The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 399 Kidnapping We Are the Most Professional

Chapter 399 Kidnapping, we are the most professional (seeking a monthly ticket)
The captain of the bodyguard sitting in the co-pilot took out his mobile phone and checked that the network signal was indeed disconnected. He thought it was a problem with the car's on-board network.

He took out the walkie-talkie and asked, "Car No. 1, check your mobile phone signal and network signal."

"Report, no signal!"

Hearing the report from the vehicle in front, the captain of the bodyguard realized that something was wrong, and quickly yelled through the walkie-talkie: "Speed ​​up now, we may be in trouble."

There are three processes for bodyguards to protect their employers: first, find a way to leave the area, if you cannot leave, then protect and evade, and if you cannot evade, it is a defensive battle.

Because as long as there is a fight, it may bring danger to the employer, which is against the principle of bodyguard protection.

The captain of the bodyguard accelerated to leave immediately, which was a very correct choice.

No matter how calm Sophia's character is, after all, she is only a 16-year-old girl who has not stepped into the society. It still takes time to accumulate calmness and experience.

Hearing that the captain of the bodyguard said that he was in trouble, his expression obviously became flustered and nervous.

The family background is different, the identity is different, and the thoughts at the first time when encountering an accident are also different.

All Sophia thinks about is kidnapping, shooting...

The captain of the bodyguard reacted very quickly, and the driver of the first commercial vehicle was also very good, so he accelerated and honked his horn immediately to escape.

However, the location of the school is far from the urban area, and the streets are not very wide.

When the leading commercial vehicle's accelerator pedal is at the end, it is ready to rush out of this street and enter the main road with wider and more complicated road surface, which is conducive to escape.

A car parked on the side of the road suddenly exploded like a powder keg.

The powerful explosion energy was released wantonly, and the leading commercial vehicle passing by was affected, and was overturned on the spot and slid out on the road.

Sparks splashed from rubbing against the ground all the way, and it happened to be blocked in the middle of the street.

The leading car was attacked and overturned, blocking the road, followed by Sophia's business car, which had to stop suddenly with a sudden brake.

The attack seemed to be prepared, and the captain of the bodyguard felt an unprecedented threat.

He didn't bother to rescue the bodyguards in the bombed and overturned car, and only wanted to take Sophia out of here, so he yelled at the driver to reverse the car immediately.

First, the car in front exploded, and then the car was filled with shouts from the captain of the bodyguard.

Sophia was frightened and turned pale.

The captain of the bodyguard's reaction was indeed fast enough. The driver immediately stepped on the brakes when he heard the order, and quickly put the reverse gear on to prepare to reverse the car.

But this was a premeditated attack, and since it was premeditated, it was impossible to leave a way out.

The Chevrolet commercial vehicle just backed up less than one meter, and the off-road vehicle that followed from the school gate not only did not stop, but stepped on the floor oil.


The head of the off-road vehicle slammed into the rear of the commercial vehicle, and the glass of both vehicles was shattered.

The airbags in the commercial vehicle all popped out, and the bodyguard in the car was stuck for a while and couldn't move for a while, but the moon car with a damaged reflective front had no airbags.

Obviously the off-road vehicle has been specially modified and not just stolen from somewhere.

The road ahead has been blocked, and the rear is blocked by off-road vehicles. The commercial vehicle has nowhere to escape, and even the bodyguards are panicking with airbags.

At this juncture where the defense is weakest, the real attacker finally showed up.

The perfect calculation arrived at the precise position, and the Ford van parked on the left side of the Chevrolet commercial vehicle, the door was pulled open with a snort.

When the car door was opened, no one came out, but a black gun barrel sticking out.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp..."

The bullets from the muzzle of the gun swept over, and the left window of the Chevrolet commercial vehicle was shattered.

The driver, who was restricted by the airbag, was shot to death before he could dodge anything.

Then two strong men with grimacing hoods and two guns jumped out of the car.

With the strong man coming out of the off-road vehicle at the back, they formed a very professional front and rear flanking formation, keeping their bodies always behind the B-pillar and C-pillar of the commercial vehicle.

A strong man with a pistol got out of the van and quickly checked the interior of the car from an angle.

It was confirmed that the driver in the car was dead, and there were no other bodyguards in the back seat, only Sophia, whose pupils dilated from fright but did not scream.

He put the gun on the head of the bodyguard captain with one hand, reached into the shattered window with the other hand, and pressed the release button to unlock the door.


The two people who came up from behind followed closely, grabbed the door handle and opened the rear door.

A grimace with only two eyes exposed appeared in front of Sophia, who had her feet on the car seat and hugged her chest, her face was full of fear.

Seeing the big man with a grimace appearing out of nowhere, he opened the car door and dragged her hand out forcibly. Sophia finally lost her composure.

She was so frightened that she kept screaming and yelling for help.

Pedestrians on the road had already been frightened and fled here and there when the explosion happened, and no one dared to approach the scene of the incident.

The only bodyguards who could protect her, 5 of them were sitting in the first commercial vehicle that opened the way, were bombed beyond recognition at this time.

The leaked gasoline has been ignited, and a raging flame has been burned.

The bodyguards in the car are hard to survive.

Among the remaining two bodyguards, the bodyguard in charge of driving the second commercial vehicle had just been shot dead.

The captain of the bodyguard sitting in the co-pilot was wounded. Facing the pistol on his forehead, he raised his hands and dared not make any movements.

Don't talk about saving Sophia, you can't even protect yourself.

No one could come to help, even though Sophia shouted for help with all her strength, and made her last struggle while digging on the car door with both hands.

However, as a young girl, she always has small arms and legs.

In school, with his brains and a ruthless body, he can still take advantage of his fat classmates, compared to the 1-meter grimacing big guy in front of him.

Sophia's struggle was really too weak.

In the end, she was forcibly dragged out by a strong man in a ghost mask, lifted her up like a doll, carried her on his shoulders, let her feet and hands hop around, and forcibly brought her into a Ford van on the side of the road.

The driver, who had been waiting in the car for a long time, cooperated skillfully with the big man in the grimace mask.

A ball was forcefully stuffed into Sophia's mouth, and there was a strap on each side of the ball, which was wrapped around the back of her head and buckled up.

Sophia's yell of terror turned into a whimper stuck in her throat.

The hands are tied behind the back with tape handcuffs, and then a piece of tape is passed through the waistband of the skirt at the back, and it is connected with the tape that binds the hands to fix it.

Even if you have bone shrinking skills in this way of binding, you can't turn your hands from the back to the front of your body.

Then tie up the feet wearing high socks with plastic straps.

After Sophia lost the ability to shout, she lost any ability to move.

In the end, even the big round eyes full of fear were covered by a pair of black eye masks, and even the ears were covered with earphones, and only the harsh heavy metal music could be heard.

Hearing, vision, sensory ability, mobility ability, language ability...

Take it all away!
The entire kidnapping process was extremely skillful, and it only took less than 20 seconds.

Sophia was completely disconnected from the outside world, and could only squirm weakly in the back seat, ushering in her life journey as a meat ticket.

The grimacing hooded man who had done all this walked quickly to the front of the Chevrolet commercial vehicle that was hit and stopped.

The only surviving bodyguard captain, under the deterrence of two hooded men carrying guns, has been fastened to the co-pilot's door by a pair of metal handcuffs.

"Tell your boss, Horus Dulu, this is the fate of offending us Tallo, let him say goodbye to his daughter forever at home."

The big man with a grimace left a message to the captain of the bodyguard viciously, and then took a group of masked men into the car, started the car and quickly disappeared on the street.

More than an hour later!
The Honda off-road vehicle carrying the masked Dahanmen drove into a small private civilian airport.

The reason why the original Ford van was changed to this Honda off-road vehicle is that the car has been changed twice on the road.

Every time I change cars, I avoid the monitoring probe, which is enough to ensure that I will not be followed afterwards.

Just like Mr. Luo, a law teacher at a certain station, said, if he commits a crime, with his understanding of the law, he will definitely be able to commit a perfect crime.

The Long Zhan and his party who carried out the kidnapping have the world's top anti-terrorism security technology.

How to kidnap perfectly, they know better than any kidnapper.

What is a professional?

This is!
The commercial vehicle had just stopped, and a middle-aged man who had been waiting here for a long time said to the headed man with a grimace: "The plane has parked on the runway, the car stays here, and we will take care of the rest."

These people are broker Rudolf Giger, specially arranged "logistics" personnel.


The big man with a grimace made a gesture, and the commercial vehicle accelerated and went straight to the runway ahead.

After stopping next to a private jet, Dragon Zhan in Grimace Helmets picked up Sophia and took the lead into the plane along the boarding stairs.

Waiting for the other four big men with hoods to come to the plane with their own weapons and equipment.

The plane that had already started the engine and completed the warm-up, put away the boarding ladder and began to accelerate, and soon rushed out of the runway and flew towards the north where the white United States is located.

It wasn't until the moment the plane took off that Long Zhan and his party took off the headgear.

Throughout the kidnapping process, no one knew their true identities.

(End of this chapter)

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