The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 299 Epic Level Strengthened Hummer Fleet

Chapter 299 The Epic-level Enhanced Hummer Fleet (Seeking Monthly Ticket Subscription)


The operators of the Rangers, Delta, and DG have basically prepared their supplies and are chatting in the reserve hall while doing the final check.

In the large open space outside the gate of the reserve hall, the helicopters of the 160th Special Aviation Regiment began to take their positions one after another.

There are four AH-6 Little Bird helicopters.

This is a bubble-type dual-cockpit small attack helicopter that can fly over all terrains. For this mission, two 19-round rocket pods and automated multi-barreled machine guns are added.

Has become synonymous with small and fierce.

Seats were installed on both sides of the cabin to carry the vanguard of the raid.

Delta Force C Squadron.

Each Little Bird helicopter takes 4 people, a total of 16 assault teams.

In operation, the Little Bird helicopter is not only responsible for the precise delivery of personnel, but also needs to participate in direct combat and provide the only air firepower strike.

When heading to the target building to land, the first two need to be responsible for the sweep attack.

That is to say, if someone counterattacks on the roof of the target building, the first two little birds need to use the ferocious firepower carried by him to clear away all threats at the landing site, so that the Delta members can airborne smoothly.

The latter two were in charge of guard assisting cover throughout the clearing.

It is equivalent to preparation.

When Delta's 16-man team is launched smoothly, 4 Little Birds will hover over the entire combat area, waiting for orders to reinforce the Rangers to fight at any time.

There are a total of nine Black Hawk helicopters, all of which have been modified and enhanced.

Four of them were responsible for delivering the ranger units, which were from Company B, 75rd Battalion, 3th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia, and formed four elite blocking units.

Helicopters numbered from Super 64 to Super 67.

The Ranger squad is composed of 13 people, plus two additional Ranger soldiers, who are responsible for manipulating two mini Gatlings on the helicopter to provide air support after the personnel drop.

It needs to carry 15 members at one time, which has exceeded the rated carrying capacity.

Therefore, these four are special elongated models, and all the internal seats have been removed, all of which are used to expand the carrying capacity.

It can be foreseen that the rangers who are fully armed with armor and have a larger body than usual will definitely not have a good riding experience.

One needs to be next to the other, and the front and back are tightly squeezed together.

Super 61 and Super 62 and these two aircraft, the situation is the opposite extreme.

There are only two people on each plane, both of which are Delta Force's peripheral cover teams. Super 62 is a sniper and Super 61 is a machine gunner and medical officer.

This team allocation mode for assault and cover is completely different from that of Long Zhan and their DG.


There are also similarities.

There are always team members in charge of the assault to carry out the raid, and the other cover support team covers and supports the outside, and provides various external information to the internal assault personnel by the way.

Super 63 became the command helicopter, the code name was replaced by the more advanced C2, and there were only 4 members in total.

Lt. Col. Tom Matthews and his deputies were responsible for coordinating the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, which flew the mission, and the various units.

Lieutenant Colonel Gary Harrell of Delta Force, and his deputies, commanded and coordinated all ground forces.

Super 69 belongs to the Combat Search and Rescue Team, which is also an army unit of the Rangers, and the number of members has also reached 15.

Needless to say, the rest of the Super 68 is exclusive to the special event emergency response team.

The stage of DG staff!
In addition to the 13 helicopters dedicated to combat units, there are six helicopters dedicated to the chain of command.

Three surveillance helicopters and three high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, respectively, provide all high-altitude vision in battle, as well as battlefield surveillance of the entire area.

The helicopter parking area continues to go out, and the huge ground convoy is also ready at the gate of the camp.

A total of nine wide-body Humvees and three trucks were responsible for transporting ground troops there, escorting prisoners and withdrawing airborne assault troops.

Long Zhan can clearly see from a long distance that although the Hummer is still a Hummer, the model has completely changed.

The Humvee that the Black Hawk fell in the memory of the Dragon War is just an ordinary "ECV type" that has been moderately modified using the primary models M998A1 and M1025.

That is, the overall increase and improvement.

Also known as wide body.

Without an armor protection kit, it does not have very good bulletproof capabilities.

There is only a hard top shell constructed of steel sheets, Kevlar fibers, and polycarbon double-branched window materials. The technical term is called "basic armor" armor package.

This thing is good at blocking pistol and rifle bullets, if it is a heavy machine gun and a rocket launcher.

It's like paper.

Even the most dangerous gun turret on the roof is not equipped with a surrounding bulletproof shield, and the machine gunner is a living target.

This also led to the "Mogadishu Long Run", the heavy machine gunners who fired were overthrown one by one.

In the end, no one could go up and shoot at all, and all were beaten into wounded and dead bodies.

Not to mention the three 5-ton trucks, they are just ordinary transport trucks, and the compartments are covered with tarpaulin, which can be easily pierced by ordinary bullets.

One of the truck drivers was hit by a rocket and disappeared from the belly down.

The person flew more than ten meters, and his intestines flowed all over the place.

It's a terrible word.

Today, 20 years later, times have changed and cars have all changed.

Even if it is limited by Washington's feeling that it is too ostentatious, it is not allowed to send armed armored vehicles such as tanks, MRAPs, and JLTVs into the city.

The protection capabilities of these Hummer vehicles have also changed with the times.

All nine Humvees have been replaced with M1151, an overall enlarged armed ECV type.

And the protection ability has been greatly upgraded, and some have been equipped with IAP armor protection kits customized by the manufacturer, which have the protection level of second-level armor.

Some are equipped with the AKS armor survivability kit purchased by the Army Command, reaching the protection level of the third-level mountain armor.

There are nearly a thousand kilograms of protective kits on the car, and the improvement brought about is a qualitative change.

The protection ability of the Humvee has been greatly improved, and it is basically difficult for heavy machine guns to penetrate it easily.

Even the RPG, the biggest weapon of militants, can do a very good defense.

Especially the gun turrets on the roof are all equipped with 360-degree bulletproof shields and slide rails that can turn 360 degrees, which is enough to make the M2HB 12.7mm heavy machine gun equipped with more ferocious combat effectiveness.

In the next long-distance race in Moshadiga, the heavy machine gunner on the Hummer will no longer be a living target.

If Aidid's militia wants to destroy the heavy machine guns, it must pay a huge price, and it will never be as easy as in the original movie.

(End of this chapter)

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