Chapter 1951 Turnaround

It turns out that Carlo has been controlled by someone.

The man pointed a gun at her and threatened: "I want his address, tell me quickly."

Carlo was so frightened that he dared not move. In this situation, he had no choice but to give it to him.

Matlock and Hansen had also gone into hiding.

Hansen came to Matlock, and they also had to think about what to do next.

After all, a weapon has been destroyed.

Hansen asked Matlock, "Did you tell Knox it was Section 20 that did it?"

"We don't know if it's them." Matlock replied to him very calmly.

As soon as he finished answering, he continued to wipe one of his former medals in his hand.

Hansen saw that he looked listless.

I couldn't help but chat with him: "After my brother died, I sold all the medals. What medal is this?"

"Congo, 97, have you done peacekeeping work?" Matlock asked Hansen.

"Basically, I'm keeping the peace for my parents," Hansen replied after a moment's thought.

"What is happening in Congo is not a war, but a race to the deepest depths of hell, instigated by politicians and foreign businessmen, and I cannot tell who is right and who is wrong.

But all they see is their differences, the banality of evil, and something has to change, and someone has to step up and make a change.”

Matlock suddenly had an insight into him and talked to him.

"Is this a career?" Hansen also asked.

"Why are you still here?" Matlock asked him curiously.

"Because I have nothing and nowhere to go." Hansen said, and left.

  Matlock continued to wipe the medal and exhaled, as if he valued the medal very much.

After the car exploded, Long Zhan led some villagers to a hospital not far away.

Long Zhan held one in his hand and hugged another.

Many children also came to check it out.

Long Zhan and Stonebridge have completed the testing.

Long Zhan went about his business.

Stonebridge came out.

Dalton actually came to see them.

"Stonbridge," Dalton called to them.

"Sir." Stonebridge was also surprised to see Dalton coming.

"Are you all right?" Dalton asked.

"Do you believe all this? The nurse said we were not exposed to radiation, and she also gave us potassium iodide tablets in case we were exposed to radiation," Stonebridge said to Dalton.

"Stonbridge, what's wrong with you?" Dalton noticed that something was wrong with Stonebridge and called him.

"On the way here, I thought we were irradiated, and all I could think about was Hansen. I couldn't stop thinking about him, and you know, I could still make a mistake about that."

Stonebridge told Dalton truthfully.

"Let me tell you a secret. When I first approved your return, I did not look at your psychological assessment report, and I have not seen it until now.

But every time your name is mentioned, I can see the reaction in everyone, and they don’t even have to say anything, you make all of them, every one of us, a better soldier.”

Dalton looked at Stonebridge with approval.

I also opened my heart to him and continued, "Until now, I still don't question my decision. You will have a chance to end things with Hansen."

Dalton expressed his understanding and support for Stonebridge.

After hearing what Dalton said, Stonebridge breathed a sigh of relief and didn't seem to be under so much pressure.

"You and Gibran go back and rest, and return to the sky tent in two hours." Dalton said to Stonebridge.

"Roger that, sir," Stonebridge replied.

At this time, Dalton met with the sheriff.

Dalton introduced herself to him: "Hello, I'm Rachel Dalton, Major."

"I'm Captain Dr. Marcus Laday, Special Forces. Thank you for your men helping us evacuate the people, but you could have informed us that you were tracking the vehicle and its contents."

The leader of the special forces said this, seeming to blame others.

"You should understand our hesitation to share intelligence, given the urgency of the situation and the fact that an official from your government murdered one of my most capable officers."

Dalton snapped back at him.

"From now on, we will support you with all our strength. Do you know what Knox is going to do with these weapons?" asked Dr. Laday.

"I don't know yet, but once he has a target, someone like Conrad Knox won't waste such a good hand.

The bad news is he still has two warheads." Dalton continued to tell him what she knew.

This way they can unite to deal with Knox.

This is good. Branch 20 no longer has to fight alone and rely on just a few people to deal with Knox.

After all, Matlock had told Knox before that they still had 500 soldiers, who had not yet been activated.

Rim and Baxter are in the office.

"The police found the wallet of the deceased driver in a shed in Masobi. His name was Winston Naindeni."

Rim reported the latest news to Dalton.

"Any information on him?" Dalton asked.

"A third-rate fraudster with a violent past. He was charged with attempted murder two months ago, but his cell phone records show that he made five calls to the same number after the shooting. We are tracking him down."

Baxter reported to Dalton.

But Dalton did not respond.

Rim yelled to Dalton, "Major!"

Dalton went up the stairs to Section 20 because he saw another woman.

She followed immediately.

She replied to Rim, "We have guests."

  She chased after him. It was Christie. Dalton said to her unfriendlyly:

"What brings you here?"

"Langley ordered me to contact you and provide assistance for the follow-up handling of this minor accident." Christie said calmly to Dalton.

But Dalton replied rudely: "Well, they are really considerate. Since you are no longer engaged in hostile takeovers, you must be bored now."

"I make no apology for supporting those who wanted to overthrow the Mugabe government. We should have been able to establish roots in Zimbabwe, Knox should have been exiled and the nuclear weapons should have been handed over to the United Nations within a few years."

Christie said seriously.

Dalton couldn't listen any longer and interrupted, "Delusion is a symptom of menopause.

Because what I see is that you have stirred up a commotion in Africa, and at the center of the commotion is the fanatical Conrad Knox."

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