The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 364 This Is What It Feels Like to Eat Soft Rice

Chapter 364 This Is What It Feels Like to Eat Soft Rice

Long Zhan didn't know what the other special police officers and black foxes would vomit in the end.

He just knows.

He couldn't eat comfortably for three days, especially mushy food.

It's not that Long Zhan's ability to bear it is poor. If it's a rotten pig or dog or something, he will feel uncomfortable at most, and he won't have any big reaction at all.

But what was rotting in front of his eyes was a human being, the kind that was so rotten and sticky.

And there was not only one dead person, the entire wall was stuffed. At a glance, all the people in the front, back, left, right, up, and down were full of maggots, people who had rotted to the point of deformation.

When your eyes see this kind of picture, and your nose smells the disgusting and pungent odor, what a ferocious vomiting reaction will be produced in the body.

Who the hell can do this!
Even if you tell yourself to hold on, the response in your brain, your twitching stomach, doesn't listen to your orders at all.

That's when this terrifying scene appeared, Long Zhan finally knew why the solo dealer hiding here didn't choose to surrender but chose to trade his life for his life when he knew he was the only one left.


For the crimes they have committed, what awaits them is execution by shooting.

Seven o'clock at night!

Upon discovering such a major homicide, the Police Corps urgently dispatched specialized personnel such as forensic doctors by helicopter to clean up and search the scene where the corpse was hidden.

Long Zhan, Heihu and the senior inspectors of the special police brigade took the return helicopter and returned to the police headquarters in Nairobi.

Such a vicious reading and selling incident occurred, it must be necessary to hold an emergency high-level meeting.

Long Zhan and Heihu, who were sweating under the scorching sun and put together by the disgusting stench of corpses, urgently needed to hurry up and sort out their status.

The two drove a police car at the police headquarters, and Long Zhan was the driver all the way back to the Sheraton Hotel.

Only then did Long Zhan discover that the black fox originally lived in the apartment next door to him.

Long Zhan moved relatively quickly. After taking a shower, he changed into casual clothes and went to the lobby on the first floor to wait for the black fox. The LCD TV hanging on the wall of the lobby happened to be broadcasting the live news of the peddler's den.

There is a big headline on it: Horror house with dead bodies discovered in a border town!

A host stood on the road outside the house, with his back facing the big house that Long Zhan and the others captured today, holding a microphone and reporting to the camera.

"A total of 35 corpses have been found so far. According to the clues revealed by the police, some of the victims who were killed and hidden in the wall had already turned into mummified corpses, and they died for at least a year.

The identity of the victim cannot be determined for the time being. It may be a victim of the hey gang or the lone gang robbing the territory, or it may be an illegal immigrant who cannot pay the ransom.

No matter what the situation is, the emergence of such a bad criminal case and the proximity to the Dadaab refugee area undoubtedly proves that the activities of Liboy's separatist group have escalated and are becoming increasingly rampant and deteriorating.

Why this shocking atrocity happened in a small border town, and whether there are similar incidents, only the police can answer for us.

After obtaining the permission of the police, we will enter the house for on-the-spot reports..."

"Let's go!"

After washing up and putting on casual clothes, the black fox came over, his complexion was much better than before when he vomited and turned pale. Without the aggressive heroic spirit, the sexy smell became stronger.

"35 people are built into the wall like this, and they sleep with each other every day. It is estimated that only a student can do it."

Long Zhan was used to the cruelty of war, recalling his previous life when he was still in China, he couldn't help feeling inexplicable sigh in his heart.

A peaceful life without war and death has become the most distant memory in Long Zhan's mind.

Also doomed.

I can't go back, I can only use it as a memory.

At this time, we should normally go to dinner first, but with the special life experience in the afternoon, Long Zhan and Heihu have no appetite at all.

So they didn't go to the hotel restaurant to eat, and the two drove back to the Nairobi police headquarters again.

Long Zhan took the elevator with Heihu to the third floor, ignored the police and police officers coming and going, and went straight to the innermost high-level conference room.

"Sir, you can't go in."

When the two came to the door of the conference room, Heihu walked in smoothly. When Long Zhan was about to follow in together, he was stopped by the security guards guarding the door.

Long Zhan and Heihu just arrived in Kenya yesterday, they are strangers to the guards, they can only rely on their passes to act.

"Hey, is there another one?"

Long Zhan smiled, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Why?"

"Sorry, you don't have a pass."

The guard looked suggestively at the bottom of Heihu's chest, and there was indeed a blue and white ID card hanging on it.

"Fuck, do you still want this thing?"

Long Zhan was speechless, but he didn't say anything.

His mission is to ensure the safety of the black fox, and the success of the anti-drug operation has nothing to do with him, so he doesn't have much interest in this meeting.

It doesn't matter whether Long Zhan enters or not, the black fox is not so easy to deal with.

"He is my assistant and has the right to go in with me."

The black fox stared coldly at the guard, looked at Long Zhan and nodded slightly, signaling him to ignore the guard and just go in with her.

The tone is just that high.

Just so domineering.

"Could it be... is this the feeling of being covered by a woman in the legend? It seems quite interesting, no wonder so many people like to eat soft food."

This is the first time I experience this kind of alternative experience, and the dragon battle is full of novelty.

The black fox's aura here is well controlled, and he has put on the airs of being a dignified "capital servant", but the guards on the other side are stunned and have not changed because of the black fox's words.

He insisted, "This is the Kenyan police headquarters, please abide by our regulations."

Seeing that the guard was so ignorant of the world, Long Zhan did not forcefully charge, but shook his head with a smile.

This young man's path is narrow.

Seeing that his words were being ignored, Heihu felt that his authority had been challenged, and suddenly lost face, his face collapsed.


When he turned around, he slapped the guard in the face.

Then he took out a piece of ID from his pocket, opened it, and held it in front of the guard.

The distance is so close.

Almost to the guard's face.

With a cold face, he said: "I am the United Nations special anti-terrorist anti-independence consultant, officially authorized by the United Nations Drug Control Agency, and invited by the Kenyan government.

My assistant is also privileged, what right do you have to keep him out? "


The guard, who was still very confident just now, lost his momentum when he heard the black fox say so many scary things, and stood there at a loss.

After being slapped in the face, he didn't dare to say a word.

Whether it is the United Nations or the Kenyan government, it is not something that a small policeman like him can provoke.

(End of this chapter)

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