The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 328 That's So Cruel!

Chapter 328 That's So Cruel!

When Long Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, William left and returned.

Hui reported: "No abnormalities were found."

"Go, keep going."

Huth didn't have many BBs, so he waved to everyone and continued to lead the team forward.

From the back door, the outside is still a street, and the overall pattern has not changed much. Huth still leads the team to walk in the shadow of the corner.

The farther it is from the second crash point, the less likely it is that there will be armed militias around.

The more they walked outside, the more relaxed the mood of the crowd.

But even Long Zhan, who has always been cautious, thought that there would be no accidents in the future, and he would soon be able to completely get rid of the encirclement of the second crash point.


The door of the passing room suddenly opened without warning.

At this time, Huth's team had already walked to the front, Long Zhan and Sonny were still behind, the door was facing the middle of the team, and the person who opened the door and the group of 5 stretchers in the middle met each other by coincidence.

If it is just ordinary Somali civilians, the door will be opened as soon as it is opened, and it will not have any major impact.

Anyway, they almost slipped out of the encirclement. Even if the civilian went to report the news afterwards, the armed militia would not be able to catch up at night.

But it just happened to be so unlucky.

It was not a Somali civilian who opened the door, but an armed militiaman with an AKM on his shoulder and two grenades on his waist.

The armed militiamen recognized the person in front of them at a glance, and the stretcher five also realized the danger.

When the enemy and the enemy meet, there is nothing to talk about.

The first instinctive action of the Somali militia was to grab the rifle carried on the left shoulder with the right hand and kill the Americans in front of them.

Suhart and Gordon's heart tightened, and their positions happened to be at the gate.

Just as he was about to run forward to avoid the gate, to ensure the safety of Durant on the stretcher, he turned and drew the pistol stuck in his chest to kill the militiaman in front of him.

Someone was one step ahead of both of them.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp."

Clay and Brian were right by the door. Seeing the armed militia attacking, they reacted quickly and fired at the same time, successfully hitting the armed militia in front of them.

With five bullets down, the militiamen could not survive.

It would be fine if only the two of them fired. After all, although the two of them did not carry subsonic bullets, their muzzles were equipped with enhanced silencers.

The sound of shooting is a little louder than coughing, and there is a high probability that it will not alarm other militiamen.

But someone else shot.

"Crack, snap."

Durant, who was lying on the stretcher closest to him, was always holding a pistol in his hand. Out of instinctive self-defense, he also fired two shots at the militiamen.

The M9 pistol in Durant's hand does not have a silencer.

His two shots, in this quiet street, the sound can be heard hundreds of meters away.

Long Zhan knew something was wrong when he heard the gunshots. The gunshots were like a ladle of water thrown into a frying pan, and the street had been detonated in an instant.

The nearby militiamen are looking for this gunshot, and will soon rush over in large numbers.


Long Zhan took out the shock bomb, pulled off the safety pin, and threw it into the house along the door, so as to prevent other militiamen who might exist in the house from coming out to pose a threat.

At the same time, he yelled and reminded: "We are exposed, hurry up, go away, get out of here as quickly as possible."

Whether it's the Huth team or Suhart and Gordon, they are all top aces. Even if Long Zhan doesn't say anything, they know what will happen.

Hearing Long Zhan's order, he didn't bother to complain that Durant was too nervous and caused such a big mess.

Immediately changed from walking to running, and accelerated to leave this area.

But it's still too late!
The more than 2000 Somalis who appeared here during the day, although most of them civilians have left, but the hundreds of armed militias have not left.

They have been hiding around the crash site, recovering and waiting for the next attack.

The armed militia from other angles will not be able to catch up with Durant's two shots, but there are dozens of militia novels in the vicinity.

Especially the armed militiamen hiding on the roof, as long as they stand up, they can see Long Zhan and others.

Although limited by poor vision, without night vision equipment, you can't see anything 30 meters away, and you can only see blurred shadows within 20 meters.

But this is enough!
"Da da da da..."

The unique sound of Ak firearms, accompanied by conspicuous muzzle fireworks, appeared right in front of the street.

Huth, who was about to lead people this way, saw that the direction of the gun flames had blocked the road, and it was too dangerous to go there with the bullets.

Had to stop moving forward, looking for a cover to avoid the bullets flying.

"It's too dangerous to stay here, you must leave as soon as possible."

Long Zhan didn't want to be suppressed on the street. If the road ahead was blocked, then he had to think of a way. He had to break through the last few tens of meters before a large number of militiamen arrived.

Otherwise, once you are blocked on this street and entangled by armed militias, it will be a lot of fun.

In the absence of the support of our troops, the enemy will continue to come like refueling tactics, and no matter how powerful they are, they will be ground to death.

Long Zhan frowned and looked around.

Seeing the gate of the house across the street, and then looking at the back door of the house behind him, he remembered that all the houses in the city shared front and back.

Immediately have an idea!
Since there is enemy firepower on the roof, it is too dangerous to walk through the street, so avoid the gun line on the roof of the street by walking through the houses.

As long as the door of the house is opened fast enough, the speed of evacuation will not be slower than walking from the street.

How to open the door quickly?
Of course violence is the most effective!

And Long Zhan, as a big man weighing more than 200 kilograms, is best at tearing down doors with ultra-violence.

"Go this way!"

Long Zhan yelled at the crowd, and ran straight to the opposite side like a bull rushing.

Immediately under the shocked eyes of everyone, by virtue of the inertia attached to the accelerated rush, he turned his whole body into a super door hammer with the force of the iron mountain, and slammed his back against the wooden door.


The solid wood door is very hard, but it is a pity that it is vulnerable to the impact of Long Zhan.

The whole thing was knocked off the door frame and flew into the house, and finally hit the ground with a bang, cracking into several horrible pieces.

The whole body was pressed against the shattered door panel, and Long Zhan didn't care about the embarrassment of being hit on the ground.

One rolled forward on the spot, held the gun in a half-squat position, moved his eyes with the muzzle of the gun, and moved his body with his eyes, quickly checking the situation in the house.

There was only one Somali woman in the house, she didn't look very old, she looked like she was in her 20s.

Sitting there motionless, eyes full of fear.

Apparently, like a mad bull, the whole door of her house was knocked open and the big guy ran in, scaring his brain into a shutdown.

This is a solid wooden door, more than three centimeters thick.

Just got smashed by someone?
Women can't believe their eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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