he is willing to help take in Knox.

They have reached an agreement.

Their weapons were transported on the road to other places.

After Long Zhan and his team only caught up one, they had no clue where Knox and Batlock were hiding.

But something else happened.

When the driver drove the weapon to a gas station, it was a gray gas station.

Because they will steal things while they are refueling or going to the bathroom.

From the owner of the gas station, to the gas station staff, to the thief, everyone cooperated well.

At this time, the driver with the weapon also came here and was ready to refuel. He said to the staff: "Please fill it up for me."

"Okay." The gas station attendant replied immediately.

"Where is your toilet?" the driver asked him.

"Is the toilet over there?" the staff member quickly replied, pointing to the toilet not far away.

Then the driver went to the toilet.

While he was in the toilet.

The staff walked around and blew a whistle.

In the bushes not far from the gas station, a short, thin boy with a thief's face appeared.

When the young boy heard the whistle, he immediately ran over and climbed onto the car like a monkey.

The staff was responsible for refueling, and the young boy was responsible for climbing into the trunk and prying open the wooden box.

The staff member checked the tank to see if there was enough gas, looked at the toilet, and timidly urged the young man, "Please, hurry up, hurry up."

"Don't be impatient. No matter what's inside, it must be something very valuable." The young boy said excitedly.

Finally, the wooden box was pried open.

Just as the young boy removed the lid of the wooden box, the driver came out of the toilet.

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