The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1980: Tears of the Arms Tycoon

Chapter 1980: Tears of the Arms Tycoon

Scott was not in a hurry when he received the order. He looked at the people coming and going on the street and complained: "There are party flags everywhere here. Are you sure?"

What Scott meant was that this place was full of people cooking, and it would be very dangerous to catch the leader of the people cooking here.

"Bring him back, that's an order." Colonel Dalton gave the order.

"Roger that!"

Scott had no choice but to say helplessly: "Dude, it's time to work."

"Let's go and block him downstairs."

Long Zhan looked up at the building, found the right location and strode after him.

There was a table next to the stairs leading to the building, and someone was sitting there in charge of guarding it. You didn't have to guess to know that he was arranged by Emile.

"I come."

Scott volunteered.

Compared to Long Zhan, who is two meters tall and looks like someone who is not easy to mess with, Scott is indeed more suitable.

Scott even put on a disguise.

He picked up a discarded newspaper, pulled out a dagger and hid it under the newspaper, pretended not to see the guard at the door, and strode straight in.

The guard thought Scott had gone in the wrong direction, so he quickly stood up and chased in with a fierce look on his face.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Scott walking forward, and suddenly he stopped, turned around, hugged the guard and stabbed him with the dagger, which pierced into his stomach.

Then she put her arm around the guard and brought him in "intimately".

Long Zhan, who was following closely behind, cooperated tacitly and walked over calmly to close the door, making it impossible to tell that someone had just been killed here.

Kill the guard Long Zhan and go to the backyard to prevent Emile from running away through the back door.

Scott switched to his pistol and searched online for the stairs.

As I reached the stairs, I saw Kamari coming down.

There is a tacit understanding between the two parties, and they are busy with their own things.

Scott felt that he had killed a man, but was not sure if it was a terrorist, so he reported on the radio: "HQ, we just killed a Boiler Party guard."

Take the initiative to explain the other party's identity to the headquarters, so that at least you can shirk the responsibility.

"Received, continue searching for Emil," Major Dalton replied on the radio.

"B2 has arrived at the backyard, B1, I have seen the target and is approaching you." Long Zhan called.


Scott looked around and found that he was in the only way.

So he simply didn't go upstairs anymore, and chose to hide in the stairwell next door, listening attentively to what was happening in the corridor.


Soon, footsteps were heard, very messy, and it seemed that the owner was very nervous.

Scott judged the distance based on the sound of footsteps, and when the footsteps were about to reach the stairs, Scott rushed out and took the enemy by surprise.

Emile was not a fighter, just a fat man with a big belly.

Scott suddenly rushed out and pushed him against the wall, then punched him in the stomach twice, making his stomach churn and his whole body curled up.

He lost his combat effectiveness in an instant.

"Headquarters, I've captured the target." Scott immediately reported via radio.

"Well done, bringing him back." Major Dalton breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.


As soon as Scott finished his reply, Long Zhan rushed over.

"Let's go, GO." Long Zhan said.

"Man, you're a little slow." Scott was as talkative as ever.

"If I were faster, I wouldn't need you." Long Zhan teased in return.

The two of them are used to being funny and are quite cheerful.

Bickering doesn't interfere with work.

Long Zhan and Scott did not go through the front door because if they took Emil through the front door, they would be seen by many people and might even be chased by a bunch of people.

The back door is away from the main road and there are not many people, so it is relatively safe.


One shot broke the rear door lock.

Long Zhan and Scott brought Emil out, walked down the iron stairs, crossed an alley, and came to the street behind.

Before going out, Long Zhan deliberately stood inside and carefully observed the outside through cutting corners.

Although the time Emil had to escape was short, it was enough for him to make dozens of phone calls and notify a division of people to come and rescue him.

You can imagine it with your toes, and now there must be support from outside.

If you want to bring people back smoothly, you must avoid support.

It's unlucky to say the least.

Long Zhan had been observing carefully in the alley, but his body shape was too distinctive, and there happened to be a few armed men who wanted to enter the alley.

Neither party was prepared at all, and they just met love around the corner.

"Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta."

Long Zhan reacted faster and fired first, killing the terrorist who was walking in front.

As the first terrorist fell, the terrorists behind him all reacted, immediately looking for cover nearby and firing wildly at the entrance of the alley.

The pedestrians and vendors around were screaming in fear, and some were accidentally injured and fell to the ground screaming.

  The scene was in chaos for a moment!

Long Zhan wanted to rush out, but the location of the alley entrance was too bad. Enemies from all directions could shoot at the alley entrance.

In addition, the other side had more people, and bullets rained down, blocking the gap.

However, Long Zhan was restricted inside the alley, like a frog in a well, he could only see the part in front of him and could not hit the enemies on his left and right sides.

If you can’t hit, you can only be suppressed.

"Headquarters, we're under attack and there's no way to retreat out the back door."

Long Zhan reported to the headquarters, and at the same time, he and Scott took Amir back into the alley, avoiding the alley entrance where the firepower was the fiercest.

"B3, find a way to support them." Major Dalton ordered Martinez.


Martinez, who was waiting at the front door, started the car and drove around to the back door, trying to find a way to pick up Long Zhan and the others by car.

Long Zhan and his men retreated into the alley, while the terrorists outside continued to press forward.

In order to avoid being killed by thrown objects, there is nowhere to hide at the bottom of the narrow alley, which is like a dead end. If a grenade is thrown in, there will be no place to hide.

Long Zhan and Scott had no choice but to continue retreating and went back into the building.

As a result, as soon as he retreated into the building, Emil suddenly fell to the ground, and his white shirt on his abdomen was stained red with blood.

"Fuck, this is fucking terrible."

The target was hit by a stray bullet. This was such bad luck that Scott was so angry that he wanted to curse. "Headquarters, the target was hit. The injury is very serious. He won't be able to hold on for much longer." Long Zhan reported to the headquarters.

"You carry out the procedures on site and you must get the intelligence we need." Dalton reacted quickly and thought of an emergency plan at the first moment.

"It may be possible in the car, but not here. There are a large number of enemies chasing us from behind, and we are under fierce attack." Long Zhan said.

"You can't get in the car now. You must interrogate the target immediately before he dies," Dalton demanded.


Long Zhan had no choice but to say, "Scott, you interrogate him, I'll help you hold on, you have to hurry and get it done."

"damn it."

Scott knew there was no other way, so he immediately squatted down and grabbed Emile's chin and asked, "The Scotsman's name is Leatherby. Why did you give him money? Answer me quickly."

Emile stared at Scott without saying a word.

"Armed enemies are entering the target building, and there are a lot of them." The drone controller at the headquarters reported the captured information.

"Scott, hurry up, there's no time." Long Zhan urged loudly.

"I know. I'm trying to figure it out."

Scott was in a hurry. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket, opened it and said, "Do you see this account? This is your transaction record. All the bills were paid by the CIA."

"It's not mine, I don't have it." Emil finally spoke.

"No?" Scott said.

"You forged it," Emil insisted.

"very good."

Scott took out another passport, opened it and said to Emile: "Do you see this? This is your passport. It is your proof of travel between the United States and Israel. If you don't tell me, I will release all of these. As far as I know, Zhu Hairui hates traitors the most."

Skotl produced ironclad evidence, but Emil still insisted and said, "I am already a dying man."

The underlying meaning is that I am already dying, so it doesn't matter whether I am a traitor or not.

"Headquarters, this guy will definitely not talk anymore. We need to leave immediately." Seeing that Emil was determined to die, Long Zhan didn't want to waste any more time.

"Put the papers in his pocket and tell him the Boilers will kill his whole family," said Major Dalton.

"Farke, Farke, Farke."

Scott didn't want to do such a despicable thing, but now he was forced to do so, so he had no choice but to hand over his passport and bank information.

While stuffing the money into Emile's pocket, he said, "I won't stop you from dying, but I will leave these on the body. They will definitely kill your whole family. You can decide for yourself."

Emir is already sixty years old and has a large group of sons, grandsons and daughters.

Because of his secret cooperation with the middle-level bureaucracy, his people made a lot of money and his family lived a very comfortable life.

Emir was not afraid of his own death and was ready for it on the day he started cooperating with the CIA.

But I thought that my family would die.

Emile finally broke down.

With a red face, she said, "If you destroy all these documents and passports, I will tell you what you want to know..."

"Clap clap clap."

Suddenly, gunshots were heard, interrupting Emil.

It turned out that the militant had rushed up and appeared in front of the passage where Long Zhan was, and Long Zhan had to shoot him dead.

The sound of gunfire is the explosion point. It will not scare away the enemy, but will only attract more enemies.

"Quick, take him away first."

This place was no longer safe, so Long Zhan could only hold Amir between his waist, beat him while retreating, and try to interrogate him while moving.

It is dangerous to stay in the same place, and the structure of this house cannot be defended by one person.

Even if you hold on to a certain opening, it is useless because the enemy can come around from other directions or even use grenades to solve the problem.

"Da da da da..."

The gunfire rang out violently.

Long Zhan and Scott cooperated skillfully and tacitly, killing five enemies who were chasing them, kicking open a door and hiding in a house.

Throwing Emil onto the sofa to lie down, Long Zhan moved a large cabinet to prop up the door.

Then he ran to the window, closed the curtains, and looked outside through the gap in the curtains while calling out, "Headquarters, we really need help now."

"Damn it, I'm already thinking of a solution, you guys hurry up and give me some useful information." Major Dalton yelled anxiously and angrily.

"Fuck, this woman is really crazy."

Scott half-knelt in front of Emil, took out a lighter and said as he lit the fire: "Look, I'm going to burn them all in front of you now, so hurry up and tell me."

"B3, where are you now? We're on the second floor to the left of the front door."

Major Dalton was so anxious that Long Zhan could only find a way to contact her himself and place his hopes on Martinez.

"I'm on my way, it will take another two minutes," Martinez replied.

Scott finished burning the passport and documents, and urged Emil again, "Now that your family is safe, hurry up and tell me."

"Forgive me, this is for their own good."

The emir atones for his actions before he gasps, "He's coming, from Syria, Leatherby is bringing him."

"Who? Who's coming from Syria? Who's Leatherby going to bring from Syria?"

Seeing that Emil was breathing in less than breathing out and was about to die in the next second, Scott had to hurry and ask what he wanted to know.

"Zhu, Zhu Hairui."

After Emile said the name, he died as if he had accomplished his mission.

When Scott heard the name, his expression immediately became extremely solemn. He stood up and pointed his gun at the door and reported: "Calling the headquarters, Emir has already said that Leatherby will bring Zhu Hairui here from Syria. Did you hear that? Zhu Hairui will come from Syria."

"I knew it."

Upon receiving this news today, Dalton jumped up from his chair, his face full of surprise and joy.


Southwest of Moscow.


A Rolls-Royce that was extended to more than ten meters drove into an extremely luxurious European-style manor. A large group of men in black suits were waiting at the door.

When the stretched Rolls-Royce arrived at the gate, the men in black rushed forward, opened the door, and carried out a gold-rimmed coffin from inside.

When the coffin was carried into the hall and the lid was opened, Victor was inside.

Victor's father, Arcati Urlov, walked over trembling with grief on his face, and his emotions collapsed when he saw his son's body.

The arms tycoon, who had not shed tears for many years, shed tears of grief at this moment.

A white beard grew along his cheeks and then fell to the ground.

Arcati, who had a son in his forties, can be imagined how much he loved Victor and how much of a blow his death was to him.

And beneath this deep sorrow, there is a rage that is overwhelming.

Anger at the pain of killing a child!

The room was filled with dozens of people, all high-ranking officials of the arms empire. However, no one dared to speak at this moment, as they all knew that an earthquake was about to occur.

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