The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 2019 Driving a Speedy Car

"Yes, you three follow me!" Lieutenant Gray immediately stood up after hearing the order and set off with his three men.

"I'll go with them!" Rham asked Locke.

"B1, B2, report the situation." Seeing that Long Zhan and the others had not given any feedback, Locke couldn't help but ask them.

"Headquarters, we're in a stalemate outside the rehabilitation center. Kamari's people are disguised as military police." Long Zhan hid beside the car and reported to Locke and the others.

"End the battle and rush to Hangar No. 5! Kamari is there." Locke looked at the surveillance and instructed Long Zhan and the others.

"Received!" After hearing the order, Long Zhan immediately went to Hangar No. 5 with Stonebridge.

At this time, Rham and Gray were ready to go to Hangar No. 5.

"Enter Hangar Five!"

Rim said to everyone.

As usual, Long Zhan went to the side of the road, blatantly threatened others with a gun to stop the car, and then pulled the person out.

In order to survive, others had to abandon their cars.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, I'll give you the car!" the other party said quickly.

"Well, get out of here. You won't go with us wherever we go anyway." Long Zhan and Stonebridge got in the car immediately and set off.

"Hold on tight, we're on the way." Long Zhan and Stonebridge drove to Hangar No. 5 together.

Rim walked ahead and found a dead body.

"A dead soldier was found." Rim said to everyone.

"I have one here too," said another soldier.

Rim suddenly noticed a soldier not far away holding a gun and aiming everywhere.

"Don't move, stay where you are." Rim informed everyone.

"There is movement on the plane." At this time, a soldier informed everyone.

"Go forward and provide cover!"

One of the soldiers didn't listen to Rim at all and ran forward.

As a result, they were discovered by Kamari's men who were on a plane not far away, and they started fighting.

"Damn it!" Rim could only watch him being sacrificed.

She looked around and saw the crowd.

"I saw Kamari."

Rim said to everyone.

"He's on the plane. There are at least four more agents on it. I have to get ready." Rim was worried that Kamari had run away, and he couldn't wait to attack.

"B3, don't get close to the plane and wait for support." Locke said to Rim.

"Sir, I'm on board. On board!" Rim was afraid that Kamari would not be able to wait any longer, so he got on the plane.

"Repeat, wait for support!" Locke emphasized to Rim again.

"B1, B2, are on the way. Rim, don't get on that plane!" Locke emphasized again.

Long Zhan also advised Rim on the intercom: "Julia!"

But Rim didn't care about that.

Carrying a gun, he ran to the side of the plane.

And prepare to open the plane's boarding door.

Locke saw Reem's movements on the surveillance camera and advised her: "B3, don't board the plane!"

But Rim pretended not to hear and boarded the plane without hesitation.

Locke's heart was in his throat.

I didn’t dare to continue watching the surveillance.

Rim got on the plane and saw Kassam doing something.

But he didn't know Kassam.

Only Long Zhan and his friends knew him.

Rim held the gun to his back and slowly approached.

He poked him on the back and asked, "Where is Kamari?"

As a result, the other party was just scared by her.

Another spy ran behind Reem and hit her with a stick, knocking her unconscious to the ground.

After knocking Reem unconscious, Kamari said loudly to Kassam:

"Change of plan! Release the virus over the city!"

"Leo, these people below include women, children and Muslims! They don't have vaccines." Kassam was more rational and humane than Kamari, and he didn't want to release them.

But Kamari continued to persuade: "This is called a sacrifice of war, Kassam! Like a lamb for sacrifice!"

Kamari insisted.

Rim slowly came back to consciousness.

Long Zhan and Stonebridge drove towards the plane as fast as they could.

But the plane was already slowly starting.

"B3, this is headquarters, reply received!"

"B3, please reply if you receive it!" Locke couldn't monitor what was happening to Rim after she got on the plane, so he kept calling her on the intercom.

But Rim had been kidnapped there, dizzy and not fully awake yet.

"We are B2 and B3, we have seen the target. Repeat, we have seen the target." Long Zhan and Stonebridge reported to the headquarters.

"B3, this is headquarters, reply received!" Locke continued to call.

"Julia, speak!" Seeing no response, Long Zhan called out her name anxiously.

Rim slowly opened his eyes and heard their shouts.

She whispered, “Kamali is here, he’s on the plane. They’re going to release the virus over Berlin.”

Locke and the general listened to what Ream said, and the general said to Locke, "I can't let that plane take off."

"Can you give my people some time? No, my people are on the plane." Locke was a little overwhelmed.

"You heard her. Once they take off successfully, they will use biological weapons over the town. This must not happen." This time the general spoke to Locke very firmly.

Locke was helpless.

"B1, B2, did you hear that? Go stop that plane from taking off!" Locke ordered Long Zhan and Stonebridge.

He really thinks Long Zhan and Stonebridge are omnipotent.

Last time we stopped the train, this time we stopped the plane.

They are human beings.

But Long Zhan was very worried about Ruimu.

He didn't care about that anymore and immediately responded, "Got it, let's go rescue that girl!"

"Lock on the target with surface-to-air missiles," the general ordered his subordinates.

The subordinate replied: "The backup transmitter has been activated!"

At this time, Long Zhan and Stonebridge caught up with the plane at a fast speed.

At this time, Kassam ran to the tail of the plane and saw Long Zhan and Stonebridge chasing after him. He called out to his subordinates, "Come here!"

Stonebridge and the others saw him and said to Long Zhan, "Drive closer!"

Then he came out of the car window with a pistol and aimed at the wing of the plane.

At this time, several other agents on the plane also carried guns and started shooting at Long Zhan and Stonebridge's car.

Fortunately, the car that Long Zhan and his crew were driving was bulletproof, so they were able to shoot at the car and the glass without breaking through any of the bullets.

  Plus Long Zhan deliberately drove sideways and coordinated perfectly with Stonebeach.

"Close the ramp, close the ramp," Kamari ordered from the plane.

"There was no response and the ramp could not be closed."

Just now, when Long Zhan and his men were shooting, some parts of the plane were knocked off.

"Speed ​​up and take off. Do you understand?" Kamari watched Long Zhan and Stonebridge catch up and attack their men, and they were outnumbered to begin with.

We killed a few more, and the number was even smaller.

"Group two, rush to runway three immediately!" Locke ordered his men.

At this time, Locke saw two cars approaching from behind Long Zhan on the surveillance camera.

Locke couldn't help asking:

"Are they yours?"

"No," the general replied.

Locke realized that something was wrong, and immediately told Stonebridge and the others, "Team B, pay attention, there are enemy troops approaching at six o'clock."

As soon as he finished speaking, Long Zhan immediately shouted to Michael: "Michael, six o'clock! Damn it!"

Now the people in those two cars also started attacking the car led by Long Zhan.

Stonebridge was alone, and the shooting of the people on the plane had not yet been completed. Now two cars came from the land to attack them. Stonebridge had to start his fast and tough way.

He stood up directly from the car.

He shot at the car at the six o'clock direction as fast as he could, blowing up the opponent's tires.

The car won't move.

Long Zhan was afraid that he couldn't handle it alone, so he said to Stonebridge, "I'll take the front!"

"Fuck you." Long Zhan also took a gun and started shooting at the enemies on the plane.

Use only your feet on the steering wheel.

I watched as the people on the plane were beaten to death one by one by Long Zhan.

As the plane flew faster and faster.

The two cars behind followed closely.

In between are Dragon War and Stonebridge.

In this scene, Long Zhan and his men are in great danger.

It depends on whether they can pass this level.

"Change the magazine quickly!" After firing for a while, there were no more bullets left.

Long Zhan shouted.

The two men covered each other and exchanged bullets.

At this time, another car was very close to Long Zhan and his team.

"Go away!"

After changing the bullets, Stonebridge shot the driver of a car that was approaching. The driver fell down and the car went out of control.

There was another car right in front.

As a result, the two cars collided and the other car was overturned on the ground.

Long Zhan saw the two cars that had collided and flipped over, and happily clapped his hands and said, "It's done!"

"Well done, Michael!" said Long Zhan.

"Sir, the missiles have been loaded. If you don't catch Kamari on the plane, you will never find the virus toxin, and those infected will die." Locke was still trying to persuade the general.

"It is better to have 750 million people die than 75!" the general shouted to Locke.

"One died." Stonebridge said excitedly after hitting a car.

"Let's go and rescue that girl!" Long Zhan said loudly.

Suddenly, Stonebridge stood up with a gun in hand and shouted, "Watch out, shoot!"

Stonebridge was quick and successful in killing a spy on the plane.

It seemed that the spies on the plane had been almost beaten to death.

Long Zhan and Stonebridge sped up, drove up the ramp, and got into the plane.

At this time, Kassam immediately came with his men, trying to stop Long Zhan and the others.

At this time, Long Zhan and Stonebridge were extremely powerful. They shot at them with guns, leaving holes all over them.

"Yeah, we got them. Amei!" Long Zhan said excitedly.

This is really a process of killing monsters and leveling up, becoming more and more advanced.


"Rem, Rem!" Long Zhan and Stonebridge kept shouting to Rem.

Rim heard Long Zhan's voice and tried to stand up on his own.

Long Zhan and the others saw Ruimu.

He quickly stepped forward to help her.

"Julia, are you okay?" Long Zhan asked worriedly.

"It's okay!" Rim replied.

Locke saw this interesting phenomenon on the surveillance camera.

He immediately ordered: "Follow my orders. Wait!"

"Kamari is on the plane!" Rim emphasized to Long Zhan and Stonebridge.

"They are going to destroy the plane!" said Long Zhan.

"No, they have antibiotics!" Rim said excitedly.

"You don't have time!" Locke reminded them.

"Damn it, we have to go!" Long Zhan urged them.

"Hurry, we have to leave this plane!" Stonebridge also urged.

"Get ready!" The general prepared to issue orders to his subordinates.

"Can't you wait a moment?" Locke advised the general.

Because once the general issues the order, the planes, dragon battles, Stonebridge and Rim will all be destroyed.

"They are not kidding!" Long Zhan has experienced too much and witnessed too many comrades around him sacrificed.

I don't want to die like this.

Then he pulled Rim and quickly prepared to get off the plane.

But at this time the plane was about to take off.

And about to leave the ground.

"The landing gear has been retracted, launch!" The general saw that the landing gear of the plane was retracted, and Long Zhan and the others couldn't get out!

So I don’t want to wait any longer.

Locke was very anxious.

But there's nothing I can do.

Just a quick notification to them:

"Team B, missiles launched!"

"Wait, I'm going to do something very stupid!" Long Zhan couldn't care less.

I'm going to die anyway, so why not give it a try?

He immediately ran to the car.

The countdown for the missile launch began: "Nine, eight, seven..."

"Get in the car!" Long Zhan shouted to Rim and Stonebridge.

The three of them got in the car immediately.

Long Zhan stepped into reverse gear at flying speed.

  Get out the same way you got on the plane!

It was such a fast speed that he fell from the plane.

"Five, four, three..."

Not long after Long Zhan and his crew flew down to the ground, the missile had already hit the wing of the plane.

  The plane was destroyed instantly!

Long Zhan and Stonebridge smiled at each other.

It's really crazy, but if they don't go crazy, their lives will really be gone.

"The robbery was successful and the target was destroyed!" the general reported to everyone.

Long Zhan and Stonebridge breathed a sigh of relief.

Rim was also pulled back from death.

"Damn Kamari!" Stonebridge said as he looked at the thick black smoke billowing in the sky.

"Yes, and a very crazy and burnt terrorist!" Long Zhan added from the side.

"The antiviral drug is gone!" Although Rim survived, he had a strong sense of mission.

I'm obsessed with this antiviral.

But now is the critical moment.

We can only minimize the losses first.

Don’t worry about it for now, just go back to Locke.

"No focus on Kamari, but we rescued Rim!"

Long Zhan reported to Locke.

"Got it, understood!" Locke replied.

Then he whispered to the general: "You made the right decision!"


(End of this chapter)

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