The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 199 The Powerful Diaz

Chapter 199 The Powerful Diaz (1)

Jason confirmed the real-time information of the current target by talking to the combat center, and every data returned was very normal.

This means action can begin!

"Operation Center, inform Concert 01 that you can come over and start its performance."

Jason conveyed the request to the headquarters, and then said to "Bullet Man" Clay: "Son, it's your turn, go to your place and prepare."

"Roger that!"

Clay nodded to confirm, and ran along the wall with a cat on his waist, all the way to the window of the target house.

Soon, the Black Hawk helicopter that sent Long Zhan and others flew over and hovered about 10 meters above the target house.

The wind from the helicopter's propeller hovering at low altitude blows up the dust for several 10 meters around.

The two loudspeakers hanging directly below the helicopter, which are bigger than the ones hanging at the entrance of the village to inform the whole village, look very eye-catching.

"Aris Kamal, you are surrounded. We know you are inside. We have thoroughly investigated what you have done. You must obey our request and immediately come out and surrender. As long as you cooperate , we can ensure your personal safety..."

As expected of Diaz, the logistician of the B team, the loudspeaker he prepared is simply not too impressive.

Originally, Long Zhan thought that he could only get one speaker, which was better than the square dance aunt's speaker, but he didn't expect Diaz to get a set of "airborne speakers".

The loudspeaker sounded from above the roof.

It is estimated that the sound can be heard within a radius of 1 kilometer, not to mention the houses directly below. The sound of the cliff is so loud that it can make the ears numb.

Coupled with the booming sound caused by the high-speed rotation of the helicopter propeller at close range.

Long Zhan dared to be [-]% sure, let alone walking quietly in Gaddafi's house now, even if he was running, Kamal probably wouldn't notice it.

Fortunately, this area is not a gathering area for haters of the United States, and the houses are very scattered and sparse.

Otherwise, if the helicopter increases the horn combination, the people hundreds of meters away will have a headache in the middle of the night, and they will definitely run over to make trouble.

Vanessa, who has now joined a cultural support team, will definitely be in trouble then.

Fortunately, everyone in team B wore noise-canceling headphones, otherwise, given their distance outside the house, they would not be any better than Kamal.

The helicopter yelled for a long time on its loudspeaker, and after nearly 30 seconds of continuous persuading to surrender, it stopped temporarily.

Jason didn't see the door open, and there was no movement in the room. The radio called, "Combat Center, have you found anything?"

"Nothing!" Diaz replied.

"Then start the second paragraph of shouting." Jason said.

"Got it, tell Concert 01 immediately."

About 5 seconds after Diaz ended and ended the call, the helicopter that had just stopped shouting began to shout again at a super high decibel.

"Kamal, it's useless for you to hide inside. You have no way out except to cooperate with us. In order to show the sincerity of cooperation, we allow the non-combatants in the house, your wife and children to come out..."

While the helicopter was shouting, Team B also started the second stage of operation.

In order to put pressure on Kamal and force this guy to think calmly, Jason gave an action order to Clay, who was already in position ahead of time.

"Dang! Dang!"

Two smoke bombs were thrown through the window, which was only a little bigger than the washbasin and less than 30 centimeters wide.

A large amount of white smoke was released, and soon appeared at the position of the window. It can be foreseen that most of the other smoke will inevitably begin to spread to other rooms in the house.

Under the double attack of persuasion and smoke, there was finally movement in the house.
The originally closed wooden door was opened, and a middle-aged woman wearing a headscarf came out coughing, and the opened door was quickly closed again.

"Damn, this guy is too cautious."

This scene exceeded Long Zhan's expectation. According to his expectation, the woman should come out by herself, and the door would definitely remain open.

Now Kamal sent his wife out and closed the door again.

Long Zhan's original plan could not continue. The problem of opening the door must be solved before proceeding with the subsequent mission steps.

Jason frowned when he saw this scene, realizing that this question would be very difficult.

But before tackling this thorny issue, the Afghan woman who came out needed to be dealt with, made sure she was safe and contained.

"She doesn't have a bomb strapped to her body, but I can't make sure that she doesn't. Tell her to stop first." Jason said to Long Zhan.

Afghan women's clothing is long gowns and skirts. Under this very loose clothing, it is impossible to see a bomb hidden.

In order to cooperate with Long Zhan's call, Jason also raised his hand and made a tactical gesture to the helicopter.

It means to let the helicopter stop shouting first, raise the flying height to reduce the noise impact on the ground, and facilitate the communication between Long Zhan and the woman.

"Stop, stop still, don't come over."

Long Zhan yelled several times in Pashto, but the woman walked forward as if she didn't hear it.

Everyone in Team B suddenly became nervous!
The headquarters also noticed this situation, they couldn't provide any help, they could only hold their breath nervously, waiting quietly for Team B's handling result.

"Damn it, he has to stop before I'm going to shoot him."

"Wait, wait, wait."

Sonny's anxious roar and Jason's stop made the atmosphere even more tense.

If this woman has a bomb strapped to her body, it will be very dangerous if she continues to approach her, and team B may become the second team E.

The best way is to shoot her immediately and kill her on the spot.

But doing so would seriously affect the plan. Kamal, who was in a rage after his wife died, no one knew what kind of crazy move he would make.

At that time, the team members who took advantage of the smoke will be in a very bad situation.

"Try it in Dari," Jason reminded hurriedly.

"it is good!"

Long Zhan nodded instinctively to show that he had received it, and was about to switch to Dali to speak, when suddenly there was a jolt in his mind, and he suddenly remembered something.

The woman appeared to be deaf.

The memory of Long Zhan in his previous life was not as good as in this life. Many years have passed since he watched the TV series, and he can still remember the general plot, but he has almost forgotten many details.

Therefore, Long Zhan is not very sure whether this woman is deaf-mute or not.


The matter is urgent now, and a dead horse can only be used as a living horse doctor.

"She didn't respond at all. It couldn't be that she didn't hear my call. Could she be deaf?"

Long Zhan couldn't directly say that he knew, this kind of knowing the target information in advance without warning, once or twice is fine, but if there is too much, there will be problems.

So it can only be guesswork.

(End of this chapter)

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