The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1989 Heading to Budapest

Chapter 1989 Heading to Budapest

There is actually nothing much to do for Arab women. The burqa covers their entire body, leaving only their eyes exposed.

It is rare for Sofia to show her face.

Wash your face, wipe off any sticky stuff, and put some lipstick on your mouth.

Basically the makeup is done.

Sophia was very nervous when she got out of the car. One reason was that she had to run away for this trip, and the other was that she hadn't seen her husband Zhu Hairui for a long time.

As the saying goes: A short absence is better than a new marriage.

Not to mention that Sophia was a brainwashed woman, you can imagine how excited he was.

Arriving at the door with a smile on her face, Sophia pushed the door open with trembling hands in anticipation, then walked in to find room number seven.

What Sofia didn't know was that a car soon stopped not far behind him.

Sitting in the car were Kamari and Dalton.

"You did it, he's right here, Rachel," Kamari said calmly to Dalton.

Dalton said nothing, but pulled out his pistol.

Then he opened the glove box of the car, took out a mini communicator and earphones, put them on, pressed the call button and called: "Headquarters, this is Dalton."

"Got it, Rachel, where are you?" Colonel Locke was very surprised.

"We're on Ivel Road," Dalton said.

"Stay in the car and don't rush to act. We are on the way. Keep in touch." Colonel Locke gave the order.

Without the fierce general Leatherby in the building, the fighting power of the Steaming Party collapsed.

Long Zhan and his five companions easily rushed down from the top of the building, broke through the back door, and successfully reunited with Colonel Locke's convoy.

Colonel Locke arranged for someone to send Esther back to the base, and the others headed straight for No. 7 Ivel Road as quickly as possible.

Sophia walked along the corridor and soon came to the room with the number seven on the door. The door was not closed and opened with a slight push.

But there was no Zhu Hairui inside, only a woman who was also wearing a headscarf.

Sophia, who was originally full of joy and anticipation, suddenly fell when she saw that the person in the room was not the one she wanted to see, and it was a woman she didn't know.

She asked expressionlessly, "Where's my husband?"

"He couldn't come, but he asked me to tell you that he's really sorry."

As soon as the woman finished her words, she raised her hand inside her robe, as if holding a pistol, and pulled the trigger at Sophia.

Sophia was completely defenseless, and before you could even scream, you were beaten to death and fell to the ground.

Dalton, who was still watching the situation in the car outside, heard the gunshots coming from the house. He and Kamari looked at each other, and both were surprised.

The shots have already been fired.

I definitely can't stay here any longer.

Dalton, who was unable to hold his temper, got out of the car with a gun and ran quickly into the house. When he reached the door, he did not rush in, after all, he did not know what danger there was in the house.

He chose to be careful while moving towards the house.

The woman who killed Sofia in the house did not run away in a hurry. Instead, she came to Sofia's side, checked and searched, and took off his bracelet from his wrist.

I opened one of the beads on the bracelet and found a TF card inside.

Not hard to guess.

There is definitely a big secret in this card.

"Headquarters, there are gunshots in the house. I'm about to go in to check." Dalton reported as he walked forward after entering the corridor.

"Rachel, get out of that house, get out of that room quickly." Locke was worried that there was a trap inside, so he let Dalton go without thinking.

"It's too late. I'm already here."

Dalton had already seen Sophia, lying on the ground in the hallway.

"Damn it."

Seeing Sophia lying on the ground, Dalton felt a surge of anger in his heart. He quickly looked around with the muzzle of his gun and only approached after eliminating the danger.

Kamari, who had been waiting outside uncomfortably, got out of the car and walked into the house carefully.

After Dalton checked that the nearby house was safe, he bent down to check Sophia's vital signs, but found that her heartbeat and breathing were gone.

However, I did find a disassembled bracelet on Sofia's body.

Realized something had been taken from it.

"Feel sorry."

Dalton covered Sophia with a headscarf, stood up and chased after her to the other end of the corridor.

As a result, when I turned the corner of the corridor, I saw a strong black bull terrier tied there, barking like crazy.

Dalton thought the person had run away, so he turned around and wanted to leave in dejection and anger.

As Dalton just turned around, a gunshot suddenly came from behind a pile of clothes drying next to the dog, and then Dalton was shot in the shoulder and fell to the ground.

Dalton looked in the direction of the gunshot and saw a woman wearing a headscarf walking out with a gun.

"You know me, right? My information is in the classified files, right? What are you? An agent? A soldier? A spy?"

The woman with the gun slowly approached as she spoke, with some anger in her eyes.

Dalton said nothing.

However, he quietly pressed the button to transmit the woman's words.

Locke, Long Zhan, Scott and others can all hear it.

"British girl, this shot is for my brother."

After the woman finished speaking, she fired another shot, hitting Dalton's right leg. Dalton screamed in pain, and the sound was transmitted to the headquarters communication.

"Hurry up, hurry up, drive faster."

Seeing Dalton in danger, Colonel Locke frantically urged the driver to speed up.

After speeding for more than ten seconds, they arrived at the designated road. Before the car stopped, Scott jumped out with a gun in his hand, and Long Zhan followed closely from the other side.

The two sniper rifles remained in combat mode and rushed into the house without hesitation.

time is money.

If Dalton had been a second slower, he might have died.

Dalton thought someone would come to rescue her, so he deliberately stalled for time and took the initiative to talk to the woman: "McKanna, what can you do if you kill me?"

"Killing you will have a good ending. I will gain fame and you will lose your life."

The woman named McKenna was really a ruthless character. After she said that, she fired again without hesitation, this time aiming at Dalton's chest.


One shot down.

Dalton just fell down, his eyes closed and his life or death was unknown.

Just at this moment, Kamari came over. Because the gun had been removed by Dalton before, he couldn't help and instead discovered McKenna.

"Damn it."

When McKenna saw someone appear, she realized that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time, so she raised her hand and shot at Kamari, hitting Kamari in the chest.

This woman was definitely not a good person, her shooting skills were more accurate than those of the old agent. After knocking Kamari to the ground, McKenna didn't bother to shoot again, she turned around and ran to another road, disappearing behind the clothes hanging out to dry.

"She ran away, and he ran that way."

Kamari heard footsteps coming and guessed that it was Long Zhan and others coming. He immediately shouted loudly to warn them and pointed in the direction with his finger.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Scott apologized and checked Kamari's injuries.

Long Zhan quickly came to Dalton and found that she was holding a bracelet in her hand. He pried open her palm and took it out. He found that one of the beads was opened.

"Whatever Sophia was carrying, it must have been taken away by someone." Long Zhan said regretfully.

It’s really a pity.

Sophia was controlled by them for such a long time, but no one checked the decorations she was wearing, which led to the important information being lost.

"Who is it? Who took it?" asked Colonel Locke who ran in.

"Mary McKenna, the real IRA." As the only living person at the scene, Kamari revealed important information at this time.

"Fuck, how did the real IRA get involved?" Scott said angrily.

"It should be him. I can recognize the voice on the radio."

Colonel Locke confirmed, and then ordered: "Go, take them all with you, this place is too dangerous, we have to leave here quickly."

There is no risk elimination here and danger may occur at any time.

Long Zhan was responsible for helping Kamari up, Scott carried Dalton's body, and Locke was responsible for taking Sophia and quickly evacuating the room.

After driving back to headquarters, the next step was the sad cleanup.

Sophia's belongings needed to be counted and brought back to England to be handed over to her family, and this task was given to Colonel Locke.

When Colonel Locke found a photo among the relics with the words "Mom, I love you" written on it, he felt very sad.

But he can't do anything.

With a heavy heart, she could only place the photo on Dalton's chest as a final farewell to her son.

Fortunately, Kamari was very lucky and the bullet hit his chest but not his vital parts.

After treatment in the hospital, the bullet was removed, the wound was sutured and appropriate treatment was given, and he was out of danger that day.

The next day, when Long Zhan and Scott brought Esther to see him, he was already able to sit by the bed.

After going through such a disaster, the father and daughter were extremely excited to meet each other again, as if they had lived a new life, and they hugged each other tightly.

After sending Esther back to his father, Long Zhan and Scott left.

Now that the clues have been completely cut off, Long Zhan and Scott have nothing to do before finding new clues, so they enter the rest stage again.

Scott still has the same old habit of picking up girls and playing poker whenever he has free time.

Dragon Wars is similar.

However, Long Zhan is looking for older looks for fun and never looks for those messy ones, while Scott has no such taboo and only looks at whether the beauty is hot enough.

Besides having fun looking for his old friend, Long Zhan also had to discuss company-related matters with Tucker.

So Long Zhan is used to being a hands-off boss, used to hanging out outside and having fun alone, while Tucker is in charge of all the company's affairs.

However, the company's main development line and context still need to be determined by Long Zhan.

Scott had never had any problem finding women before. Basically, after a fierce game of poker, he would just give them money, put on their clothes, and leave.

But the woman he found this time was very attractive, and Scott had found her several times in a row.

This has led to huge hidden dangers!

When Scott went to play poker with the woman this time and told her the hotel where he was staying, danger ensued.

Because this woman has been bribed.

As soon as Scott left after playing poker, someone found the woman, gave her a roll of US dollars, and took it to the hotel room where Scott was staying.

When Scott and Long Zhan came back chatting, there were already several gunmen hiding in the hotel.

As soon as Scott opened the door from outside, the gunman hiding inside would immediately open fire, killing Scott on the spot with a random stream of bullets.

Maybe Scott wasn't destined to die.

Just as Scott arrived at the door of his room, he had already unlocked the door with the door card and was touching the door handle to open the door and go in.

Long Zhan, who was working next door, suddenly came out and shouted, "Hey, there's life again, man."

"What is it?" Scott asked, stopping to open the door.

"They found McKenna on the airport's surveillance video, and by searching her ticket purchase records, they discovered that she was going to Budapest," said Long Zhan.

"Let's go, then let's go there quickly."

Scott couldn't wait any longer and quickly grabbed Zhu Kairui. He was more excited than Long Zhan to hear the news. He gave up going in and quickly walked towards the elevator.

The gunman hiding in the house saw through the gap under the door that the voices of Scott and Long Zhan were getting farther and farther away.

He did not rush to shoot randomly, but calmly chose to give up this opportunity and said coldly: "You are lucky this time, there won't be a next time."




Long Zhan, Scott, Martinez, Julia, and even Colonel Locke and his team, all rushed to Budapest.

Dalton's body was sent back to Tunbridge Wells in the UK so that she could be buried in peace.

Now they only know that McKenna came here, and no one knows where she went after getting off the plane.

Fortunately, by checking McKenna's communications, it was discovered that she made a phone call to Budapest before flying to Budapest.

The person who answered the phone was Sean!


This Sean also comes from an intelligence background. He and Colonel Locke have known each other for a long time, and the relationship between the two is very special.

If you want to find McKenna here, you must ask the local boss for help.

Sean is not only a local boss, but also an old acquaintance.

  It's a perfect match!

So Locke used his connections to find the exact location of his old acquaintance.

It just so happened that my old acquaintance Sean had work to do that day.

He was invited to meet at a cable car station at a tourist attraction to discuss a business deal that he was best at.

Scott, Long Zhan and others pretended not to know Sean and disguised themselves as tourists or visitors and were stationed in various locations to monitor Sean's every move at any time.

"Haven't you been a soldier long enough? Haven't you heard? The war is over a long time ago."

Sean is indeed a veteran in the industry. When he saw the man's jacket was open and he was wearing a shirt underneath, he knew there was a bug inside.

"Sean, aren't you here after all?"

The guest was not in a hurry after being discovered. He zipped up his clothes calmly and said calmly, "We are planning a big move."

"You'd better keep it a secret from me, right?" Sean sneered.

Long Zhan and Julia pretended to be a couple, just below the two of them, and monitored them openly by hugging and kissing.

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