The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 394 Unlocking "Private Arms Broker"

Chapter 394 Unlocking "Private Arms Broker"

"It's really interesting that such a dignified deputy minister of defense will also participate in this kind of gray operation."

Looking at this big boss who often appeared on TV and talked about justice, Long Zhan couldn't help but sigh that the world is really wonderful.

On Long Zhan's side, he lamented the face of politicians, but Heihu seemed to be accustomed to it.

"Whatever you need us to do, we will do it, what to do, just tell us."

The black fox knows that politicians need a mask of hypocrisy. In domestic terms, they just sit on such a watch, and they have to set up a memorial arch for themselves to praise.

Therefore, the answer was very straightforward, completely dispelling their worries.

"The territory of the drug trafficking group is relatively stable at present, which is very inconvenient for us to operate. You are anti-terrorism experts who know better than us. Do you have any good ideas?"

The middle-aged black policeman in police uniform asked questions in a relatively modest way.

The black fox and Mrs. K looked at each other, and got feedback from Mrs. K's eyes.

He said without hesitation: "I know the Mexican separatist group very well. Killing the leader of a separatist group will not have any effect at all. It will not be enough to provoke internal strife, but will only end the internal strife.

It will even cause a large independence group to split and evolve into five, ten, or even more new independence groups, which will give us even more headaches.

For this special situation, I can't think of any better ideas. For now, the plan you have formulated is the most feasible. "

After listening to the black fox's speech, Deputy Minister Philip frowned.

Shen Sheng said: "The split of the monopoly group is exactly what we are worried about, and it will become uncontrollable. Therefore, this matter must be carried out by the two of you, and there must be no mistakes."

Mrs. K and the organization behind him determined the main line of action this time, trying to find a way to make the Mexican separatist groups fight among themselves, and then let them fight among themselves.

At that time, we will join hands with the Mexican government departments, and the law enforcement agencies of the two countries will join hands to "reap the benefits of the fisherman".

As for how to make drug dealers fight among themselves, they thought of a very "legal" method. The advantage is that once it succeeds, it can "ignite the war on drug dealers" smoothly. The disadvantage is that it must be kept strictly confidential.

Because even if a little bit of information leaked out, it would cause a major international disturbance.

What the government wants to do but is inconvenient to do is entrusted to Long Zhan and Heihu, who have excellent handling skills and have already done the aftermath work in advance.

In this way, it can not only ensure a sufficient combat level, but also ensure a high degree of completion of tasks, and reduce its own risks.

Compared with directly dispatching national military agencies, this kind of spending money is obviously based on cost performance.

Long Zhan has now become a "black household". This mission is also paid by you, so I have nothing to say, so I asked straight to the point: "Do you have the detailed address of Horus Dulu?"

"Not yet!"

Mrs. K shook her head, then said, "But his child is already under our surveillance and can act at any time."

"Is he just a child?"

When the black fox asked this question, his brows furrowed visibly.

"Yes, just this one," replied Mrs. K.

"How old is this year?" the black fox continued to ask.

"16 is old."

"16 years old?"

The black fox frowned even deeper, and the conference room suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

"As the saying goes, wives and children are worse than disasters. It is indeed a bit inhumane to drag his daughter into this plan, but it is also the only way, hey."

Long Zhan secretly sighed, unable to evaluate the right or wrong of this matter.

Because it is impossible to evaluate.

The father is a lord who has harmed countless people. Although the daughter is not involved in the father's business, she is in such a family after all.

Now that he has enjoyed a rich life, it is inevitable to face special events.

The world is fair, there are gains and losses.

The only thing Long Zhan can think of now is within its control range, that is, try to be gentler when the time comes, and don't hurt the little girl too much.

After all, it was her father who committed the crime!
Black Fox itself is a woman, and she is more sensitive to the topic of women's identity. It is because this action involves a 16-year-old girl that her brows are frowned.

Otherwise, with her fierce and decisive personality, she wouldn't be moved at all.

This kind of task method is completely illegal, but it can only be done in order to achieve the goal. Everyone present here is a respectable person, and none of them told the truth because they couldn't hold back their face.

The meeting room became very quiet for a while.

After nearly 1 minute.

"Kidnapping the king's only princess, the king is indeed likely to start a war, so now there is one last question left, can you guarantee that the king's anger will be directed to other drug cartels?"

After this brief ideological conflict, the black fox finally made his own choice and raised the most important key points.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about these issues. The follow-up matters have already been arranged."

Philip Morton replied in the affirmative.

Then he turned his gaze to the middle-aged black man in military uniform, indicating that he would do the rest.

The middle-aged general received the minister's idea, and made a decision that had been discussed in advance, and said to Long Zhan and Heihu: "Operation personnel can only be hired by yourself, and the equipment, materials and air support (including communications) you need can only be hired by yourself." To find outsiders.

We can only provide you with access and funds, and handle logistics related work.

I don't need to remind you, you must know how much trouble it will cause if this matter is exposed, so this matter has nothing to do with us.

As long as you cross the US-Mexico border, everything you do is your personal behavior, understand? "

As long as you don't have a negative IQ, you can understand the meaning of the middle-aged general's words.

Heihu and Longzhan are naturally very clear!

To put it simply, they are responsible for providing funds, solving entry procedures, negotiating with the Mexican government, and various intelligence materials, etc.

The only thing is that no law enforcement force will be sent out, or even one person or piece of equipment will be taken out to join the action.

The advantage of doing this is that it is easy to get out.

Because these things they provide are virtual objects without real existence, and the traces can be easily erased.

And if troops and equipment were sent, if they were left behind and died in Mexico, that would all become evidence.

"Worthy of being a national-level pot-throwing master, he is impeccable in doing things."

Long Zhan secretly lamented that he was really convinced by the US government's technology of throwing blame.

Black Fox is used to this kind of thing. As an agent, she will be abandoned when the mission fails, but there are some things she must say first.

"I can agree to any of your conditions, but if you want this matter to be done, I need you to allow me to make some... small deals with other people."

For this small transaction, the black fox deliberately paused for a few breaths, which represented an unusual transaction.

Hiding means that the people and equipment I want may enter the United States through illegal channels, and I hope that I can turn a blind eye to it.

For example, the weapons needed for this operation must not be available through formal channels.

Although the laws of each state in the United States are different, in the field of civilian firearms, the restrictions are very strict, and fully automatic weapons cannot be sold at all.

If the black fox wants to get fully automatic weapons at that time, it must go through illegal channels.

Minister Philip knew what the black fox meant, and he smiled knowingly, and replied in a way that said: "That's why I asked you to come here. It's not so easy for others to report."

The meaning of the minister's words is very clear, that is, he secretly acquiesced in all the actions of the black fox.

At this point in the discussion, the meeting is basically over.

Following up on some details of the plan, after some detailed exchanges, all the participants dispersed, and the black fox made a mysterious phone call.

Then he took Long Zhan to the city center, a high-end private winery.

On the way, Heihu told Long Zhan that she and the owner of the winery were friends and had worked together before.

Both belong to the senior agent of the CIA, the name is Rudolf Giger.

Later, his friend got tired of staying in the CIA, and because of his good eloquence and good at socializing, he accumulated enough contacts at work.

So he switched careers and became a private military broker, mainly operating in South America.

Broker: usually refers to a person who introduces transactions for others and earns commissions, remuneration, and intermediary fees.

Brokers are also called middlemen, pimps, etc., in almost all industries involved, and every industry has a broker who carries the basket in the middle.

Between private military brokers and ordinary brokers, the way of working is similar.

All they do is buy and sell without cost, pulling in the middle, and pulling the buyer and the seller together.

The difference between private military brokers is that the business they introduce is not food and drink, but personnel and equipment related to military warfare.

Put it bluntly.

It is to introduce business to arms dealers and customers, and to introduce high-quality arms dealers to customers.

Because the ammunition is a special thing, it contains huge benefits, and at the same time, it is more sensitive because the ammunition is a war item.

Therefore, without a wide enough network of contacts, it is impossible to get along in this line of work.

on the other hand.

Those who can survive in this line of work will definitely not be ordinary characters.

For this "fishing plan" led by Black Fox and Long Zhan, the U.S. government does not provide personnel and equipment, but only provides assistance such as passes and financial information.

If you want to successfully form an action team, you need an excellent private military broker in the middle.

If it is handed over to Long Zhan, a veteran of special warfare, and a newcomer in the PMC industry, he will definitely have a dark eye, and he will not know where to get people and equipment.

After all, selling this kind of thing is very secretive, and even if the relationship is not good enough, even if you know the phone number, it will not be useful to call.

(End of this chapter)

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