The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 2015 Chasing the Train

"Yes, sir!" After listening to Locke's instructions, Rim was ready to take action.

"Okay, everyone listen up, Novini is our target. You guys, get ready to climb the train."

Locke said to Long Zhan and Stonebridge.

Thus began their next journey to achieve their goals.

  On the train, a man in a suit and tie shouted to his soldiers in a luxurious carriage:

"It's only 7 o'clock. Isn't it too early to drink now?"

"What do you mean by start? We never stopped." Several of his soldiers replied at the dining table.

"Come on, cheers, Sergeant Novini." His soldier picked up a bottle of wine on the table and toasted him.

Novini nodded and smiled at them.

Continuing walking forward, when we reached the ordering counter of this train carriage, the staff at the counter saw Novini coming.

Without saying anything, he just pulled the curtains closed.

Stop doing business.

Novini immediately went in quickly through another door.

The staff at the order counter saw Novini coming and quickly took out a small box from the cabinet.

It should have been prepared long ago, waiting for Novini to take it.

They met secretly on the train.

Novini, looked at the box and checked it.

If you find no problem, close it immediately.

Carry him.

Then walked out.

I looked around the order counter.

Found no one.

The staff at the ordering counter pretended nothing had happened.

Keep selling stuff.

Novini carried the box and came to his seat.

Not far from him was an officer in police uniform.

Glanced at him a few times.

Long Zhan and his companions flew for a whole night and arrived in the early morning.

They were getting ready to get off the plane and get on the train.

"You must find Novini and stop him," Locke ordered them.

Long Zhan and Stonebridge were already ready at the plane window.

The plane followed the train for a while.

They were ready to aim at the position.

Just start taking action.

Soon the plane was getting closer and closer to the train, and they chose a section of the carriage.

Let Long Zhan and Stonebridge go.

Martinez also went down with him.

Locke and Rim were left on the plane.

"Find me a list of the names of the Czech delegation and tell me that at least one of them has a genuine identity."

Locke said to Rim.

"Yes, sir!" Rim immediately started to look up the information again.

Long Zhan, Stonebeach, and Martinez, the three of them got off the plane.

They chose a carriage and entered the train.

They also came to the restaurant car.

Long Zhan pointed a pistol at the people in the car and shouted, "Hands, hands out, hands out!"

The passengers sitting in the restaurant immediately became panicked.

But I dare not act rashly.

They all raised their hands.

"Sit down and put your hands up!" Some passengers wanted to stand up and protest.

Being threatened by Long Zhan with a gun.

"What's going on? Look at me, look at me!" One of the younger passengers stood up and said in panic.

"I advise you not to do anything stupid. Put your hands up!"

Long Zhan grabbed his clothes and pushed him down again.

"Look at me! Leave it to me, don't worry, don't be stubborn!" Stonebridge said to him from the side.

"Look at me!" Stonebridge asked another person.

"Who are you?" one of the soldiers asked Long Zhan and his men.

"Ticket inspector!" Long Zhan replied very confidently.

"He's not here!" Stonebridge carefully checked the faces of the passengers in this carriage and said to Long Zhan and the others.

  "What's going on?" Long Zhan felt something was not right!

"She'll explain," said Stonebridge.

"That's right, you guys continue! I'll handle the diplomatic issues." Martinez finally explained to the passengers in the carriage.

"Talking about diplomacy is too exaggerated!" Long Zhan, who walked to another carriage, laughed there.

"It's okay, we are NATO troops and we are here to look for someone..." Martinez explained truthfully to the passengers.

The staff at the ordering counter also saw this scene.

Prepare to contact Novini secretly.

Long Zhan and Stonebutch quickly searched each carriage one by one.

"Damn it, get out of the way and sit down!" Long Zhan shouted at one of the passengers who looked like Novini.

"Sir, I have to go," Martinez explained to everyone before explaining to one of the soldiers who claimed to be his superior.

As soon as this was explained, the staff at the order counter.

He took the pistol and shot Martinez in the abdomen.

Martinez was knocked to the ground.

He fired another shot toward Martinez's leg.

Martinez half-lying down shot back at him.

Martinez is still very good.

He fired several shots at the other person.

Successfully knocked the opponent to the ground.

But he was also seriously injured.

Two other soldiers in the car rushed to help.

"Are you okay?" they asked with concern.

"I was shot!" Martinez returned, enduring the pain.

"Novini has accomplices on the train!" Martinez immediately reported to everyone.

"I killed one of them, but there may be others!" Martinez reminded everyone on the walkie-talkie.

"Hold on, b3 we will help you get it out as soon as possible!" Locke encouraged her on the intercom.

"Found it, Major General Anton Palechek!" After continuous searching for information, Rim finally found this real person.

"Help me connect him to the phone!" Locke assigned.

And Novini indeed received the information that someone was looking for him.

Prepare to start running away.

"We have found the target!" Long Zhan has already spotted Novini's back!

But Novini turned and began to run away.

"Fuck it! Headquarters, he released the virus in the carriage!" Long Zhan was already in the same carriage as Novini.

But Novini took out a virus weapon and threatened.

And slowly releasing.

The passengers in the car began to cough.

"There are about 20 to 30 civilians in the carriage." Long Zhan reported to the headquarters.

At this time, Long Zhan saw another passenger stand up.

"There are his accomplices in the car!" Long Zhan had already realized his accomplices, so he immediately reported to the headquarters.

Novini released the virus weapon in his hand and prepared to escape to another carriage. "What the hell are you doing?" The soldier in officer's uniform who had been observing Novini for a long time in the carriage asked Novini.

"Beast, fuck!" Long Zhan was in another carriage watching Novini getting farther and farther away.

Because Long Zhan and Stonebridge were at odds, Novini locked the door of that carriage.

Long Zhan was so angry that he started cursing.

This is a young man in a plaid shirt walking over from the back carriage.

"Hey! Stop!" Long Zhan stopped the young man.

"That carriage has been infected, do you understand?" Long Zhan wanted to remind him not to go in again.

"No, my girlfriend is inside! I have to go in." The man replied excitedly.

"No, no, stay here and don't move!" Stonebridge dissuaded him.

"If you dare to go in and touch that door again, I will beat you to death, do you believe it?" The excited Long Zhan also began to get angry with him.

Because once the men here go in, the virus will spread to these carriages.

Then more people will be harmed.

"I understand!" Seeing Long Zhan so fierce.

The young man calmed down for the time being.

"Sorry, young man!" Seeing that the young man suddenly became so obedient, Long Zhan lowered his voice and apologized to him.

Long Zhan looked at the surrounding environment and smashed the fire hydrant on the train.

Take out the fire hydrant inside.

It blocked the door of this section of the carriage horizontally.

This way the passengers inside cannot get out.

Then Long Zhan opened the outer train door.

Because the two of them were preparing to walk over from the top of the train car to catch Novini.

And the young man's girlfriend was just frightened.

Ran out of it.

I want to stand with young people.

So he kept knocking on the door: "I want to go out, I want to go out."

"Don't panic, don't panic! Listen to me, they told me there is a virus in it!" the young man said to his girlfriend through the glass.

"What?" The woman was going crazy.

At this time, Long Zhan and Stonebridge, through various means and efforts, had successfully climbed to the top of the train.

"Beautiful, Spider-Man!" Stonebridge praised Long Zhan.

"Fuck Spider-Man, man! That guy was wearing a tights!" Long Zhan retorted.

Then the two men began to walk towards the carriage where Novini escaped.

On the plane, Rim reported to Locke: "Sir, the call has been connected to Palerchik."

Then Locke answered and said, "General Pelechik, this is Colonel Philip Locke. British Special Forces! I think you have been informed that we have an emergency now! A level 4 infectious virus has spread. Do not let anyone leave that carriage. I repeat, do not let anyone leave that carriage!"

As it turned out, the general who answered the call was the officer in general's uniform who had met Novini on the train.

The young couple were still pounding on the glass through the door.

"The door is stuck." The girlfriend said anxiously while pounding on it.

After receiving the call, Palechick took out his pistol and warned all the passengers: "Please listen to me, no one is allowed to leave this carriage. If anyone dares to leave, I will kill him!"

Because it was only at this time that General Pelechik realized the seriousness of the matter.

"You must unhook the infected carriages. The train will enter the residential area in five minutes. Do you understand?" Locke instructed Long Zhan and Stonebridge.

"Headquarters, understood. Let's go and blow up the hook!" Long Zhan replied immediately.

"We can't let the carriages enter the city!" Locke instructed again.

"Understood!" Long Zhan replied.

Then he quickly ran from the top of the train to another carriage.

"Do you want me to blow it up?" They had already reached the middle of the two carriages.

After the explosion, the poisonous carriage will not move forward any further.

There will be no impact on the residential area in front.

"Given your appearance of blowing up the safe, let me do it." Long Zhan said to Stonebridge with a look of disgust.

"Okay, that's my first time! The C4 bomb is here!" Stonebridge explained to Long Zhan.

"Hurry up, I'll go find Novini in front. Don't get yourself blown away!" Stonebridge said, and climbed back onto the train from the middle buckle between the two carriages.

As a result, as soon as he climbed up, bullets were fired towards Stonebridge from the train window in front of him.

Stonebridge immediately lay on top of the train and shot at the other side.

"Michael!" Long Zhan, who heard the gunshot, immediately shouted to Stonebridge.

And they also went over there with guns fired.

"I'm fine!" Stonebridge replied from the top of the train.

A very agile dragon fighter.

Use a rope to spin the bomb in a circle and place it on Kaka.

Then he immediately climbed onto another carriage.

As a result, when he just climbed up.

He was caught by an enemy.

The two men began to fight face to face on top of the train.

Stonebridge and another group of terrorists were shooting at each other with pistols at a distance.

Long Zhan was caught off guard by the opponent at the beginning and did not gain the upper hand.

As a result, he was knocked off the train by the other side.

As the fight went on, Long Zhan took out his pistol and shot at the other person.

"B2.B2." Rim, who was on the plane, saw Long Zhan being shot down and kept shouting.

"He didn't blow up the coupler. B1. We lost B2." Locke said on the walkie-talkie.

"Damn it!" Stonebridge, who was fighting, was panicked when he heard the news.

"You have to stay on task! You have to stop the train Michael!"

Locke encouraged Stonebridge.

"Understood!" Stonebridge replied.

After Long Zhan fell off the train, he fainted.

It took him a while to react.

After he came to his senses, he slowly stood up.

Look, this is a deserted place.

He complained: "Fuck."

I was just about to brush off the dust on my body.

But then I heard the sound of a motorcycle approaching.

Long Zhan looked up.

A very young guy drove up on a motorcycle.

And asked him enthusiastically: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, kid, your motorcycle is great." Long Zhan replied.

Fortunately, Long Zhan used the young man's motorcycle and started chasing the train.

At this time, Rim and Locke on the plane saw Long Zhan again.

And Stonebridge was the only one fighting on the train.

His power alone must be very small.

Stonebridge was getting weaker and weaker.

But he still fought hard.

Long Zhan is riding a motorcycle.

They caught up with the carriage where Stonebridge was.

"Are you okay?" Long Zhan asked.

"What's going on? Didn't you die just now?" Stonebridge looked at Long Zhan who was riding a motorcycle over again.

"Go and stop the train quickly. I want to chase Novini." Long Zhan said to Stonebridge.

(End of this chapter)

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