The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 344 Too good, but also a kind of mistake

Chapter 344 Too good, but also a mistake (seeking monthly ticket)
It can be seen that these people are their own people, but the combat center does not have the action reports of these people, so there are only two conclusions left.

Either the Rangers were scattered across the Delta, or they acted without a report.

In order to find out which one it is, and also to find out why this group of people ran to the refugee holding area of ​​the Engineering College.

General Garrison ordered Lieutenant Colonel Harrell to immediately find out the identities of this group of people.

All the ground combatants who participated in the operation totaled only a hundred or so people, and it was very easy to find someone.

Not to mention a team of 8 people.

After questioning Captain Steele, Sergeant Sanderson, and the captains of the four Ranger squads by radio, Harrell quickly learned the truth.

The team that ran to the refugee holding area of ​​the Engineering College was composed of two teams.

They were evacuated from the second crash site, the emergency response team that was supposed to go to the first crash site, and the fourth Delta team that followed up on foot to support.

"What are they doing? Contact them immediately to find out."

Knowing that the two ace teams acted privately, acting as recklessly as they usually do in the base, General Garrison's face darkened.

According to General Garrison...

Now the first crash site is in crisis, and his rangers are fighting to the death with the armed militia.

At such a critical juncture, every extra person is a strength. If these two ace special teams fight side by side with the Rangers, the Rangers will face much less pressure.

But now?

The 8 of them did not join the battle of the Rangers, let the Rangers be in danger, and ran to the worthless refugee holding area without permission.

In Garrison's view, this is an act of fleeing from war.

To be severely punished!
If the two groups can't give a reasonable understanding, General Garrison will never let this matter be exposed easily, and they will all be sent to military courts afterwards.

As the commander of Delta, Harrell also found this matter very difficult.

Immediately called on the radio: "Call No. 11, I am Romeo 64, please report to me immediately, why did you appear outside the mission area, over."


Huth looked up at the sky, grinned thoughtfully and replied: "Received on the 11th, I suggest that Sergeant Gibran of the emergency response team should explain. He is the initiator of this operation and also the leader of this operation." commander."

Huth said this not because he was throwing the blame, but because he didn't want to grab the first prize that belonged to Long Zhan.

"Sergeant Major Long Giberon, I don't know how you became the commander of the operation, but I think it is very necessary for you to explain what happened."

Hearing Lieutenant Colonel Harrell's serious question, Long Zhan answered irrelevantly and said: "Aidid has been captured by us, and I am trying to get him to issue a truce order."

The answer is irrelevant, but hits the nail on the head.

"What? Aidid was caught?"

General Garrison, who was so angry just now, was completely stunned when he heard the explosive news, and he didn't even notice that the cigar in his mouth had dropped.

It took only a second from black face to shock.

He has been here for more than 6 weeks, and he spent a lot of manpower and material resources in vain. As a result, I caught him in one night.

To Garrison, this was nothing short of a miracle.

Lieutenant Colonel Harrell was also shocked, and said with a nervous heartbeat that accelerated with excitement: "Sergeant Gibran, please repeat what you just said."

"Repeat, we have captured Aidid, Irene's operation has not failed, over."

Long Zhan's confirmation reply word by word was echoed throughout the joint operations center through the broadcast, and everyone could hear it clearly.

The combat center, which was originally noisy due to the unfavorable battle situation, fell into complete silence in an instant.

Only the sound of various equipment is left.

It took seven or eight seconds for General Garrison to recover from the shock, excitedly cut into the radio channel and said, "Well done, boys."

Obviously before, he was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, and he must send Long Zhan and others to a military court, but now he has turned around 180 degrees and praised him highly with a smile.

What is "The Law of True Fragrance"?
This is!
After praising Long Zhan and his party for their excellent work, General Garrison couldn't wait to order: "Sergeant Gibran, please make sure Aidid is safe and get ready to board the plane. I will immediately send a helicopter to meet him."

There is only one helicopter left intact in the base, which is the C2 Command Black Hawk dedicated to command.

Even the final command plane is ready to be dispatched, which shows how eager and excited General Garrison was when he learned that Aidid had been captured.


Long Zhan didn't say anything, but he didn't forget his original intention in his heart.

Continue to rummage through the rooms on the third floor, hoping to find Aidid's radio station so that the armed militias can stop the attack.

Clay and Brian also seized the time and forced Aidid to tell the location of the radio station.

"call out--"

Suddenly, a rocket came across the air and hit the corridor fence on the right side of the third floor.

A chunk of the fence had been blown away, and the blasted rubble, entrained by the jet of metal from the rocket explosion, had punched another hole in the wall behind.

Long Zhan, who had just come out of the first room, was directly blown away by the shock wave.

There are a few more cuts on the clothes, and you don't need to tear the clothes to see that it's hanging again.

The Huth team on the other side discovered the enemy's situation, and immediately launched a counterattack against the attackers, regardless of where the radio station was.

"Tweet Tweet Tweet..."

"Da da da da da..."

The gunfight broke out again, more violent than before.

Regardless of the uncomfortable feeling of being shaken, Long Zhan struggled to get up from the ground, and looked downstairs from the wall of the fence.

There were dozens of armed militiamen in the originally empty downstairs.

On the road leading here in the distance, you can also see a large number of armed militias.

I don't know if they are eager to rescue Aidid, or they are wearing it for some other purpose. This group of militiamen attacked extremely fiercely, and they just greeted each other without saying hello.

"call out--"

Another rpg flew in with its tail flame, less than 1 seconds had passed since the first shot.

The target is the fence where Hoot's team is located.


Huth gave a loud warning and flew to the side to avoid it.


The fence, which was only one brick thick, couldn't stop the rpg at all, and a large part of it was blown away in an instant, leaving only the bare corridor floor.

Bullets from various light and heavy machine guns and rifles swarmed like rain.

"Grandma has all legs, it's not good."

Seeing the offensive of the armed militia, Long Zhan couldn't help but frowned.

In this case, even if you find a radio station, there is a high chance that you will not be able to find time to use it, let alone not find it at all now.

Even if Aidid is pushed out to shout, it is estimated that there will be no good results.

It's not clear that the black light is blind, and with the crazy attack rhythm of the armed militia below, Aidid might be killed on the spot with a few rounds of bullets.

"Could it be that the fake ptsd is going to become real?"

Long Zhan smiled helplessly.

If you want to withdraw from the army smoothly, and you can't have too bad a reputation, lest you go to work as a PMC after retiring from the army, and no one is willing to ask him to work.

Long Zhan specifically studied the US military's discharge mechanism, selected two relatively effective "loopholes", and passed these loopholes to successfully discharge the army.

One of them acted privately in disregard of military orders and was later sent to a military court for trial.

With the severity of Operation Black Hawk, soldiers who act privately will definitely be sentenced, so it is necessary to capture Aidid alive to offset the merits and demerits.

In this way, he will be expelled from the army and will not be imprisoned.

As the commander himself, he will not implicate others.

Moreover, because he led the team to catch the great warlord Aidid, he could become popular in the circle, and he could have an extra golden sign on his body after retiring from the army.

This best-of-both-worlds plan was considered by Long Zhan as the main choice of Plan A.

Except for this.

There is also an alternate plan B.

It was through this brutal battle that he seemed to have been severely injured, which led to some mental problems.

Such as suffering from ptsd (post-traumatic stress disorder)!

PTSD is a kind of mental illness. If you suffer from mental illness, you must not stay in the army, and it is logical to be forced to leave the army.

And this disease can be completely cured. After retiring from the army, pretend to be cured, and it will not affect the dry PMC.

Also a nice approach.

Long Zhan originally didn't want to go with Plan B, because it would be more troublesome to review.

It takes a long time to pass the appraisal of a psychologist, and Long Zhan needs to show his Oscar-like acting skills. In the end, it is not sure whether he can pass the test smoothly.

After all, Long Zhan is very aware of his personal ability, DG can't let him go so easily.

Even if the doctor gave a diagnosis of PTSD and clearly stated that Long Zhan was suffering from mental illness, the eighth floor would confirm it again and conclude that he could not be cured in a short period of time, and he might be unwilling to let him go in the end.

After this set of procedures, it will take at least a few months.

It's far less straightforward than plan A. If you make a mistake, you can pay off your merits and demerits. After a round of military courts, you can pack your bags and leave.

What Wan Wannalongzhan didn't expect now is...

Hearing what General Garrison said just now, he was not prepared to pursue Long Zhan's disregard of military orders at all, and maybe he would give Long Zhan a great credit.

This is a great thing for others, but it is very painful for Long Zhan.

In order to ensure that the black eagle can be discharged successfully after the fall, coupled with the fierce attack of the armed militia in front of him, Long Zhan had no choice but to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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