Chapter 307
The atmosphere in the command operation center is getting more and more oppressive, and the situation on the scene is getting worse.

"Rush forward and defend your homeland."

The first Somalis who came on foot, egged on by the Aidid militia who were mixed in with the ranks, began to attack the rangers.

Door cracks, wall cracks, windows, behind cars...

All the places where bullets can be loaded in the past have been used by the Somalis.

Fortunately, although there are many recruits in Ranger Company B, they are regular troops who have received militarized training after all, and have had long-term squad platoons to cooperate with combat training.

These wild roads in Mogadisha City have not been able to pose a threat to them for the time being.

Unless the number is large enough to cause a qualitative change.

The fighting in the four corners of the periphery was very fierce, blocking the swarming Somali armed personnel, creating the best operating conditions for the Delta Force.

Nearly five minutes after the fighting broke out, the gunfire from the target building finally stopped.

Assaulted into the delta in the target building, and successfully arrested all the dozens of people who attended the meeting, including two senior staff members of Aidid.

"Call Romeo 64, this is Rocky 64, the high-value target has been captured, please provide the prisoner escort and cover mission immediately, over."

Delta Commander Scott, calling Ground Commander Lieutenant Colonel Harrell.

"Got it, let's follow."

After Harrell replied to Scott, he called the Humvee fleet commander McKnight and said: "Call uniform 64, ready to receive prisoners, over."

"Uniform 64 received, we will set off now."

Within 5 seconds of McKnight's reply, the Hummer team started to head straight for the target building.

Seeing that the Humvee convoy had already set off and the gunshots in the target building had stopped, Sonny laughed at himself, "This feeling of sitting on the bench is really uncomfortable."

Sweeping around with a gun on a helicopter is enjoyable, but it is not as good as participating in action in terms of stimulating blood spurts.

As a member of the DG Assault Team B, who is used to charging ahead and participating in every action, he suddenly switched to the mission perspective of Team A.

Not to mention that Sonny was very uncomfortable, Long Zhan also felt very uncomfortable.


Compared with Sonny's optimism, thinking that the action is coming to an end, Long Zhan has the foresight, and knows that now is the beginning of the good show.

"Sonny, it's still too early to draw conclusions. I just hope that when the time comes, you don't miss the coolness of the cold bench." Long Zhan joked.

"Long, don't forget, there are those guys ahead of us."

Sonny glanced at Super 69 in the distance, still convinced himself: "Anyway, I don't believe it, it's such a simple arrest mission, and we still need to go to the scene to rescue it."

"There are no absolutes, who knows."

Long Zhan smiled and did not continue to argue, and turned his attention to the outside of the target building.

McKnight's Humvee convoy was very fierce. Although there were Somalis shooting everywhere on Hawadi Street Avenue, they still couldn't stop their advance.

It took less than 1 minute.

The Humvee convoy made two excuses and quickly moved from outside the Olympic Hotel where they were waiting to the gate of the target building.

Four Little Bird helicopters roared in and began to help the Black Hawk formation to suppress the surrounding Somalis.

"how long will it take?"

Lieutenant Colonel McKnight walked into the gate and asked Captain Sanderson who was waiting here.

More than a dozen helicopters flew overhead, and there were dense gunshots and explosions all around, which could not be heard without raising their voices.

"5 minutes."

Sanderson yelled back.

Lieutenant Colonel McKnight didn't hear clearly, he leaned over and put his hand to his ear and asked again: "What?"

"5 minutes, 5 more minutes."

Sanderson pointed to the courtyard inside the gate, where more than 20 suspects were squatting, and Delta soldiers were holding them down.

So many people were searched and checked, and their hands were tied to avoid danger after getting on the car, and finally they were sent to the car.

With so many procedures superimposed, it does take a while.

"Move faster."

McKnight replied loudly, then walked to the stretcher beside the gate, and asked Medical Officer Schneider, "What's wrong with him?"

"He fell and lost his grip on the rope," Schneider yelled back.

"How could this happen?" McKnight asked in surprise.

Evansman, the only one who knew the details, was not there. Schneider shook his head and said that he didn't know why such a low-level mistake happened.

"His internal organs have been broken and he is bleeding profusely. There is no way to wait here for 5 minutes. We need to send him back first."

The Delta medical officer who helped treat him before reminded McKnight solemnly.

"Then send him back first."

McKnight didn't say a word of nonsense, and shouted to the outside: "Akustan, come here and help him lift him into the Humvee."

"Go go go, we should go."

The wounded had been taken over by the Humvee team, and Schneider shouted at the members of the 4th team who came together, and the two ran towards the way they came together.

It will take at least 10 minutes for all the prisoners to board the vehicle, plus the subsequent withdrawal of the four squads, and the three armed trucks prepared for combat.

Had he waited so long, Blackburn would have been completely chilled.

Although the convoy was safer going together, with all the helicopters together providing cover fire along the way, it was difficult for the Somalis to stop the convoy from advancing.

However, the wounded couldn't wait that long, and the convoy had to be divided into two.

Seeing that Blackburn had been carried into the Humvee, Lieutenant Colonel McKnight immediately called by radio: "Call Romeo 64, I need to send three Humvees to evacuate the wounded. He is seriously injured and must be evacuated immediately."

"Romeo 64 received, agreed to execute, I will send a group of armed helicopters to cover along the way, over."

Lieutenant Colonel Harrell didn't want the wounded to die, so he agreed to Lieutenant Colonel McKnight's request and communicated with the air commander Matthews sitting next to him.

Soon the two reached a consensus, and Matthews notified Super 61 to escort them along the way.

After McKnight ended the call on the other side, he found Delta's Captain Sanderson.

"I allocated three Humvees to transport the seriously wounded. I need additional people to cover the Humvee convoy. My side is short of manpower. Can you help?"

Hearing Lieutenant Colonel McKnight's request, Sanderson didn't have any excuses.

Just as Huth, the leader of the fourth team, walked by, Sanderson grabbed his arm and said, "You take your team and escort the wounded Humvee convoy back to make sure they return safely."

"Got it, don't worry give it to me."

Huth took the task confidently, ran inside and began to gather the other three members of the team.

"Strike, you lead the Hummer team."

Lieutenant Colonel McKnight named a Ranger and asked him to be the driver of the lead Humvee.

"Get in the car, hurry up, hurry up."

Sanderson in the house was not idle, and began to organize the controlled criminals to board the car.

The space for the vehicles in the Humvee convoy is limited, and the three Humvees transporting the seriously wounded cannot be empty, and one more person can be brought back.

As for why not send it directly with a car, the reason is very simple.

The firepower of an armed Humvee can't suppress the firepower on the roadside at all, and the firepower formation composed of three vehicles is already the minimum limit of the convoy.

One left, one right, and the first three gun lines are blocked to ensure that the convoy has the ability to suppress.

(End of this chapter)

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