The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 369 Dragon War's Zhong 2 Code Name

Chapter 369 Dragon Zhan's Secondary Code Name (ask for a monthly ticket)
"In order to ensure the success of this operation, I need everyone to maintain the highest vigilance and cheer up.

I don't want any unnecessary accidents, and I think you certainly don't want to leave your life in Ethiopia forever.

I believe that as long as we follow the plan, we will be able to bring Jahad back. "

After the detailed action plan was finished, the black fox looked around at everyone present, his serious expression slightly relaxed.

"Next, let me introduce you. I am the commander of this operation. You can call me Consultant Helen, or you can simply call me Commander."

After Heihu introduced his identity, he pointed to Long Zhan sitting in front.

"He is my special operations assistant, you can call him Dragon King, this is the code name I specially gave him, although he personally resists, but I like it very much.

If you respect him enough, there may be unexpected benefits for you. His ability is like a big guy like him, beyond your imagination. "

He bragged about the "excellence" of Long Zhan, and forcibly gave Long Zhan a code name.

Black Fox then introduced Bill Lipschutz, an agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Younger, the captain of the SWAT team, and Glenn, a government liaison officer.

And two bailiffs responsible for the transfer of prisoners and handling legal documents.

The remaining 11 Kenyan special police officers who participated in the operation only need to obey orders and know who their leaders are in this operation.

Therefore, the black fox did not let them introduce them one by one.

After the introduction of the main operators, the black fox then spent more than ten minutes introducing the tasks that each person needs to be responsible for.

And in the process of action, things that need to be paid attention to at each step.

For example, the first group is mainly responsible for guarding the prisoners, and the second group is led by her personally to deal with all emergencies encountered on the road, how to deal with the gunman, etc.

Long Zhan's position is the most special, being arranged by the black fox to become a free man.

Since the last raid on the drug dealer's lair, Long Zhan saved the life of the black fox at a critical moment, showing his ability as a super bodyguard.

Heihu's attitude towards Long Zhan has changed significantly, and he has more and more trust in Long Zhan's strength.

But Long Zhan has no opinion on the arrangement of the black fox, and his status as a free man allows him to play better and better protect the safety of the black fox.

The only thing that bothered him was "Dragon King", the codename that the black fox forcibly gave him.

For the Dragon in the front, Long Zhan can still accept it. Although it represents the evil dragon of the West, but with a king behind it, Long Zhan can't make complaints about it.

They are all in their dozens of years old, and it is too secondary to return this king to that king.

If he had a choice, Long Zhan would be more willing to accept the previous King Kong, at least it sounds normal, and generally fits his own style.

Seeing Long Zhan's depressed face after hearing Dai Hao, Heihu didn't reflect on anything, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Finally, he told everyone: "Remember, the mission is not over until you come back here, even if you cross the border, Understand?"

"Yes sir!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

"Be vigilant, vigilant, vigilant at all times, prepare in 5 minutes, and adjourn the meeting."

Heihu patted his palms a few times to end the meeting, and handsomely raised his hand and snapped his fingers at Long Zhan: "Follow me, I will take you to the armory, you need to update your equipment."

5 minutes later!

All preparations are complete, and the assembly is ready to go.

12 Kenyan elite special police officers, 1 Narcotics Bureau agent, 1 government liaison officer, 2 bailiffs in charge of legal affairs, Long Zhan and Black Fox, the chief commander of the operation.

The escort team with a total of 18 people came to the parking lot and took three off-road vehicles, flanked an SUV with two prisoners in front and back, and drove out of the gate of the military base.

From the Marsabit military base to the border, all the way is in Kenya.

And there have been border guards and police forces for a long time, and they have cleared this path first, and there have been no accidents along the way.

After a two-hour drive, we arrived at the junction of the two countries very smoothly.

The convoy from Ethiopia has stopped at the other end of the border.

Stopped for less than 10 minutes.

The liaison officer sent by the Kenyan government contacted the Ethiopian border officer who had been notified in advance, signed all the entry procedures, and the convoy set off again.

The Ethiopian side sent only two vehicles and less than 10 police officers, but one of them was an armed pickup truck.

It's the kind with a heavy machine gun in the rear compartment!

In this magical land of Africa, rebels and government forces like to use this kind of armed pickup truck with heavy machine guns welded on it.

Even in law enforcement police forces, such armed vehicles are being used.

Compared with the "Saber-toothed Tiger" armored vehicle of the Chinese special police, the Bearcat armored assault vehicle of the US law enforcement department, and the Tiger armored vehicle of the fighting nation Russia, etc., it combines excellent defense and attack.

The disadvantage is that the cost is too expensive, and ordinary small countries cannot afford it.

The main advantages of "pickup armored vehicles" all over the third world countries are that they are cheap to build, easy to modify, and very fierce in firepower.

Whether it is used against drug dealers, gangsters, or hostile armed forces, the effect is leveraged.

As a result, no matter what kind of department it is, as long as it is a department that can use guns, it seems that it will lose face if it does not have a few armed pickups.


The ridicule belongs to the ridicule.

Armed pickup trucks are usually only used by the army, and the special police force on the Kenyan side is not equipped because such ferocious firepower is not needed.

And the Ethiopian police who came to meet up were equipped with police armed pickups.

Even the police need heavy firepower to handle cases, otherwise they will not be able to deal with drug dealers and gangs, which shows how chaotic the southern border of Ethiopia is.

Compared with the fierce firepower of the Ethiopian police, the escort team sent by Kenya was a level weaker.

Because it is an armed cross-border case, according to the agreement made by the two governments in the previous negotiations, the escort team can only carry light police equipment.

Therefore, this trip did not carry any heavy firepower, not even a grenade gun.

The one with the most powerful firepower is the custom-made 7.62㎜ caliber MK48 carried by Long Zhan. Others, including the Black Fox, are submachine guns and police jets.

Thinking that he might encounter fierce firepower, he looked at the light weapon in his hand.

The black fox looked at Long Zhan and smiled.

She smiled charmingly, with helplessness in her charm.

If they encountered a carjacking with fierce firepower, it would be difficult to fight with the weapons in their hands.

However, armed crossing the border is already the limit, and it is obviously unrealistic to expect heavy firepower. The black fox can only pin its hopes on the Ethiopian police.

Their police armed pickup truck was equipped with an M2HB heavy machine gun.

With its 50mm large diameter of .12.7, as long as it can be used properly, it can play a big role in reversing the situation in an emergency.

(End of this chapter)

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