The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 375 Fierce Road Battle

Chapter 375 Fierce Road Battle
From the roar of heavy machine guns to the sky, to the second pickup truck rolling off the road.

The whole process adds up to less than 5 seconds!
In the third off-road vehicle that followed, the special police captain Youngor never dreamed that the armed pickup truck from the Ethiopian police would turn against the water and start massacring their own people.

Sergeant Tokar, the immediate boss, was wiped out by the younger brother in an instant.

Youngor, who was frightened into a cold sweat by the accident, notified the driver to slow down and evade even the moment he saw the second pickup truck rushing off the road.

It was too late.

Obstructed by the second car's field of vision, when the driver made an evasive action, the bullets of the heavy machine gun had already roared.

"Wow, wow!"

The .50 bullet was so powerful that it easily penetrated two front windshields.

Fortunately, the renegade policemen on the armed pickups were not very comfortable shooting in moving cars, and the third car was more than 3 meters away from the first car.

Otherwise, it's not just these two bullets that hit.

What happened to Tokar and others in the second car will be repeated in the third car. Younger and several others must be special police officers, and none of them survived.

Two large holes were punched in the car window, and the heavy machine gun in front was still roaring wildly.

The driver of the off-road vehicle in the third row had a chill down his spine. Under the instinctive muscle movements of avoiding risks, he slammed the steering wheel to the left, trying to avoid the line of heavy machine guns.

Oversteering a car at high speeds can cause serious problems.

next second.

Riding Captain Younger's off-road vehicle, a sharp left turn left four black marks on the ground, rushed out of the road, rolled over and slid far away on the side of the road.

The second pickup truck and the third off-road vehicle were accidentally thrown off the road one after another, and the scene was chaotic and tragic for a while.

Fortunately, it also bought some reaction time for the other cars behind.

In the fourth SUV with Jahad in it, the driver had enough time to react and was not as panicked as the second car.

After the driver applied emergency braking and slid out for more than ten meters, a left drift stopped on the road.

"Fortification line, protect the target vehicle!"

As the black fox's emergency order was issued, the Kenyan special police showed a professional side.

The two off-road vehicles walking behind filed out under the driver's control, professionally overtaking from the left and right sides of the SUV.

The moment they passed the SUV body, the two off-road vehicles drifted and parked sideways at the same time.

The heads of the two cars were on top of each other, and the car's buttocks were facing the outside of the road. They parked sideways on one side and the other on the right just blocked the road and became a shield in front of the SUV.

These off-road vehicles look the same as civilians, but in fact the body has been modified.

Although the bulletproof ability is not as good as that of armored personnel carriers or expensive professional bulletproof vehicles, the bulletproof ability is much higher than that of ordinary civilian vehicles.

It can be used as a temporary shelter to block bullets in case of unexpected accidents.

Even if it is a frontal shot from a heavy machine gun, it can only penetrate one side of the car body, and cannot penetrate the entire car body before causing penetrating damage to the rear car.

This is not bad bulletproof ability, which comes in handy in the current situation.

The moment the two cars completed their combination and established a defense line, and the body stopped, Long Zhan was the first to get off, and the co-pilot Heihu was the second.

The two reacted very quickly!
The two off-road vehicles had turned into shields, and the armed pickup also slammed to a stop.

At this time, the distance between the two parties exceeded 80 meters. If the armed pickups did not stop moving, it would be difficult to continue to pose a threat to Long Zhan and others.

As soon as the armed pickup truck came to a stop, the traitor machine gunner on the carriage immediately began to adjust the muzzle.

Ready to start a new round of killing.

It's a pity that someone reacted faster than him, and his marksmanship crushed him even more.

Long Zhan, who was the first to get off the car, still implemented his favorite Chinese tactic-offense is the best defense.

He didn't choose to protect the black fox, but put the light machine gun on the front of the car while the heavy machine gunner was adjusting.

Open the stand, mount the gun, aim, and fire.

All in one go!
"Da da da, da da da!"

With the mk48 with a more stable bracket, under the control of Long Zhan, two quick short bursts were fired.

On the road more than 80 meters away from the road ahead, the heavy machine gunner, who was adjusting the muzzle of his gun, sprayed two blood mist from his body and fell to the ground.

This is the scene caused by the bullet piercing through the body, bringing out some flesh and blood.

"Good job!"

The precise shooting was completed in less than two seconds. This reaction, this marksmanship, and this clear thinking made Heihu couldn't help but shouted "Hello".

At the same time, he immediately gave an order to the special police on the car to get out of the car and try to rescue the off-road vehicle on the side of the road.

Relying on Long Zhan's precise suppression, the other special police officers in the car finally had enough space. After receiving the order from the black fox, they quickly got out of the car and split up into two groups.

Two people ran to the left side of the road, crawling towards the overturned off-road vehicle.

Others hid on the inside of the car body as a cover, avoiding the heavy machine gun fire,

The renegade police, who had already got out of the car as in the distance, used the armed pickup truck as a cover to open fire, and fired at each other tens of meters away from the road.

The quality of these Ethiopian rebel policemen is certainly not comparable to that of the Kenyan special police.

In addition, there is a "supermodel boss" Long Zhan.

If it is a mutual firefight under the normal configuration, the remaining 5 rebellious Ethiopian policemen will be dealt with by the people of the black fox in less than 3 minutes.

But the rebel policemen in Ethiopia, seeing Long Zhan's precise marksmanship, suddenly became smarter.

Relying on the assault rifles in his hands, two to 300 meters are within the effective range, and he adopts the chicken thief's shy and procrastinating style of play.

The Kenyan police are operating across the border this time, and are restricted by the terms of the agreement signed by the two governments, and are not allowed to carry heavy firearms.

The light machine gun that Long Zhan carried was still the only "amnesty".

All the other Kenyan SWATs, black foxes, and DEA agents were carrying submachine guns, police shotguns, pistols, and the like.

Both submachine guns and pistols use 9mm bullets. Once the distance of this bullet exceeds 50 meters, the kinetic energy and penetrating power will be greatly reduced.

With a distance of more than 80 meters, I am afraid that even the door of the pickup truck will be difficult.

Not to mention shotguns.

This kind of gun is very abnormal at close range. Even wearing body armor can't withstand its huge coverage area. The disadvantage is that the shooting distance is terrible.

The multi-warhead buckshot exceeds 20 meters, and the spread is so large that it depends entirely on luck whether it can be hit.

Totally useless!

Even with the furthest slug, facing a shooting target 70 meters away, there is more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Proper close-range king, long-range waste.

(End of this chapter)

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