Chapter 383 Ruffian Sexy (Seeking Monthly Pass)

There are also smugglers on both sides of the border, who specialize in helping refugees smuggle in for a fee.

Almost every night, there are Somali refugees who cannot bear the suffering of the war and are smuggled from Somalia, and are transferred to various parts of Kenya in this small town.

The time for refugees to smuggle is basically at night, which is why the black fox operates in the middle of the night.

Before the black fox set off from the military base, it not only notified Chief Superintendent Kipsyler to replenish the special police team, but also demanded that a large-scale smuggling arrest operation must be organized in Difu tonight.

Heihu didn't say the reason for the arrest, and other people didn't ask because they were curious.

When Heihu took Long Zhan and others to the playground of the Diff town detention center by helicopter, more than 50 stowaways and smugglers had been arrested here.

He was guarded by more than a dozen border policemen with guns, and squatted on the playground with his head in his hands.

"Officer Glenn, has everyone gathered in this place? We are running out of time, and we need to fly to Dadaab later." Black Fox asked.

"It's all here, sir!" Government Liaison Officer Glenn said affirmatively.

"OK, let's go then."

The black fox took two steps towards the playground, turned around and asked, "Is there any smoke?"

"Yes, sir."

Glenn Ma Liu took out a cigarette and handed it over, and offered to use a lighter to help light the fire.

In the past few days, Heihu and Longzhan have moved from the country of Hippopotamus to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, and have traveled hundreds of kilometers to Liboy to rescue the informant. However, the operation failed and they had to return to Nairobi for hundreds of kilometers.

Immediately afterwards, a cross-border escort operation was launched, and two gun battles were experienced along the way before returning to the military base.

After a short rest for a few hours, he appeared in Difu hundreds of kilometers away.

He has always been in a high-pressure environment, with such high-intensity continuous work, although the black fox didn't say anything, he was actually a little tired.

Smoking can be a good relief.

The black fox took a deep breath and let it out slowly, holding the snow-white cigarette between its slender fingers, and exhaling the smoke with its chin raised slightly, revealing its slender and snow-white neck.

Coquettish beauty, real and sexy.

Even if Long Zhan's concentration is already very strong, he can't help but be dazzled by it for a second.

"Would you like one?"

Long Zhan's self-eye control is very good, the black fox didn't see the strangeness in Long Zhan's eyes, seeing Long Zhan staring at her, he handed over the cigarette case.

"I don't need this thing yet, even if I watch it for two days, it's not a big problem."

Long Zhan shook his head, lacking interest.

Although so many things happened from yesterday to now, and almost gave his life on the road, these things are nothing to Long Zhan.

With Long Zhan's physical fitness and stamina, even without sleep for three days and three nights, it is not a problem to fight all the time.

"I just like a man with good stamina like you."

The black fox winked at Long Zhan ambiguously, put Glenn's pack of cigarettes in his pocket naturally, and walked towards the playground with the cigarette in his mouth.

It's a sad saying, but it's true.

This good-looking person looks pleasing to the eye no matter what he does.

As a woman with a good figure, the black fox, walking with a cigarette in her mouth, looks really feminine.

The ruffian's sexy and strong visual impact are completely deadly poison for men.

Liaison officer Glenn is just an ordinary person, completely attracted by the black fox at this moment, and the expression on his face is the standard Brother Pig.

I'm afraid that at the moment when the black fox asked Glenn to lick her feet, Glenn didn't even bat an eyelid.

Definitely will get down and lick.

"This girl's temperament is indeed unique. Although she is not as beautiful as Stella, nor as mature and stable as Mandy, but this rascal's temperament is really rare. If you can taste it, it must taste good."

Long Zhan followed behind on the left side, looking at the three-dimensional side face of the black fox, coupled with the lingering smoke from time to time.

Men have all the flirtatious thoughts, and couldn't help but rage in their hearts.

Among the smugglers and smugglers sitting on the playground, there are young and strong men, women nervously holding children, and ruthless characters with weird tattoos all over their bodies, but there are no old people who are too old.

Heihu, Long Zhan and Glenn came over and caught the attention of these people.

Most of the eyes are puzzled, and some are amazed at the black fox.

"Sir, my name is Chahad. I am in charge of this place. It is an honor to meet you."

The senior team leader in charge of this arrest saw the black fox leading people approaching, and took the initiative to trot over to say hello.

"What to do, you know." Black Fox asked.

"I know, of course I know, I have received the notice from above, and everything is under your command. If you need me to do something, just say it."

"I need to talk to the person who smuggled into Dadabu. Others are useless to me. You can take them away." The black fox said bluntly.

"Accepted, sir!"

The senior team leader Chahad looked at the playground, gestured to a team leader, and said while nodding: "Ur, keep this group, this group, and that group, and take the others away immediately. "

"Okay, sir."

The stocky policeman named Ur stood at attention and saluted, and shouted to the police officers in each group: "Pay attention, listen carefully, groups A, D, and C stay where they are, and take everyone else away.

Repeat, only the stowaways from Groups A, D, and C are required to stay. "

The dozen or so police officers who heard the order immediately started to get busy, taking advantage of the stowaways sitting on the ground to take away everything they didn't need.

Soon, there were less than 20 people left.

"Running so far without sleep in the middle of the night, are we looking for someone? Or is there some other purpose?" I couldn't help asking curiously.

"You'll find out soon enough."

The black fox sold off mysteriously, and strode towards the stowaways and snakeheads who had left behind.

"If you don't want to be sent to jail or deported, I need you to answer me a few questions. If any of you can satisfy all my questions, I can allow you to stay in Kenya legally."

The black fox's opening was Wang Zha, and the enthusiasm of all the stowaways was instantly mobilized.

"First of all, the first question, those who can understand what I just said, please raise your right hand."

Although the official languages ​​of Somalia are Somali and Arabic, because the pronunciation of Somali is roughly the same as that of English, and it was once completely colonized by the British, some people have been "westernized".

Therefore, some people in Somalia mainly communicate in English or know a little English.

Whether it is the stowaways who were caught or the smugglers who made money by smuggling, almost all of them belong to black households who have no identity and stay in Kenya illegally.

(End of this chapter)

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