The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1973 Speedboat Chase!!

Chapter 1973 Speedboat Chase!!

Bullets were fired from all directions, and Long Zhan and his group had to be on high alert. Even Gomez was frightened and lay on the ground, not daring to move.

I was afraid that if I raised my head a little bit, I would be shot in the head by the bullets from everywhere.

Rebecca was afraid that Gomez would die, so she was responsible for protecting this prey. Even after the battle, she reminded him: "If you don't want to die, don't look up or run around."

After saying that, he leaned forward and fired a volley of bullets, killing an enemy who was rushing forward.

People who come from Mossad are quite capable.

Not to mention Long Zhan and Scott. Even if they were suppressed by the enemy's firepower and there were bullets whizzing past their heads and on both sides, it could not completely restrict them. They could still seize the opportunity to show their heads and shoot.

Every time you shoot, you will gain something, either killing the enemy or injuring him.

But just when the situation was barely maintaining, Scott noticed that several more cars were coming from the opposite hill, and they were old trucks.

Although this truck, which looks like it was from World War II, is very old, it is very capable of catching people.

Clatter. Clatter.

About twenty or thirty people came down at once.

They were all wearing camouflage uniforms and military caps, and seemed to be the local warlords' armed forces.

"Kahlil Gibran, reinforcements will arrive on the mountain at 12 o'clock."

Hearing Scott's shout, Long Zhan immediately turned his head to look at the mountain behind him and found that dozens of armed men who had got off the car were running down the hillside.

If we wait until they join the battle, it will be even more difficult to evacuate later.

Long Zhan didn't want to sit and wait for death.

His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings and finally found the only breakthrough point, which was also the only chance to escape.

"Hold them back, we have a chance."

While Long Zhan quickly changed the magazine, he shouted encouragement to Scott.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

"Da da da da..."

Scott didn't say anything, but responded with actions, and Rebecca also increased her firepower.

"Keep hidden, there are enemies coming from the river."

While Long Zhan loudly reminded his team members, he also kept his eyes on the approaching ship.

The only way to escape from this desperate situation is this boat.

Under the siege of so many people, it is impossible to escape on foot on land, because the opponents are driving cars.

The only way is to sail.

As for how to take down the ship, Long Zhan's computer-like brain thought for a while and came up with a bold but feasible plan.

Scott had just discovered that someone was coming from the mountain, and then he heard Long Zhan say that someone was also coming from the river.

He immediately got angry and complained: "I am dying, so many people are coming? How can we stop them? It seems that I will die here today."

"Stop talking nonsense, get down quickly and hide."

The next second after Rebecca shouted a warning, bullets rained down on them.

"Da da da da da da..."

The machine gun bullets were extremely powerful, and they hit the rocks, breaking them into pieces.

Fortunately, everyone hid behind the big rocks. If there were no rocks but only trees, this heavy machine gun would be enough to wipe out the group.

The trees can't stop it at all!

"Gibran, you sailors like swimming, right? Do you have any idea of ​​robbing that ship?" Scott, who was pinned to the ground by bullets, stared at the ship and shouted.

"Of course." Long Zhan smiled.

As expected, they are all brave generals from the army, and they have the same ideas for combat.

"Then do it quickly, go for it, never mind, this is the only hope, you find a way to get through, Rebecca and I will cover you from behind." Scott shouted.

"Look here, man, I'm going to save the world."

Long Zhan stopped shooting and lay down on the ground, moving forward in a low-quality crawling manner.

Don't say it.

Long Zhan, who was two meters tall and huge, lay down and crawled in a low posture, becoming less conspicuous, and he crawled quite fast.

"What is he going to do?"

Rebecca didn't pay attention to the conversation between Long Zhan and the others. When she saw the dragon suddenly crawling towards the river bank, she asked Scott in confusion.

"It's either life or death, who knows, you and I are responsible for attracting fire." Scott said.

Originally, the four men could not hold on even with their shooting, and now without Long Zhan, who had the most powerful firepower, Scott and Rebecca had to fight for their lives as well.

With the help of a low crawling position, Long Zhan safely climbed to the river bank.

With the cover of the grass on the shore, he quietly dived into the water.

The speedboat coming over had no idea that someone would actually swim over to seize the boat. They had never imagined such a bizarre and daring thing.

Therefore, the armed speedboat did not take any precautions and remained in the river to suppress the enemy with heavy machine guns.

"Thumbs up..."

Bullet casings fell from the ejection port like rain, clanking onto the boat.

The heavy machine gunner was very excited when fighting. This kind of one-sided suppression and the feeling of controlling other people's lives and deaths in one's own hands made his adrenaline rush.

Long Zhan has the ability to hold his breath for up to three minutes, so it is easy for him to dive from the shore.

Long Zhan swam easily to the bottom of the speedboat, then found the side of the speedboat underwater, slowly floated up and took out the pistol in his mouth.


The enemy in charge of driving the boat was shot in the head by Long Zhan.

The assistant machine gunner who was responsible for loading ammunition in the back heard the gunshots from the side and quickly turned his head to look over, just in time to see Long Zhan climbing up.

The deputy machine gunner had no weapon in his hand. In a hurry, he rushed forward, ready to kick Long Zhan down with his foot before Long Zhan climbed up.

As a result, he underestimated Long Zhan and overestimated himself.

The kick failed to knock the man down, and instead Long Zhan grabbed his foot. Due to the huge difference in power, Long Zhan threw him into the river with just one hand.

The only remaining heavy machine gunner felt something was wrong and wanted to turn his gun around to fight the dragon.

At this moment, Long Zhan was holding the side of the boat with his left hand, and he had just thrown the assistant machine gunner into the river with his right hand, so he really had no free hand to deal with him.

But Long Zhan has teammates.

Scott had been paying attention to Long Zhan's movements and found that Long Zhan had already boarded the ship. The heavy machine gunner had stopped suppressing the fire because he was turning his gun around.

Scott seized this rare opportunity and immediately fired two shots at the machine gunner.


The machine gunner was shot in the chest, let go of his machine gun, and fell down into the river.

Long Zhan successfully captured the armed speedboat, started it quickly and drove it to the shore, then got out and climbed onto the gun rack, shooting at the shore while shouting: "Scott, get on the boat quickly, I'll cover you."

"Come on, Rebecca, Martinez, go and take those people on board first." Scott did not leave immediately, but let Rebecca take Gomez away first.

It can be seen that Scott is still very principled and not the kind of ruthless person.

"You should think clearly whether you want to stay or leave. If you stay, I will not pursue the past and just pretend it never happened."

Gomez knew that this was a critical moment and there was a possibility of Rebecca rebelling.

After all, Rebecca's people were robbed! Fortunately, Rebecca was a spy, and he knew how unpredictable human nature was, so he didn't believe Gomez's lies.

If Gomez really stayed now, Rebecca would be chopped into pieces.

Drug dealers never talk about mercy and trust.

"Get up and go!"

Those few concise and powerful words already represented Rebecca's decision.

Gomez saw that he had failed to fool Rebecca, and feeling regretful, in order to save his own life, he could only stand up, bend down, and run to the river.

Scott followed closely behind Martinez, and his speed was not very slow while he was fighting and running.

The firepower of the heavy machine gun is very fierce, and the armed speedboat has been enhanced with bulletproof protection, and there is a solid bulletproof plate in front of the heavy machine gun.

The most important thing is that Long Zhan is the best heavy machine gunner in the world. He says he is the second best in the world and no one dares to say he is the best.

The combination of the two.

With the help of a heavy machine gun firing at full power, Long Zhan managed to suppress all the enemies on the shore, allowing Rebecca and Scott to retreat to the ship smoothly.

"Scott, you drive the boat, I'll fire the guns, and let these bastards eat shit."

While Long Zhan was giving orders to Scott, he opened fire as if bullets were free, madly pouring them towards the targets on the shore.

Rebecca did not hold back at this time and chose to lean against the cab and shoot towards the shore.

The enemies on the shore saw that they were about to escape, and became more and more eager to catch up to stop them, but they were as fragile as pieces of tofu in the face of the fierce firepower.

He fell down after running a few steps and couldn't get any closer.

No matter how anxious the militants were, they had no way to catch up and could only watch the armed speedboat leave in a graceful manner.

The armed speedboat was very fast and it was several hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

The bullets were out of reach and I could only stare blankly at the shore.

"Good job, Aquaman, drive home quickly, I need a cold beer, wow!"

Scott felt the excitement of escaping death, and he couldn't help but wave his arms and scream. However, as soon as he screamed, the excitement on his face froze.

It turned out that there was a speedboat chasing us from behind, and there was more than one.

"What the hell, are you kidding me?"

Scott was so angry that he started cursing, and his good mood just now was wiped out.

"Da da da da da da..."

The speedboat chasing behind did not have a heavy machine gun, but the people on board were very aggressive and were firing wildly with guns from a distance of more than 100 meters.

"damn it."

Martinez was so angry that he started cursing and had to take his gun to the end of the bed to fight back.

Long Zhan and Rebecca also joined in.

Although the two sides were hundreds of meters apart and were moving at high speed, it was very difficult for the bullets to hit each other.

But both sides wanted to try their luck. If they missed, it would be fine, but if they hit, it would be a waste of money.

after all.

No one can explain luck.

Scott had already stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, but the armored speedboat had strong bulletproof capabilities, and the bullets only made a tinkling sound when they hit it, and the speed could not be increased.

What caught up with them were iron and rubber speedboats, which were light in weight and powerful enough to run very fast.

No surprises.

Soon they were caught up by the enemy.

It seemed that the small rifle could no longer deal with the enemy. If the enemy got closer, the armored speedboat would be thick-skinned and could not withstand the enemy's possible rocket launcher.

In order to eliminate the possibility of accidents, Long Zhan climbed to the heavy machine gun shooting position again.

The heavy machine gun has no protective plate facing the rear and is located at the top of the armored speedboat, so there is a great risk in using it.

But Long Zhan couldn't care less.

He climbed up and turned the muzzle of the heavy machine gun around, firing at the enemy ship that was catching up from behind, and opened fire at full power as soon as he got up.

Long Zhan's heavy machine gun suppression skills are very strong, which is obvious to all.

"Thumbs up..."

After less than five seconds of continuous tracking, predictive shooting, Long Zhan won his first victory.

The speedboat that was chasing on the left was hit, and the operating position in the front was pierced. The internal joystick seemed to be broken, causing problems with the steering wheel and making it impossible to make any turns.

There was a sharp turn ahead, and the speedboat rushed straight to the shore.

The driver of the other remaining speedboat on the left was hit in the chest by a bullet, which went straight through his body, leaving a bloody hole the size of a bowl.

With only the speedboat on the right left, the dawn of victory was already in sight.



The bolt of the heavy machine gun hit the chamber, indicating that the bullets had been used up.

Long Zhan quickly bent down to search on the ground, and took two heavy machine gun bullet boxes in succession, only to find that they were empty, without even a single bullet left.

"MD, we're out of bullets."

Long Zhan was so angry that he threw the box away and could only continue shooting with his rifle.

But there are not many rifle bullets left. If we can't get rid of them quickly, the bullets will only last for three to five minutes at most, and we can only use the rifle as a cold weapon with our bare hands.

But luck is bullshit.

The heavy machine gun bullets on Long Zhan's side had run out of bullets, and black smoke actually came out from the back of the armored speedboat, obviously it was hit by bullets.

The main defense of the armored speedboat is in the front, and the defense at the back, especially the engine position, is very weak.

Being under such concentrated fire from the enemy, it is inevitable to be hit.

"The boat has no power, Gibran, no power, we have to think of other ways." Scott was anxious and angry.

"I know, the motor was hit, but there is still one motor holding on."

There was no way to escape now. His life and death depended on this armored speedboat. Long Zhan could only dive into the cabin and start rummaging through the drawers quickly.

I've been so busy from just now until now that I haven't had the time to check.

Now it has come to a critical moment of life and death. Long Zhan can only place his hope on the cargo on this ship, hoping that he can move something from it.

In the end, no weapons were found, but a large barrel of gasoline was found.

"That's it."

Long Zhan could only try his luck and called out to Martinez, "Martinez, do you still have the remote-controlled bomb? I really need it now."

"Yes, there are still a few left."

Martinez took off his backpack and took out a remote-controlled C4 bomb from it and gave it to Long Zhan.

Originally, Martinez was going to use them all, but unfortunately something unexpected happened along the way, he was discovered, and the fight with the enemy wasted some time.

As a result, there were still some remote-controlled bombs left, and there was no time to install them.

It was such a coincidence that the remaining remote-controlled bomb played a big role here.

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