The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 392 The Darkest Frontier City

Chapter 392 The Darkest Frontier City

"Fuck, it's not really about to explode."

Although Long Zhan had seen the cold-blooded side of the black fox, he also doubted whether the combat department in this base would really bomb a house of a pirate leader just because of an order from the black fox.

And the truth is...

The terrorist attack that happened this time really angered the Bald Eagle government completely.

So much so that for revenge, it can do whatever it takes.

2 minutes passed!

In the interrogation room, which was so quiet that breathing could be heard, a piercing explosion suddenly came to mind, and the source of the sound came from the computer on the desk.

The house in the middle of the computer screen has disappeared from the middle of the screen at this time, leaving only the dust and smoke soaring into the sky.

With this power scale, at least it is a ground-to-ground missile.


The luck in his heart was completely shattered. Barry, who witnessed the instant death of his family, wailed in anger and grief, and at the same time spoke a large section of dialect that he could not understand.

"Uh, it actually exploded?"

Long Zhan was dumbfounded.

Whether it's in the SEALs or DG, special forces like Long Zhan will be subject to various restrictions every time they go out to perform missions.

What rules of engagement, what battlefield master, what cultural support team...

All kinds of constraints, simply can not let go.

As a result, it was a different viewing experience when he arrived at the Black Fox. There were no such miscellaneous constraints at all, and he could do whatever he wanted with one command.

If you want to blow up, you can blow up, if you want to kill, you can kill.

What a first-level combat unit like DG can't do, the black fox can handle it casually with one order, and the authenticity of Long Zhan is really shocked.

No wonder the CIA is tabooed all over the world. It turns out that they really do whatever they want.

Compared with the subversion of Long Zhan's world view, Barry fell into grief after witnessing the death of his relatives, but the black fox who personally gave the bombing order was still very calm.

And switch the computer screen again to open a new satellite real-time screen.

It is also a house, also a villa, and also has a swimming pool, but the area is more than half smaller than the previous one.

The black fox tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and said in an unhurried manner: "Barry, you have an enviable big family, with many brothers and sisters, and several wives.

It's a pity that you entered the wrong business, offended people who shouldn't be offended, and you were stubborn and unwilling to cooperate.

I know there is no way to kill them all at once, but I have plenty of time, what happened just now is just the beginning, I can take it one by one slowly.

I believe that there will always be one of them that will make you willing to say the answer I want. You can look at it now, it is said to be your first wife, I..."

"no, do not want."

Barry was already on the verge of collapse when he saw the first big villa being bombed.

Hearing that the black fox would continue to blow up until all his relatives were killed, he finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Howled and shouted: "Stop, you devil, I can tell you whatever you want to ask, please let my family go."

"Very good, very good, your first wife can survive."

The black fox smiled brightly.


The pirate leader Barry couldn't hold on to the interrogation, so he honestly explained everything.

The black fox connected the information to the base's intranet, connected to the CIA, and checked all the information online, and finally got the answer he wanted.

These human bombers are not amateurs, but professionally trained terrorists.

From the "Karazan Training Camp" in Yemen.

This training camp is funded by a large international consortium, mainly in war-torn and extremely impoverished areas, with food and housing, high commissions, or religious brainwashing such as being able to be reborn in heaven after death, tricking and tricking some students into recruiting.

Finally, after various brainwashing trainings, the trainees are turned into qualified "leftover" fighters.

Then, at prices ranging from hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars, they are sold to needy groups and organizations around the world as human bombs.

It can also be called a "dead man"!
After a long period of brainwashing, these people have completely subverted their values ​​and thinking patterns.

Not only is he not afraid of death, but he regards death as a kind of sublimation, and believes that if he can pull more people to blew himself up and be buried with him, he will gain a higher status by the Lord's side after death.

Or when you reincarnate in your next life, you can reincarnate into a richer family, and you don't have to live in poverty like this life.


They don't care who they do things for, or what the salary is.

After coming out of the training camp, they can only do one thing, and can only carry out one order, and that is to strap bombs all over their bodies to create a suicide attack that can kill more people.

The two terrorist attacks in the United States and the border, the personnel are from the Karazhan training camp.

And the ship that paid tolls to the pirate leader Barry and transported four "human bombs" to Mexico was called the Lavilado.

This is a Mexican-flagged international cargo ship, registered under the name of Horus Holding Company in Mexico, and the owner of this company is the biggest monopoly in Mexico——

Horus Duru!
Now that the identity of the terrorist attacker has been known, and the man behind the scenes has also been confirmed, it is reasonable to contact the Mexican state department to start a joint arrest operation.


In fact, it can't do that.

The information obtained from Barry, the interrogation process was not made public or videotaped, and legally cannot be used as evidence in court.

Since there is no hard evidence that can be produced, it is impossible to obtain the support of the Mexican government.


Even if the black fox knew who was behind the scenes, she, an American, would not be able to use open armed forces to capture Horus Duru across the border.

Second, and most important.

Everyone knows that Horus Dulu is the biggest monopoly in Mexico, and the Mexican government is even clearer, but why hasn't he been arrested so far?

the reason is simple.

Horus is so powerful that there is no way to move him.

Mexico is a highly corrupt country, and the black hand of the monopoly gang has penetrated deep into the government system, and the armed forces are even better than the army.

As the biggest monopoly, Horus Dulu also owns a large group with dozens of companies.

Proper big entrepreneur!
Horus Dulu, who is the king of both black and white, has such strong personal strength, naturally there are more people protecting him in secret.

As long as there is no direct evidence to prove it, and it is the kind of close-up human voice simultaneous video recording, it is so iron that there is no way to do any whitewashing evidence.

Horus Dulu was involved in a terrorist attack, and Mexican law enforcement would not have caught him.

Not only will they not catch him, but they will even protect him.

And at the level of Horus Duru, it is impossible to go down to the front line to trade in person, and he does not need to participate in all illegal things.

All it takes is a look, a small hint, and a lot of younger brothers will help him with it.

Hard evidence is impossible!
No matter how powerful the U.S. government is, or how long the CIA's tentacles extend around the world, there is nothing they can do about Horus Dulu across a country.

Finally, and most importantly, a point clearly emphasized in the contract.


The Bald Eagle government doesn't want to catch Horus Dulu, but wants to kill chickens and monkeys with bloody means.Retaliation dares to target organizations and groups in the United States.

Deterrence with thunder strikes.

This also means that arresting Horus and judging him with the law is not "worthy" at all. Horus must die tragically to serve as an example to others.

It's very American!

It is precisely this vengeful heart to kill chickens and monkeys that the U.S. government will not give up even if there is insufficient evidence.

When the black fox uploaded the interrogation materials, a certain boss of the US government who contacted the black fox had an urgent consultation with the staff.

Soon a very ruthless idea, a completely unconventional action plan was born.

After reading the plan given by the Bald Eagle government, Long Zhan understood how many international rules he could ignore and how terrifying he could be if the ruler of the Bald Eagle government felt revengeful.

Using practical actions to show Long Zhan what is called the real "hegemonic thought".


This afternoon!

The base arranged for a military transport plane to transport Long Zhan and Black Fox from the Djibouti military base directly to Washington, D.C. in the United States.

The first landing is the capital of the center of political power, and a senior government official secretly received the black fox.

It can be seen that the US government attaches great importance to this matter.

Long Zhan also took advantage of the convenience of this special plane, taking advantage of the time when Heihu went to meet senior government officials, and took the time to deal with the black money obtained in the mission.

There are special planes sent by the government to fly around, which can be regarded as providing convenience for making black money.

Then the two of them transferred to a small charter plane and arrived overnight at the border city between Bald Eagle and Mexico, the darkest border city in Texas——

And the whole process, from the airport to the final hotel check-in, Long Zhan and Heihu didn't go through any visas or formalities.

Under normal circumstances, the identities of both of them belonged to proper black households, and they entered the country illegally.

However, the two had no worries along the way, and no one came to check them out. They still enjoyed the highest-standard private plane.

In fact, this is not a high-level treatment.

Because the purpose of this arrangement is to prevent Long Zhan and Black Fox from leaving any traces in the United States during the entire mission.

So that once the plan fails this time, or if something unexpected happens in the middle and is revealed, the U.S. government can easily get rid of it and stay out of it.

Of course, it cannot be denied.

It also indirectly protects Long Zhan and Black Fox.

This method of "disappearing traces" made Long Zhan and Heihu smoothly become transparent people.

The next thing the two of them are going to do, if everything goes according to plan and nothing goes wrong, they will not face any charges for it.

Even if the two of them did something that seriously violated the laws of Mexico.

(End of this chapter)

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