The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 389 Small goal, earn it 3 million first

Chapter 389 Small Goal, Earn [-] Million First (Seeking Monthly Pass)

No matter how much the commission for accepting the task is, how much money can be easily made in the task, that is the "core consideration" for choosing the task by oneself in the future.

As for how to launder the money, it can be used legally in the end.

Leave it alone, take it back and talk about it.

After finding a group of reliable people, go to Afghanistan to get back the 1000 million buried in the ground, and then find a money laundering company to clean it up again.

Long Zhan's unscrupulous behavior of making money looks like a money-greedy ghost who is extremely greedy for money.

Not so.

Long Zhan is not obsessed with money, money is just a tool he uses to achieve his goals, he needs money to pave a broad road leading to his life dream.

Opening a private military contracting company that is legally armed with weapons comparable to Blackwater, KBR, DynCorp International, and Fluor is Long Zhan's first goal in life.

And starting a private military contracting company costs more money than other companies.

Without tens of millions of dollars, there is no threshold at all.

Money is the only way to dream. In order to achieve his life goals, Long Zhan must do everything possible to make money.

And set a small goal for this-

Get him 5000 million dollars first!

With the 5000 million U.S. dollars and more than 3 million RMB, Long Zhan is qualified to talk about his dream and become a decent "war boulder".


The convoy ran overnight for five or six hours, and successfully entered the Nairobi Police Headquarters.

The target of the No. [-] arrest plan, Mukhtar Wushou, was handed over to Chief Superintendent Kipsil, which also announced the official completion of the Black Fox contract.

The rest of the work, such as prosecuting Mukhtar Wushou, shutting down the Red Wave International Transportation Company, cutting off the drug transportation line, etc., no longer need the anti-drug consultant Black Fox to intervene.

Kenyan law enforcement and Interpol will take over and deal with it.

Finally, this round of anti-drug missions was over, Heihu and Long Zhan were completely relieved, and both returned to the hotel to rest under the lingering fatigue.

Early morning on day 2.

Long Zhan packed up his things and planned to go back, but he failed because Heihu knocked on the door and entered.

Heihu didn't come to say goodbye to Long Zhan, but brought a new contract, and it was a new contract that had to be continued.

Long Zhan was not very happy at first, this kind of front foot just completed a task, and then came another contract.

It's almost exhausting rhythm.

For a period of time, he has been doing continuous high-intensity work. Even though Long Zhan has a good physique, he is really tired at this time.

Although Long Zhan really wants to make money, he also understands the importance of combining work and rest.

He doesn't want to waste his money!
But there is a direct connection between the new contract and his old contract, the No. [-] arrest plan, and he can't get rid of it even if he wants to.

Of course, there is one thing to say.

The most important thing is that the black fox gave too much.

As long as Long Zhan helps her complete the follow-up tasks, after the completion of the task, Long Zhan will be paid 50 in one lump sum, which is 50 after tax.

have to say.

The CIA is really rich and self-willed.

Unlike the Sixth Division of the Secret Service of the DG Black Team, who only paid 10 US dollars for such a dangerous transnational anti-drug mission.

I heard that the commission is $50...

After two seconds of "difficult" consideration, Long Zhan "very reluctantly" reached a cooperation with Black Fox.

He also said solemnly: "People like me don't care about money at all, I agree to accept this task, it's all for your face.

If someone else interrupts me to go home and enjoy life, I kick him out. "

Long Zhan's acting skills were really good, Heihu didn't see anything tricky at all, and only agreed after hearing Long Zhan's style for her sake.

In addition to being moved by the original goodwill, he hugged Long Zhan's stepping foot and gave him a kiss on the spot.

The beauties are as passionate as fire, and no one will be rejected in the dragon war.


3:[-] noon the next day!
Because of dealing with the fight, the "True Fragrance King" Long Zhan and Heihu, who set off a whole day late, arrived at the US military base in Djibouti by plane.

A camp in the M8 area was temporarily set up specifically to deal with this emergency.

It was Colonel Davis who received the two of them, and was also responsible for providing all the help they needed in the next operation.

The identities of Long Zhan and Heihu on this trip also changed again.

From an anti-narcotics consultant in Kenya, he turned into an anti-terrorism expert specially dispatched by the Ministry of Defense to deal with this terrorist incident.

And also has a military rank.

Heihu is the major and Long Zhan is the lieutenant.

Davis took the two to the command center and handed over the latest video materials to the two.

After reading the latest relevant documents and materials, I only got a general idea of ​​the Dragon War, but finally I know the specific content of this military contract.


The "system" raw materials provided by the Black Triangle region of Africa are cheap. After this period of cooperation, the major drug lords in Mexico have tasted the sweetness of it.

Making money is naturally more and more addictive, more and more crazy.

After learning the news of Mukhtar Wushou's arrest, the major drug lords in Mexico realized that the transportation line of the black triangle had been completely cut off.

In the future, if you want to obtain large quantities of raw materials for drug production, you can only obtain them from other drug production areas.

The loss caused by this is very large.

In addition, during this period of time, the U.S. government is implementing a super anti-drug plan on a global scale-the global anti-drug operation.

A large number of personnel have been sent to cooperate with various countries to launch a global anti-drug operation.

Long Zhan and Black Fox's trip to Kenya are just one of them.

In this thoughtful anti-drug operation, in just a few weeks, big lords in Mexico, Brazil and other places suffered heavy losses.


The big owls in Mexico, Brazil and other places, who fell into extremely passive hysteria, all focused their anger on the Bald Eagle Country.

Decided to work hard with the U.S. government to force the U.S. government to stop the global anti-drug operation.

Since Mukhtar Wushou was arrested, and in just two days now, the big drug lords have sent several groups of terrorists to launch two terrorist attacks in the territory of Bald Eagle.

Among the information provided by Colonel Davis, there are more than a dozen video surveillance files, which can clearly see the process of the two attacks.

The first time it happened was when Mukhtar Wushou was arrested. In less than 5 hours, the Bald Eagle Border Patrol captured a group of stowaways from Mexico in the Laredo area.

Every year, tens of thousands of people in Mexico are smuggled into the territory of the Bald Eagle to live.

The Border Patrol thought it was the same as before, just a group of ordinary smugglers, and didn't take it too seriously. They just drove them together in a car, and planned to arrest them all and send them to the Immigration Bureau for custody.

They never expected that there was actually a human bomb hidden in this group of smugglers.



There was a violent explosion, and big pits were blown out of the ground.

In addition to the death of the human bomber on the spot, five smugglers and three border policemen were also killed and injured on the spot.

The second terrorist attack took place in the city, and its impact was more terrifying than the first.

It happened to be seven o'clock in the evening. In a large supermarket that specially hired security guards, many people who hadn't eaten dinner or had finished dinner were shopping in it, which happened to be the peak period for the largest number of buyers.

And at this juncture, through the camera on the telephone pole on the street, three men with expressionless faces and loose vests and coats can be seen walking into the supermarket.

Then less than 1 minute!

Three consecutive violent explosions sounded, with an interval of less than three seconds between them. The originally peaceful and lively supermarket was turned into ruins.

The shattered glass flew dozens of meters outside the door, black smoke from the explosion spewed out, and all kinds of horrified screams were unconscious.

The raging flames soared into the sky.

Long Zhan can clearly see from the video that a young mother holding a child has just walked out of the glass door of the supermarket less than one meter away.

He was blown away more than ten meters by the sudden terrifying blast from behind.

Fell to the ground, life and death unknown!
"To say that these people are crazy is really fucking insulting the word crazy. They are lunatics, lunatics who will do anything for money."

After watching the videos of these two terrorist attacks, Long Zhan couldn't help but get chills down his back.

I can't imagine what kind of horror scene it is when you are living a carefree life and suddenly you are attacked by a group of lunatic suicide bombers.

No matter what kind of person they are, they probably don't want to encounter such a horrible misfortune.

Thinking that he was going to deal with such a lunatic this time, Long Zhan seemed to have returned to his military days, his blood factor was almost dissipated and re-condensed, making him want to do something so urgently never before.

Soldiers have borders, but counter-terrorism has no borders.

After the two terrorist attack videos, there were many related reports, including a state TV news report that reported the incident in detail.

A total of 15 civilians were killed, including two children, and more than 50 people were injured.

There is also a domineering and severe condemnation speech issued by the Secretary of Defense of the US government, that is, Benjamin Reed, who was protected by Long Zhan before, at the press conference held for the first time.

"We are committed to recovering and rescuing the wounded, we face this tragedy with the families of the victims, and we are equally determined to prevent another attack.

On behalf of the government, I am telling our attackers that your bombs do not scare us, but empower us, authorize us to retaliate against you with the true terror, the mighty power of the Bald Eagle military.

No matter what means you use, the global anti-drug program initiated by our bald eagle government will not only not be stopped by your bombs.

And under the budget of 30 billion US dollars already invested, more budget will be further added.

The US government will let you know that we are not afraid of any threat, any enemy will be defeated by us, and we will do our best to maintain world peace. 』

(End of this chapter)

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